# coding:utf-8 """ property:负责把方法变成属性 """ class Student(object): def get_score(self): return self._score def set_score(self, score): if not isinstance(score, int): raise ValueError(‘score must be an instance!‘) if score<0 or score>100: raise ValueError(‘score must between 0--100!‘) self._score = score s =Student() s.set_score(60) print s.get_score() #s.set_score(200) """ 下面的方法既能检查参数,又可以用类似属性这样简单的方式来访问类的变量 把一个getter方法变成属性,只需要加上@property. 此时@property本身又创建了另一个装饰器@score.setter,负责把一个setter方法变成属性赋值 """ class Student2(object): @property def score(self): return self._score @score.setter def score(self, score): if not isinstance(score, int): raise ValueError(‘score must be an instance!‘) if score<0 or score>100: raise ValueError(‘score must between 0--100!‘) self._score = score s = Student2() s.score =50 print s.score #s.score = 120 """ 利用@property定义只读属性,只定义getattr,不定义setattr即可 """ class Student3(object): @property def birth(self): return self._birth @birth.setter def birth(self,value): self._birth = value @property def age(self): return 2016 - self._birth s = Student3() s.birth = 1988 print s.birth print s.age