对VS2013还需要在C/C++->Preprocessor->Preprocessor Definitions中添加指令_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
将<bp-extensions.tgz>内的StcOptBPSync.cpp, StcOptBP.cpp, node.h, node.cpp, bpregions.h, bpregions.cpp解压到StereoMatch目录内覆盖原有文件
void OptBP();
void OptBPSync();
在StereoParameters.h的eSymmetric =6,后添加
eBPSync = 7,
eBPAccel = 8,
在StcOptimize.cpp的opt_fn == eSimulAnnl的添加
||opt_fn == eBPAccel||opt_fn == eBPSync
case eBPAccel:
OptBP(); // run the optimization
case eBPSync:
OptBPSync(); // run the optimization
将所有StereoMatch目录中的所有文件中的所有#include "ParameterIO.h"及#include "Verbose.h"都删除
enum EVerbosityLevel
eVerboseQuiet = 0, // no output except for errors
eVerboseWarning = 1, // include warning messages
eVerboseSummary = 2, // print brief summary of algorithm and result
eVerboseProgress = 3, // report progress through steps of algorithm
eVerboseFileIO = 4, // report reading and writing of files
eVerboseTiming = 5, // print timing information
eVerbosePredictionError = 6, // print prediction error for all frames
eVerboseScriptFile = 10, // echo commands from script file
eVerboseInnerLoops = 15, // show inner iterations
eVerboseDumpFiles = 25, // dump intermediate results as image files
eVerboseAllMessages = 99 // include all information
enum EStereoMatchStatus
{ // Match status computed by symmetric matcher (values in m_status)
eUnknownMatch = 0,
eCertainMatch = 1,
eAmbiguousMatch = 2,
eOccludedMatch = 3,
struct CStereoFrame
{ // An input image and its associated meta-data (depth map, ground truth, ...):
CByteImage input_image; // input image (gray or color)
CByteImage depth_image; // depth image (input/output)
CByteImage truth_image; // ground truth depth image
CByteImage resampled_image; // resampled image (for reprojection error)
float predict_err; // prediction error (visible pixels)
float predict_visible; // fraction of pixels visible
将StereoMatcher.h中的enum EstereoMatchStatus{…}和struct CstereoFrame{…}删除
将StereoParameters.h中代码void PIOInitialize(CParameterIO& prw)删除或注释
将StereoParameters.cpp中代码void PIOInitialize(CParameterIO& prw){…}删除或注释
在TestData目录内新建目录:map, sawtooth, venus。然后将< imagedirs.zip>中对应目录内的imx.pgm, imy.pgm, dispx.pgm, dispy.pgm文件复制过来,并都统一命名为:im0.pgm, im1.pgm, disp0.pgm, disp1.pgm
1 #include "CCC/COMCV.h" 2 #include "StereoMatch/StereoMatcher.h" 3 #include <fstream> 4 #include <iomanip> 5 6 //输出参数 7 void writeParams(CStereoMatcher &s, string &path) 8 { 9 ofstream out(path); 10 out << "preproc_addnoise_stddev " << s.preproc_addnoise_stddev;//0.000000 11 out << endl << "preproc_blur_iter "<< s.preproc_blur_iter;//0 12 out << endl << "frame_ref " << s.frame_ref;//0 13 out << endl << "frame_match " << s.frame_match;//1 14 out << endl << "disp_min " << s.disp_min;//0 15 out << endl << "disp_max " << s.disp_max;//29 16 out << endl << "disp_step " << s.disp_step;//1.000000 17 out << endl << "disp_n " << s.disp_n;//30 18 out << endl << "disp_scale " << s.disp_scale;//8.000000 19 out << endl << "match_fn " << s.match_fn;//1 20 out << endl << "match_interp " << s.match_interp;//3 21 out << endl << "match_max " << s.match_max;//1000 22 out << endl << "match_interval " << s.match_interval;//0 23 out << endl << "match_interpolated " << s.match_interpolated;//0 24 out << endl << "aggr_fn " << s.aggr_fn;//1 25 out << endl << "aggr_window_size " << s.aggr_window_size;//9 26 out << endl << "aggr_iter " << s.aggr_iter;//1 27 out << endl << "aggr_minfilter " << s.aggr_minfilter;//0 28 out << endl << "aggr_subpixel " << s.aggr_subpixel;//0 29 out << endl << "aggr_collapse " << s.aggr_collapse;//0 30 out << endl << "diff_lambda " << s.diff_lambda;//0.150000 31 out << endl << "diff_beta " << s.diff_beta;//0.500000 32 