""" 网络监测v2.0,改进为使用多进程并发监测多个IP或域名,更加高效 兼容WINXP系统 同时检查本地到baidu.com或qq.com等的通讯情况并附至邮件,可以更客观地了解本地网络情况 linxingyi 20160305 """ import os, time,subprocess, smtplib, datetime, platform from multiprocessing import Pool from email.header import Header from email.mime.text import MIMEText IP = ["www.baidu.com","www.qq.com","www.sina.com"] #保存ping命令执行结果的临时文件列表,大小与IP列表一致 f = ["d:/ping11.txt","d:/ping12.txt","d:/ping13.txt"] #保存网络状态的列表,大小与IP列表一致 status = ["","",""] #发邮件的定义 from_addr = ‘‘ #发件人的邮箱地址 to_addr = [‘####@qq.com‘] #收件人邮箱地址,用,来分隔 smtp_server = ‘smtp.qq.com‘ password = ‘############‘ mailtext = ["","",""] #监测IP通讯情况,输出到临时文件 def ping(name,IP,file): print(‘Run task %s (%s)...‘ % (name, os.getpid())) subprocess.call(["ping",IP,"-n","20"],shell=True,stdout=open(file,"wb")) #根据临时文件内容判断网络状态 def netStatus(file,IP): #判断是否为WINxp if platform.version().split(".")[0] == "5": with open(file,"r") as f: a = f.readlines() if len(a) != 1: #IP = a[2].split()[1] count = int(a[-6].split()[-3]) value = int(a[-2].split()[-1][:-2]) log(IP+"丢包个数为 %s" %count) log(IP+"平均ping值为 %s" %value) #判断为网络差的条件 if count > 5 or value > 100: status = "bad" return status,a[-6:] else: status = "good" return status,a[-6:] else: #IP = a[0].split()[1] status = "请求找不到主机" log(IP+status) return status,a[0] else: with open(file,"r") as f: a = f.readlines() if len(a) != 1: #IP = a[1].split()[2] count = int(a[-3].split()[-3]) value = int(a[-1].split()[-1][:-2]) log(IP+"丢包个数为 %s" %count) log(IP+"平均ping值为 %s" %value) #判断为网络差的条件 if count > 5 or value > 100: status = "bad" return status,a[-3:] else: status = "good" return status,a[-3:] else: #IP = a[0].split()[2] status = "请求找不到主机" log(IP+status) return status,a[0] #输出日志并在控制台打印 def log(str): with open(‘D:/dnslog.txt‘,‘a‘) as f: f.write(str+"\n") print(str) #发送邮件 def faemail(msgtext): msg = MIMEText(msgtext, ‘plain‘, ‘utf-8‘) msg[‘From‘] = from_addr msg[‘To‘] = ‘, ‘.join(to_addr) msg[‘Subject‘] = Header(‘线路预警‘, ‘utf-8‘).encode() server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_server, 465) server.set_debuglevel(1) server.login(from_addr, password) server.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string()) server.quit() if __name__==‘__main__‘: #持续监测 while True: print(‘Parent process %s.‘ % os.getpid()) start = time.time() log(str(datetime.datetime.now())) #创建和IP列表大小相同的进程池,调用ping方法 p = Pool(3) for i in range(3): p.apply_async(ping,args=(i,IP[i],f[i],)) print(‘Waiting for all subprocesses done...‘) p.close() p.join() #获取网络状态和邮件文本 for i in range(3): status[i],s = netStatus(f[i],IP[i]) mailtext[i] = IP[i] + "".join(s) for s in status: print(s) print("".join(mailtext)) #此处选择为第一个IP网络情况不佳时发送邮件 try: if status[0] == "bad": faemail("".join(mailtext)) except Exception as e: log(e,":邮件发送失败") end = time.time() print(‘runs %0.2f seconds.‘ % (end - start)) log("------------------------------------------------------------------") #每次监测的时间间隔 time.sleep(10)