求一个正数N的开方, 并且可以指定精度, 要求不能用库函数sqrt
方法一:如下所示,先求sqrt(N)的整数部分,再求小数点后1位,2位 ... ...
方法二:牛顿迭代法,根据公式 Ai+1 = (Ai+number/Ai)/2 ,其中Ai 的初始值,即A1任取,如1,2,3 ...
// 求一个正数N的开方, 并且可以指定精度, 要求不能用库函数sqrt #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> double my_sqrt2(double number, int point) { double new_guess; double last_guess; if (number < 0) { printf("Cannot compute the square root of a negative number!\n"); return -1; } printf("Method 2:\n"); new_guess = 1; do { last_guess = new_guess; new_guess = (last_guess + number/last_guess) / 2; printf("%.*lf\n", point, new_guess); } while (new_guess != last_guess); return new_guess; } double my_sqrt1(double n, int point) { if (n < 0) { printf("Cannot compute the square root of a negative number!\n"); return -1; } int i,j; for( i=1; i-n<0; i++ ) // 求得i的开方的整数部分 if( i*i-n > 0 ) break; double answer = i-1; double incr = 0.1; for( j=1; j<=point; j++) // 第j次循环,求得i的开方的小数部分的第j位 { for( i=1; i<10; i++ ) { answer += incr; if( answer*answer-n > 0 ) break; } answer -= incr; incr /= 10; } incr *= 10; printf("Method 1:\n"); printf("sqrt(%lf) is between %.*lf - %.*lf\n", n, point, answer, point, answer+incr); return answer; } int main(void) { int point; double n; printf("请输入正整数N: "); scanf("%lf",&n); printf("请输入精确到小数点后的位数: "); scanf("%d",&point); my_sqrt1(n,point); my_sqrt2(n,point); return 0; }