新式类:我们知道Python中的类有经典类和新式类,新式类的属性比经典类的属性丰富。( 如果类继object,那么该类是新式类 )
class Goods(object): def __init__(self): self.original_price = 100 #普通字段 self.dicount_rate = 0.8 #普通字段 @property #获取属性 def price(self): new_price = self.original_price * self.dicount_rate return new_price @price.setter #方法名.setter 修改属性 def price(self,value): self.original_price = value @price.deleter #方法名.deleter 删除 def price(self): del self.original_price ###########调用######### good_ojb =Goods() o = good_ojb.price # 自动执行 @property 修饰的 price 方法,并获取方法的返回值 s = good_ojb.price = 200 # 自动执行 @price.setter 修饰的 price 方法,并将 200 赋值给方法的参数 print(o) print(s) del good_ojb.price # 自动执行 @price.deleter 修饰的 price 方法 good_ojb.price #再次执行,发现报错提示:‘Goods‘ object has no attribute ‘original_price‘
# ############### 定义 ############### class Goods: @property def price(self): return "wupeiqi" # ############### 调用 ############### obj = Goods() result = obj.price # 自动执行 @property 修饰的 price 方法,并获取方法的返回值
注:经典类中的属性只有一种访问方式,其对应被 @property 修饰的方法
class Poo: def get_bar(self): return ‘wupeiqi‘ BAR = property(get_bar) obj = Poo() reuslt = obj.BAR # 自动调用get_bar方法,并获取方法的返回值 print (reuslt)
时自动触发执行方法对象.属性 = XXX
时自动触发执行方法del 对象.属性
,此参数是该属性的描述信息class Foo():
def get_bar(self):
return (‘wupeiqi‘)
# *必须两个参数
def set_bar(self, value):
return (‘set value‘ + value)
def del_bar(self):
return (‘wupeiqi‘)
BAR = property(get_bar, set_bar, del_bar, ‘description...‘)
obj = Foo()
obj.BAR # 自动调用第一个参数中定义的方法:get_bar
obj.BAR="alex" # 自动调用第二个参数中定义的方法:set_bar方法,并将“alex”当作参数传入
del obj.BAR # 自动调用第三个参数中定义的方法:del_bar方法
obj.BAR.__doc__ # 自动获取第四个参数中设置的值:description...
class Goods(object): def __init__(self): # 原价 self.original_price = 100 # 折扣 self.discount = 0.8 def get_price(self): # 实际价格 = 原价 * 折扣 new_price = self.original_price * self.discount return new_price def set_price(self, value): self.original_price = value def del_price(self, value): del self.original_price PRICE = property(get_price, set_price, del_price, ‘价格属性描述...‘) obj = Goods() obj.PRICE # 获取商品价格 obj.PRICE = 200 # 修改商品原价 del obj.PRICE # 删除商品原价
注意:Python WEB框架 Django 的视图中 request.POST 就是使用的静态字段的方式创建的属性
class WSGIRequest(http.HttpRequest): def __init__(self, environ): script_name = get_script_name(environ) path_info = get_path_info(environ) if not path_info: # Sometimes PATH_INFO exists, but is empty (e.g. accessing # the SCRIPT_NAME URL without a trailing slash). We really need to # operate as if they‘d requested ‘/‘. Not amazingly nice to force # the path like this, but should be harmless. path_info = ‘/‘ self.environ = environ self.path_info = path_info self.path = ‘%s/%s‘ % (script_name.rstrip(‘/‘), path_info.lstrip(‘/‘)) self.META = environ self.META[‘PATH_INFO‘] = path_info self.META[‘SCRIPT_NAME‘] = script_name self.method = environ[‘REQUEST_METHOD‘].upper() _, content_params = cgi.parse_header(environ.get(‘CONTENT_TYPE‘, ‘‘)) if ‘charset‘ in content_params: try: codecs.lookup(content_params[‘charset‘]) except LookupError: pass else: self.encoding = content_params[‘charset‘] self._post_parse_error = False try: content_length = int(environ.get(‘CONTENT_LENGTH‘)) except (ValueError, TypeError): content_length = 0 self._stream = LimitedStream(self.environ[‘wsgi.input‘], content_length) self._read_started = False self.resolver_match = None def _get_scheme(self): return self.environ.get(‘wsgi.url_scheme‘) def _get_request(self): warnings.warn(‘`request.REQUEST` is deprecated, use `request.GET` or ‘ ‘`request.POST` instead.‘, RemovedInDjango19Warning, 2) if not hasattr(self, ‘_request‘): self._request = datastructures.MergeDict(self.POST, self.GET) return self._request @cached_property def GET(self): # The WSGI spec says ‘QUERY_STRING‘ may be absent. raw_query_string = get_bytes_from_wsgi(self.environ, ‘QUERY_STRING‘, ‘‘) return http.QueryDict(raw_query_string, encoding=self._encoding) # ############### 看这里看这里 ############### def _get_post(self): if not hasattr(self, ‘_post‘): self._load_post_and_files() return self._post # ############### 看这里看这里 ############### def _set_post(self, post): self._post = post @cached_property def COOKIES(self): raw_cookie = get_str_from_wsgi(self.environ, ‘HTTP_COOKIE‘, ‘‘) return http.parse_cookie(raw_cookie) def _get_files(self): if not hasattr(self, ‘_files‘): self._load_post_and_files() return self._files # ############### 看这里看这里 ############### POST = property(_get_post, _set_post) FILES = property(_get_files) REQUEST = property(_get_request)