out << endl << "diff_scale_cost " << s.diff_scale_cost;//0.010000 33 out << endl << "diff_mu " << s.diff_mu;//0.500000 34 out << endl << "diff_sigmaP " << s.diff_sigmaP;//0.400000 35 out << endl << "diff_epsP " << s.diff_epsP;//0.010000 36 out << endl << "opt_fn " << s.opt_fn;//1 37 out << endl << "opt_smoothness " << s.opt_smoothness;//1.000000 38 out << endl << "opt_grad_thresh " << s.opt_grad_thresh;//5.000000 39 out << endl << "opt_grad_penalty " << s.opt_grad_penalty;//1.000000 40 out << endl << "opt_occlusion_cost " << s.opt_occlusion_cost;//20 41 out << endl << "opt_max_iter " << s.opt_max_iter;//100 42 out << endl << "opt_random " << s.opt_random;//1 43 out << endl << "opt_sa_var " << s.opt_sa_var;//3 44 out << endl << "opt_sa_start_T " << s.opt_sa_start_T;//10.000000 45 out << endl << "opt_sa_end_T " << s.opt_sa_end_T;//0.010000 46 out << endl << "opt_sa_schedule " << s.opt_sa_schedule;//1 47 out << endl << "opt_min_margin " << s.opt_min_margin;//0.700000 48 out << endl << "opt_sym_passes " << s.opt_sym_passes;//1 49 out << endl << "refine_subpix " << s.refine_subpix;//0 50 out << endl << "eval_ignore_border " << s.eval_ignore_border;//10 51 out << endl << "eval_bad_thresh " << s.eval_bad_thresh;//1.000000 52 out << endl << "eval_error_scale " << s.eval_error_scale;//0.000000 53 out << endl << "eval_lin_interp " << s.eval_lin_interp;//1 54 out << endl << "eval_disp_gap " << s.eval_disp_gap;//2.000000 55 out << endl << "eval_predict_type " << s.eval_predict_type;//0 56 out << endl << "eval_textureless_width " << s.eval_textureless_width;//3 57 out << endl << "eval_textureless_thresh " << s.eval_textureless_thresh;//4.000000 58 out << endl << "eval_discont_width " << s.eval_discont_width;//9 59 out << endl << "eval_predict_diff " << s.eval_predict_diff;//0 60 out << endl << "eval_empty_color " << setbase(16)<< s.eval_empty_color;//0x00ffc0ff 61 out << endl << "eval_partial_shuffle " << s.eval_partial_shuffle;//0.000000 62 out << endl << "eval_match_quality " << s.eval_match_quality;//0 63 out << endl << "eval_certain_matches_only " << s.eval_certain_matches_only;//0 64 out << endl << "rms_error_all" << s.rms_error_all; 65 out << endl << "rms_error_nonocc " << s.rms_error_nonocc;//1.898849 66 out << endl << "rms_error_occ " << s.rms_error_occ;//17.536930 67 out << endl << "rms_error_textured " << s.rms_error_textured;//1.895457 68 out << endl << "rms_error_textureless " << s.rms_error_textureless;//2.254724 69 out << endl << "rms_error_discont " << s.rms_error_discont;//6.221545 70 out << endl << "bad_pixels_all " << s.bad_pixels_all;//0.074057 71 out << endl << "bad_pixels_nonocc " << s.bad_pixels_nonocc;//0.017140 72 out << endl << "bad_pixels_occ " << s.bad_pixels_occ;//0.971484 73 out << endl << "bad_pixels_textured " << s.bad_pixels_textured;//0.016978 74 out << endl << "bad_pixels_textureless " << s.bad_pixels_textureless;//0.035714 75 out << endl << "bad_pixels_discont " << s.bad_pixels_discont;//0.114071 76 out << endl << "fraction_matched " << s.fraction_matched;//0.100000 77 out << endl << "predict_err_near " << s.predict_err_near;//-;//1.000000 78 out << endl << "predict_err_middle " << s.predict_err_middle;//-;//1.000000 79 out << endl << "predict_err_match " << s.predict_err_match;//-;//1.000000 80 out << endl << "predict_err_far " << s.predict_err_far;//-;//1.000000 81 out << endl << "final_energy " << s.final_energy;//611911.437500 82 out << endl << "total_time " << s.total_time;//1.681000 83 out << endl << "verbose " << s.verbose;//2 84 out << endl << "evaluate_only " << s.evaluate_only;//0 85 out.close(); 86 } 87 88 //相同参数 89 void comParam(CStereoMatcher &s) 90 { 91 s.verbose = eVerboseSummary; 92 s.evaluate_only = s.evaluate_only; 93 s.frame_ref = 0; 94 s.frame_match = 1; 95 s.eval_predict_type = ePredictNone; 96 s.eval_error_scale = 0; 97 s.disp_min = 0; 98 s.disp_scale = 8; 99 s.eval_disp_gap = 2; 100 s.eval_ignore_border = 10; 101 } 102 103 //与目录相关的参数 104 void dirParam(CStereoMatcher &s, string &dir) 105 { 106 string im0path, im1path, trupath; 107 cout << endl << dir.substr(dir.find_last_of("/") + 1); 108 if (dir.substr(dir.find_last_of("/") + 1) == "map") 109 { 110 s.disp_max = 29; 111 im0path = dir + "/im0.pgm"; 112 im1path = dir + "/im1.pgm"; 113 trupath = dir + "/disp0.pgm"; 114 } 115 else if (dir.substr(dir.find_last_of("/") + 1) == "sawtooth") 116 { 117 s.disp_max = 19; 118 im0path = dir + "/im0.ppm"; 119 im1path = dir + "/im1.ppm"; 120 trupath = dir + "/disp0.pgm"; 121 } 122 else if (dir.substr(dir.find_last_of("/") + 1) == "venus") 123 { 124 s.disp_max = 19; 125 im0path = dir + "/im0.ppm"; 126 im1path = dir + "/im1.ppm"; 127 trupath = dir + "/disp0.pgm"; 128 } 129 CStereoFrame fr0, fr1; 130 ReadImage(fr0.input_image, im0path.c_str()); 131 ReadImage(fr1.input_image, im1path.c_str()); 132 ReadImage(fr0.truth_image, trupath.c_str()); 133 s.m_frame.push_back(fr0); 134 s.m_frame.push_back(fr1); 135 } 136 137 //测试方案一 138 void costSSD9(CStereoMatcher &s, string &dir) 139 { 140 //0.此函数内的公共设置 141 s.aggr_window_size = 9; 142 s.aggr_minfilter = 0; 143 int match_max[7] = { 1000, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 }; 144 145 //1.测试一 146 s.match_fn = eAD; 147 s.match_interval = 0; 148 string out1[7] = { dir + "/SAD09.pgm", dir + "/SAD09t50.pgm", dir + "/SAD09t20.pgm", dir + "/SAD09t10.pgm", dir + "/SAD09t05.pgm", dir + "/SAD09t02.pgm", dir + "/SAD09t01.pgm" }; 149 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) 150 { 151 s.match_max = match_max[i]; 152 s.ComputeCorrespondence(); s.Evaluate(); 153 WriteImage(s.m_frame[0].depth_image, out1[i].c_str()); 154 writeParams(s,out1[i].substr(0, out1[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".txt"); 155 int x = 0; 156 } 157 //2.测试二 158 s.match_fn = eSD; 159 s.match_interval = 0; 160 string out2[7] = { dir + "/SSD09.pgm", dir + "/SSD09t50.pgm", dir + "/SSD09t20.pgm", dir + "/SSD09t10.pgm", dir + "/SSD09t05.pgm", dir + "/SSD09t02.pgm", dir + "/SSD09t01.pgm" }; 161 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) 162 { 163 s.match_max = match_max[i]; 164 s.ComputeCorrespondence(); s.Evaluate(); 165 WriteImage(s.m_frame[0].depth_image, out2[i].c_str()); 166 writeParams(s, out2[i].substr(0, out2[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".txt"); 167 } 168 //3.测试三 169 s.match_fn = eAD; 170 s.match_interval = 1; 171 string out3[7] = { dir + "/SAD09b.pgm", dir + "/SAD09bt50.pgm", dir + "/SAD09bt20.pgm", dir + "/SAD09bt10.pgm", dir + "/SAD09bt05.pgm", dir + "/SAD09bt02.pgm", dir + "/SAD09bt01.pgm" }; 172 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) 173 { 174 s.match_max = match_max[i]; 175 s.ComputeCorrespondence(); s.Evaluate(); 176 WriteImage(s.m_frame[0].depth_image, out3[i].c_str()); 177 writeParams(s, out3[i].substr(0, out3[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".txt"); 178 } 179 //4.测试四 180 s.match_fn = eSD;//1 181 s.match_interval = 1; 182 string out4[7] = { dir + "/SSD09b.pgm", dir + "/SSD09bt50.pgm", dir + "/SSD09bt20.pgm", dir + "/SSD09bt10.pgm", dir + "/SSD09bt05.pgm", dir + "/SSD09bt02.pgm", dir + "/SSD09bt01.pgm" }; 183 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) 184 { 185 s.match_max = match_max[i]; 186 s.ComputeCorrespondence(); s.Evaluate(); 187 WriteImage(s.m_frame[0].depth_image, out4[i].c_str()); 188 writeParams(s, out4[i].substr(0, out4[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".txt"); 189 } 190 } 191 192 //测试方案二 193 void costSSDMF9(CStereoMatcher &s, string &dir) 194 { 195 //0.