如果选择了XP SKIN,则在控制面板的"显示"选项中是无法更改一些窗口的颜色的.不过,我们倒是可以通过更改$(_WINCEROOT)/PUBLIC/COMMON/OAK/FILES/common.reg文件中的XP颜色参数来达到更改窗口颜色的目的.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/GWE] "SysColor"=hex:/ 00,00,00,00,/ 3A,6E,A5,00,/ 00,00,00,00,/ 00,00,00,00,/ EF,EB,DE,00,/ FF,FF,FF,00,/ 00,00,00,00,/ 00,00,00,00,/ 00,00,00,00,/ FF,FF,FF,00,/ C0,C0,C0,00,/ C0,C0,C0,00,/ 80,80,80,00,/ 31,69,C6,00,/ FF,FF,FF,00,/ EF,EB,DE,00,/ AD,AA,9C,00,/ 80,80,80,00,/ 00,00,00,00,/ 00,00,00,00,/ FF,FF,FF,00,/ 73,6D,63,00,/ FF,FF,FF,00,/ 00,00,00,00,/ FF,FF,E1,00,/ EF,EB,DE,00,/ 00,00,00,00
0 COLOR_SCROLLBAR Color of the gray area of a scroll bar. 1 COLOR_BACKGROUND Background color of the desktop window. 2 COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION Color of the title bar of an active window. 3 COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION Color of the title bar of an inactive window. 4 COLOR_MENU Background color of a menu. 5 COLOR_WINDOW Background color of a window. 6 COLOR_WINDOWFRAME Color of a window frame. 7 COLOR_MENUTEXT Color of the text in a menu. 8 COLOR_WINDOWTEXT Color of the text in a window. 9 COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT Color of the text in a title bar and of the size box and scroll bar arrow box. 10 COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER Color of the border of an active window. 11 COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER Color of the border of an inactive window. 12 COLOR_APPWORKSPACE Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications. 13 COLOR_HIGHLIGHT Color of an item selected in a control. 14 COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT Color of the text of an item selected in a control. 15 COLOR_BTNFACE Color of the face of a button. 16 COLOR_BTNSHADOW Shadow color of buttons for edges that face away from the light source. 17 COLOR_GRAYTEXT Color of shaded text. This color is set to 0 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. 18 COLOR_BTNTEXT Color of the text for push buttons. 19 COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT Color of the text in the title bar of an inactive window. 20 COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT Highlight color of buttons for edges that face the light source. 21 COLOR_3DDKSHADOW Color of the dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements. 22 COLOR_3DLIGHT Highlight color of three-dimensional display elements for edges that face the light source. 23 COLOR_INFOTEXT Color of the text for ToolTip controls. 24 COLOR_INFOBK Background color for ToolTip controls. 25 COLOR_STATIC Background color for static controls and dialog boxes. Supported in Windows CE 2.0 and later. 26 COLOR_STATICTEXT Color of the text for static controls. Supported in Windows CE 2.0 and later. 27 COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION Color of the title bar of an active window that is filled with a color gradient. 28 COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION