If mentioned a recently completed software project, it had to be one of my course at the end of last term which is about web development. Because before I learning this course, I almost knew nothing about web development this aspect, I had lots of difficulties in writing code and finishing my last work.
The error which impressed me most in writing code is that at first I don’t know how to transfer and jump to another web interface. When I generally finished some functional Java code and some website displaying JSP code, I found that in Debug window the error can be obviously saw at the state which the code is completely no running. Late I’ve found that to complete a jump through between two interfaces need a behavior just similar to registration which you should registered the names of two Java code file in the XML file.
There’s also lots of similar problems because I had little knowledge about web before, when writing code I’m hurry-scurry. I knew many formula format of code by asking my classmates who learn web before we started the course to learn that.