此函数内的公共设置 196 s.aggr_window_size = 9; 197 s.aggr_minfilter = 9; 198 int match_max[7] = { 1000, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 }; 199 200 //1.测试一 201 s.match_fn = eAD; 202 s.match_interval = 0; 203 string out1[7] = { dir + "/SADmf09.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09t50.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09t20.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09t10.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09t05.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09t02.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09t01.pgm" }; 204 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) 205 { 206 s.match_max = match_max[i]; 207 s.ComputeCorrespondence(); s.Evaluate(); 208 WriteImage(s.m_frame[0].depth_image, out1[i].c_str()); 209 writeParams(s, out1[i].substr(0, out1[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".txt"); 210 int x = 0; 211 } 212 //2.测试二 213 s.match_fn = eSD; 214 s.match_interval = 0; 215 string out2[7] = { dir + "/SSDmf09.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09t50.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09t20.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09t10.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09t05.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09t02.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09t01.pgm" }; 216 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) 217 { 218 s.match_max = match_max[i]; 219 s.ComputeCorrespondence(); s.Evaluate(); 220 WriteImage(s.m_frame[0].depth_image, out2[i].c_str()); 221 writeParams(s, out2[i].substr(0, out2[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".txt"); 222 } 223 //3.测试三 224 s.match_fn = eAD; 225 s.match_interval = 1; 226 string out3[7] = { dir + "/SADmf09b.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09bt50.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09bt20.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09bt10.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09bt05.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09bt02.pgm", dir + "/SADmf09bt01.pgm" }; 227 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) 228 { 229 s.match_max = match_max[i]; 230 s.ComputeCorrespondence(); s.Evaluate(); 231 WriteImage(s.m_frame[0].depth_image, out3[i].c_str()); 232 writeParams(s, out3[i].substr(0, out3[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".txt"); 233 } 234 //4.测试四 235 s.match_fn = eSD;//1 236 s.match_interval = 1; 237 string out4[7] = { dir + "/SSDmf09b.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09bt50.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09bt20.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09bt10.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09bt05.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09bt02.pgm", dir + "/SSDmf09bt01.pgm" }; 238 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) 239 { 240 s.match_max = match_max[i]; 241 s.ComputeCorrespondence(); s.Evaluate(); 242 WriteImage(s.m_frame[0].depth_image, out4[i].c_str()); 243 writeParams(s, out4[i].substr(0, out4[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".txt"); 244 } 245 } 246 247 //测试方案三 248 249 250 //执行 251 void execute() 252 { 253 vector<string> dirs = cv_GetListFolders("./../TestData", "*", true); 254 for (int i = 0; i < dirs.size(); i++) 255 { 256 CStereoMatcher s; 257 comParam(s); 258 dirParam(s, dirs[i]); 259 costSSD9(s, dirs[i]); 260 //costSSDMF9(s, dirs[i]); 261 } 262 }