一 入门
摘自<Head First Design Patterns> chapter 1
1 飞翔的鸭子
2 两种方法
1) 继承
为 Duck 母类添加 fly() 成员函数,然后各个子类继承 fly()
问题: 并不是所有的鸭子都会飞,比如“煮熟的鸭子”。解决: 不会飞的鸭子自母类继承 fly() 后,重写该函数。
因为鸭子会不会飞,又发现一个bug,并不是所有的鸭子都会叫,比如“大黄鸭”。因此,不同的子类也需要重写 quack()
此时问题又来了,由于开发的是游戏软件,要求游戏每三个月更新一次,每次更新后鸭子的飞行方式和叫声都可能发生新的变化。那么,岂不是每三个月都要重写 RubberDuck 和 DecoyDuck 子类甚至更多子类的 fly() 和 quack() 函数,有点繁琐。
2) 接口 (interface)
视会飞和会叫为一种能力,并将 Flyable 和 Quackable 做成接口 (interface),然后在里面加上相应的函数 fly() 和 quack()
这样,只有会飞的子类实现该接口 Flyable, 并且具有 fly() 函数。同理只有会叫的子类实现接口 Quackable 且有 quack() 函数。
问题又来了,飞行是鸭子的一种行为,不同的鸭子,其各自飞行的方式也不同。显然,每个子类中还得重写 fly() 和 quack()。因此,单纯的使用接口或继承都非最佳。
那么,到底什么方法能完美解决鸭子 fly 和 quack 的问题呢?不着急,先看下面的三个设计原则。
3 三个原则
1) identify what varies and separate them from what stays the same
鸭子类中, 很明显“飞”和“叫”是变化的,于是先把 fly 和 quack 择出来,和其它不变的分隔开来。
2) program to an interface, not an implementation
3) favor composition over inheritance
HAS-A better than IS-A
Java: Duck 母类中定义 FlyBehavior 和 QuackBehavior 的成员对象 (FlyBehavior flyBehavior)
C++: Duck 母类中定义 FlyBehavior 和 QuackBehavior 的指针 (FlyBehavior * pflyBehavior)
4 一个模式
defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable.
(Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it)
1) client
2) encapsulated fly behavior
这样,不同的鸭子子类,只需通过母类中的成员对象 (flyBehavior) 调用相应的”飞行算法“即可。
3) encapsulated quack behavior
Java: 直接使用关键字 interface 便可将 QuackBehavior 定义成接口
C++: 接口 ≈ 抽象基类,将 QuackBehavior 定义为抽象基类,也即声明 quack() 为纯虚函数, 具体代码形式为 “void quack() = 0”
二 进阶
摘自<Design Paterns_Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software>
1 Intent
Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable.
Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.
2 Applicability
1) many related classes differ only in their behavior
= strategies provide a way to configure a class with one of many behaviors
2) you need different variants of an algorithm
= strategies can be used when these variants are implemented as a class hierarchy of algorithms
3) an algorithm uses data that clients should not know about
= use strategies to avoid exposing complex, algorithm-specific data structures
4) a class defines many behaviors, and these appear as multiple conditional statements in its operations
= move related conditional branches into their own strategy class
3 Sample
many algorithms exist for breaking a stream of text into lines, and hard-wiring such algorithms into the class that require them is not desirable.
C++ 实例:
1) class Composition
/* Composition class maintains a collection of Component instances */ class Composition { public: Composition(Compositor*); void Repair(); private: Compositor* _compositor; Component* _components; // the list of components int _componentCount; // the number of components int _lineWidth; // the Composition‘s line width int* _lineBreaks; // the position of linebreaks in components int _lineCount; // the number of lines }; void Composition::Repair () { Coord* natural; Coord* stretchability; Coord* shrinkability; int componentCount; int* breaks; // prepare the arrays with the desired component sizes // ... // determine where the breaks are: int breakCount; breakCount = _compositor->Compose( natural, stretchability, shrinkability, componentCount, _lineWidth, breaks ); // lay out components according to breaks // ... }
2) class Compositor and its subclasses
/* Compositor is an abstract class(also interface) */ class Compositor{ public: virtual int Compose( Coord natural[], Coord stretch[],Coord shrink[], int componentCount, int lineWidth, int breaks[] ) = 0; protected: Compositor(); }; /* Three subclasses */ class SimpleCompositor : public Compositor { public: SimpleCompositor(); virtual int Compose( Coord natural[], Coord stretch[], Coord shrink[], int componentCount, int lineWidth, int breaks[] ); // ... }; class TeXCompositor : public Compositor { public: TeXCompositor(); virtual int Compose( Coord natural[], Coord stretch[], Coord shrink[], int componentCount, int lineWidth, int breaks[] ); // ... }; class ArrayCompositor : public Compositor{ public: ArrayCompositor(int interval); virtual int Compose( Coord natural[], Coord stretch[], Coord shrink[], int componentCount, int lineWidth, int breaks[] ); // ... };
3) instantiation
Composition* quick = new Composition(new SimpleCompositor); Composition* slick = new Composition(new TeXCompositor); Composition* iconic = new Composition(new ArrayCompositor(100));