#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<malloc.h> int fun1(char *p) { int len=0; while(*p!=0){len++;p++;} return len; } int fun2(const char *s) { const char *p=s; while(*p++); return p-s-1; } /************* p abcde s-----s 1234567 *************/ int fun3(const char *s) { if(*s==0)return 0; else return(1+fun3(s+1)); } void *fun4(char *d,const char*s,int n) {//assert(d);assert(s); char *ret=d; while(*d){d++;}//d move to \0 while(n) {*d++=*s++;n--;}//\0\0\0 turn to abcde.... return ret; } void *fun5( char *d, char *s) { char *ret=NULL; while(*d) { while(*s){if(*d==*s){d++;s++;}else break;} if(*s==0) return ret; else {d++;ret=d;} } }//44 void *fun6( char *s1, char *s2) { char *pstr=s1; char *p1=NULL; char *p2=NULL; while(*pstr) { p1=pstr;p2=s2; while((*p1)&&*p1==*p2){p1++;p2++;if(*p2==0)return pstr;} pstr++; } return 0; } char *fun7(char *d,const char *s) { char *ret=d; while(*d++=*s++); return ret; } /******* s1<--s2 *******/ int fun8(const char* s1,const char *s2) { while(*s1==*s2){if(*s1==0)return 0; s1++;s2++;} return (*s1-*s2); } /******* s1>s2 return 1 2 3.... *******/ void *fun9(void *d,const void *s,int size) { void *ret=d; char *p1=(char *)d; char *p2=(char *)s; while(size--){*p1++;*p2++;} return ret; } void *fun10(void *d,const void *s,int size) { void *ret=d; char *p1=(char *)d; char *p2=(char *)s; if(p1>p2&&p1<p2+size) { while(size--){*(p1+size)=*(p2+size);} } else while(size--){*p1++=*p2++;} return ret; } void main() { char ss[]="abcde"; char s1[]="abcde"; char s2[]="abcde"; char *p=ss; // printf("%d\n",strlen(p)); // printf("%d\n",fun1(p)); // printf("%d\n",fun2(p)); // printf("%d\n",fun3(p)); // printf("%s\n",fun4(s1,s2,1));//have bug printf more about s2; // printf("%s\n",fun6(s1,s2)); // printf("%s\n",fun7(s1,s2)); // printf("%d\n",fun8(s1,s2)); // printf("%s\n",fun9(s1,s2,5)); // printf("%s\n",fun10(s1,s2,5)); } //1 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> int main() { int i,a[3]={ 6,7,8}; time_t t; srand((unsigned)time(&t)); i=rand()%3; printf("%d\n",a[i]); return 0; } //2