class Foo(object): pass obj = Foo() isinstance(obj, Foo)
class Foo(object): pass class Bar(Foo): pass issubclass(Bar, Foo)
try: #固定格式,有可能出现异常的代码块 pass except Exception as ex: #Exception错误的类型,ex给异常起个别名,异常可以写多个比如[ except (KeyError,IndexError) as ex: ] 但是不推荐这样写 print(ex) # 可以把异常打印出来,可选 pass
AttributeError 试图访问一个对象没有的树形,比如foo.x,但是foo没有属性x IOError 输入/输出异常;基本上是无法打开文件 ImportError 无法引入模块或包;基本上是路径问题或名称错误 IndentationError 语法错误(的子类) ;代码没有正确对齐 IndexError 下标索引超出序列边界,比如当x只有三个元素,却试图访问x[5] KeyError 试图访问字典里不存在的键 KeyboardInterrupt Ctrl+C被按下 NameError 使用一个还未被赋予对象的变量 SyntaxError Python代码非法,代码不能编译(个人认为这是语法错误,写错了) TypeError 传入对象类型与要求的不符合 UnboundLocalError 试图访问一个还未被设置的局部变量,基本上是由于另有一个同名的全局变量, 导致你以为正在访问它 ValueError 传入一个调用者不期望的值,即使值的类型是正确的ArithmeticError AssertionError AttributeError BaseException BufferError BytesWarning DeprecationWarning EnvironmentError EOFError Exception FloatingPointError FutureWarning GeneratorExit ImportError ImportWarning IndentationError IndexError IOError KeyboardInterrupt KeyError LookupError MemoryError NameError NotImplementedError OSError OverflowError PendingDeprecationWarning ReferenceError RuntimeError RuntimeWarning StandardError StopIteration SyntaxError SyntaxWarning SystemError SystemExit TabError TypeError UnboundLocalError UnicodeDecodeError UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeError UnicodeTranslateError UnicodeWarning UserWarning ValueError Warning ZeroDivisionError
s1 = ‘hello‘ try: int(s1) except ValueError as e: print(e)
s1 = ‘hello‘ try: int(s1) except KeyError,e: print(‘键错误‘) except IndexError,e: print(‘索引错误‘) except Exception, e: print( ‘错误‘)
try: # 主代码块 pass except KeyError,e: # 异常时,执行该块 pass else: # 主代码块执行完,执行该块,即没有出现异常 pass finally: # 无论异常与否,最终执行该块 pass
try: raise Exception(‘错误了。。。‘) #raise 主动触发异常 except Exception as e: print(e)
class ZidingyiException(Exception): #自定义异常名 def __init__(self, msg): self.message = msg def __str__(self): return self.message try: raise ZidingyiException(‘自定义的异常‘) except ZidingyiException as e: print(e)
# assert 条件 assert 1 == 1 assert 1 == 2
python中的反射功能是由四个内置函数提供:hasattr , getattr , setattr , delattr,分别代表:检测是否含有某个成员,获取成员,设置成员,删除成员
class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.name = ‘wupeiqi‘ def func(self): return ‘func‘ obj = Foo() # #### 检查是否含有成员 #### hasattr(obj, ‘name‘) hasattr(obj, ‘func‘) # #### 获取成员 #### getattr(obj, ‘name‘) getattr(obj, ‘func‘) # #### 设置成员 #### setattr(obj, ‘age‘, 18) setattr(obj, ‘show‘, lambda num: num + 1) # #### 删除成员 #### delattr(obj, ‘name‘) delattr(obj, ‘func‘)
import sys class WebServer(object): def __init__(self,host,port): # Constructor of the class self.host = host self.port = port def start(self): print("Server is starting...") def stop(self): print("Server is stopping...") def restart(self): self.stop() self.start() def test_run(self,name): print("running...",name,self.host) if __name__ == "__main__": server = WebServer(‘localhost‘,333) server2 = WebServer(‘localhost‘,333) #print(sys.argv[1]) if hasattr(server,sys.argv[1]): #获取成员,成员是否存在 func = getattr(server,sys.argv[1]) #获取server.start 内存地址 func() #server.start()