Raster Band
A raster band is represented in GDAL with the GDALRasterBand class. It represents a single raster band/channel/layer. It does not necessarily represent a whole image. For instance, a 24bit RGB image would normally be represented as a dataset with three bands, one for red, one for green and one for blue.
Gdal 中数据以Dataset为基础,具体的栅格数据值被存储在这个Dataset的Band对象之中,一个Dataset可以存储多个Band对象。例如RGB色彩模型的图象,在GDAL的数据模型中被认为是一个拥有3个波段(分别对应R\G\B)的Dataset。
A raster band has the following properties:
A width and height in pixels and lines. This is the same as that defined for the dataset, if this is a full resolution band.
该值在C#中通过Band.XSize, Band.YSize获取
A datatype (GDALDataType). One of Byte, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, Float32, Float64, and the complex types CInt16, CInt32, CFloat32, and CFloat64.
A block size. This is a preferred (efficient) access chunk size. For tiled images this will be one tile. For scanline oriented images this will normally be one scanline.
A list of name/value pair metadata in the same format as the dataset, but of information that is potentially specific to this band.
An optional description string.
An optional single nodata pixel value (see also NODATA_VALUES metadata on the dataset for multi-band style nodata values).
An optional nodata mask band marking pixels as nodata or in some cases transparency as discussed in RFC 15: Band Masks.
An optional list of category names (effectively class names in a thematic image).
An optional minimum and maximum value.
An optional offset and scale for transforming raster values into meaning full values (i.e. translate height to meters).
An optional raster unit name. For instance, this might indicate linear units for elevation data.
A color interpretation for the band. This is one of:
A color table, described in more detail later.
Knowledge of reduced resolution overviews (pyramids) if available.