## 下面命令都是以root用户执行
## 查看内核版本
uname -a
# Debian 3.2.0-4 x86_64
## 版本太低了 < 3.8
## 参照 http://docs.docker.com/installation/debian/ 升级内核
deb http://http.debian.net/debian wheezy-backports main
apt-get update
apt-get install -t wheezy-backports linux-image-amd64
## 重启系统
## 安装 docker 前,需要安装 curl
apt-get install curl
## 安装 docker
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
## 重启 docker 服务.
service docker restart
## 运行 hello world
docker run hello-world
## 不出意外的话会出现
# FATA[0000] Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.18/containers/json?all=1: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?
## 这是docker服务没有启动
service docker status
# 会看到
# [FAIL] Docker is not running ... failed!
# 确实没启动
## 显示启动一下
docker -d
## 会看到
# INFO[0000] +job serveapi(unix:///var/run/docker.sock)
# INFO[0000] Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)
# INFO[0000] +job init_networkdriver()
# Could not find a free IP address range for interface ‘docker0‘. Please configure its address manually and run ‘docker -b docker0‘
# INFO[0000] -job init_networkdriver() = ERR (1)
# FATA[0000] Shutting down daemon due to errors: Could not find a free IP address range for interface ‘docker0‘. Please configure its address manually and run ‘docker -b docker0‘
## 因为阿里云把所有内网IP都占用了。所以要改下。
vi /etc/network/interfaces
## 把 "up route add -net netmask gw dev eth0" 这一注释掉(在这一行最前面加‘#‘)
/etc/init.d/networking restart
service docker start
service docker status
## 能看到 docker is running.
docker run hello-world
## 能看到 hello-world 启动了
# Hello from Docker.
# This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
## 把非管理员用户添加到docker组,方便使用
useradd -G docker <user_login>