EMC 數據清空
這裡會清空file system的所有東西包括tapes
sysadmin@FSEMC01# filesys destroy
The "filesys destroy" command irrevocably destroys all data in
all the MTrees, including all virtual tapes, archive units and replication contexts.
The ‘filesys destroy‘ operation will take about 2-3 minutes.
File access is disabled during this process.
Are you sure? (yes|no|?) [no]: yes
ok, proceeding.
Please enter sysadmin password to confirm ‘filesys destroy‘:
The filesystem is now disabled.
Destroying the filesystem.
The filesystem has been destroyed.
sysadmin@FSEMC01# fi st --檢查文件系統是否存在
The filesystem doesn‘t exist.
sysadmin@FSEMC01# vtl tape show all --顯示tape狀態
Processing tapes....
VTL info cache is unavailable.
Please use the "vtl status" command to verify that vtl is enabled and the VTL process is running
sysadmin@FSEMC01# filesys create --文件系統創建
A filesystem of approximate size 15.83 TiB will be created.
Do you want to continue? (yes|no) [yes]: yes
ok, continuing.
This will take 5 - 10 minutes.
Provisioning storage...
########################################### [100%]
Initializing filesystem...
########################################### [100%]
snapshot schedules deleted
You now have a freshly initialized filesystem.
Enable the filesystem using ‘filesys enable‘.
sysadmin@FSEMC01# filesys enable --enable文件系統
Please wait.............
The filesystem is now enabled.
sysadmin@FSEMC01# vtl status --檢查vtl的狀態
VTL admin_state: enabled, process_state: starting, licensed
sysadmin@FSEMC01# vtl tape show all --檢查tape
Processing tapes....
No tapes.
點擊create tapes 填入Number of Tapes, Starting barcode,Tape capacity
這樣destroy 和重建就完成了。剩下去NBU備份那裡重新掃描這些磁帶。
juncai.chen 2016-03-24
EMC DATA DOMAIN 2200 filesys destroy(數據清空及重建)