标签:des style blog class code java
public partial class UserInfoList { #region Authorization Rules /// <summary> /// Allows the specification of CSLA based authorization rules for a collection list. Specifies what roles can /// perform which operations for a given business object /// </summary> public static void AddObjectAuthorizationRules() { Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.AddRule(typeof(UserInfoList), new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.IsInRole(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.GetObject, "admin","User.List")); } #endregion }
public partial class UserList { #region Authorization Rules /// <summary> /// Allows the specification of CSLA based authorization rules for a collection list. Specifies what roles can /// perform which operations for a given business object /// </summary> public static void AddObjectAuthorizationRules() { Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.AddRule(typeof(UserList), new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.IsInRole(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.GetObject, "admin","User.List")); } #endregion }
public partial class User { #region Authorization Rules /// <summary> /// Allows the specification of CSLA based authorization rules. Specifies what roles can /// perform which operations for a given business object /// </summary> public static void AddObjectAuthorizationRules() { Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.AddRule(typeof(User), new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.IsInRole(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.GetObject, "admin","User.Get")); Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.AddRule(typeof(User), new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.IsInRole(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.CreateObject, "admin","User.Create")); Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.AddRule(typeof(User), new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.IsInRole(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.EditObject, "admin","User.Edit")); Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.AddRule(typeof(User), new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.IsInRole(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.DeleteObject, "admin", "User.Delete")); } #endregion }
insert into S_Permision(Name) values(‘User.List‘); insert into S_Permision(Name) values(‘User.Get‘); insert into S_Permision(Name) values(‘User.Create‘); insert into S_Permision(Name) values(‘User.Edit‘); insert into S_Permision(Name) values(‘User.Delete‘);
criteria本来的查询是每个字段都是取相等的值,改造后,cirteria中每个对应的字段都增加了一个字段名+Operator的属性。Operator的值即可根据用户选择 like ,not like ,> , < ,<>
var form = ASPxNavBar1.Groups[0].FindControl("ASPxFormLayout1") as ASPxFormLayout; var criteria = new Business.UserCriteria(); Csla.Data.DataMapper.Map(FormHelper.GetFormData(form), criteria); return criteria;
public class FormHelper { public static Dictionary<string, object> GetFormData(DevExpress.Web.ASPxFormLayout.ASPxFormLayout form) { var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (DevExpress.Web.ASPxFormLayout.LayoutItem item in form.Items) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FieldName)) continue; if (dict.ContainsKey(item.FieldName)) throw new Exception("布局中存在重复的字段"); var value = form.GetNestedControlValueByFieldName(item.FieldName); if (value != null) dict.Add(item.FieldName, value); } return dict; } }
[Serializable] public class MultyDeleteCommand<T, C> : CommandBase<MultyDeleteCommand<T, C>> where T : BusinessBase<T> where C : IGeneratedCriteria, new() { #region Authorization Methods public static bool CanExecuteCommand() { return Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.HasPermission(Csla.Rules.AuthorizationActions.DeleteObject, typeof(T)); } #endregion #region Factory Methods public static bool Execute(IEnumerable<object> pkList) { if (!CanExecuteCommand()) throw new System.Security.SecurityException("没有权限执行删除操作"); MultyDeleteCommand<T, C> cmd = new MultyDeleteCommand<T, C>(); cmd.PKList = pkList; cmd.BeforeServer(); cmd = DataPortal.Execute<MultyDeleteCommand<T, C>>(cmd); cmd.AfterServer(); return cmd.Result; } private MultyDeleteCommand() { /* require use of factory methods */ } #endregion #region Client-side Code public static readonly PropertyInfo<bool> ResultProperty = RegisterProperty<bool>(p => p.Result); public bool Result { get { return ReadProperty(ResultProperty); } set { LoadProperty(ResultProperty, value); } } public IEnumerable<object> PKList { get; set; } private void BeforeServer() { // TODO: implement code to run on client // before server is called } private void AfterServer() { // TODO: implement code to run on client // after server is called } #endregion #region Server-side Code protected override void DataPortal_Execute() { string temp = ""; string key = ""; var criteria = new C(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(criteria.TableFullName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(criteria.PKName)) throw new Exception("表名和主键名不能为空"); SqlParameter[] parm = new SqlParameter[PKList.Count()]; //初始化参数个数 for (int i = 0; i < PKList.Count(); i++) { key = "@StringId" + i.ToString(); temp += key + ","; //将每个参数连接起来 parm[i] = new SqlParameter(key, PKList.ElementAt(i)); } temp = (temp + ")").Replace(",)", ""); //去掉最后一个逗号 string commandText = string.Format("DELETE {0} WHERE [{1}] IN ({2})",criteria.TableFullName, criteria.PKName, temp); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.SoftDeletedName)) commandText = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET [{1}]=1 WHERE [{2}] IN ({3})", criteria.TableFullName, criteria.SoftDeletedName, criteria.PKName, temp); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ADOHelper.ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (var command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection)) { command.Parameters.AddRange(parm); //result: The number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted. -1 for select statements; 0 if no rows were affected, or the statement failed. int result = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result == 0) throw new DBConcurrencyException("您提交的数据已过期,请刷新您的界面后重试."); else Result = true; } } } #endregion }
当数据表中有一列名为bit类型的IsDeleted(默认值为0,not null)时,自动启用软删除,即执行对象的删除操作时并不是从数据库中删除对象,而是设置IsDeleted字段为1,使用criteria条件查询时,除非指定显式设置IsDeleted属性值,否则默认按照IsDeteted<>1查询,即已经删除的记录不会查出来,就像真的被从数据库中删除了一样。
标签:des style blog class code java