The Oozie Coordinator system allows the user to define and execute recurrent and interdependent workflow jobs (data application pipelines).
说白了就是可以把各个 workflow作业组织起来。比如,A作业执行完成之后,会有输出,该输出触发B作业的执行。那么 A B 这两个workflow作业就可以通过一个coordinator作业组织起来。
Coordinator Job: A coordinator job is an executable instance of a coordination definition. A job submission is done by submitting a job configuration that resolves all parameters in the application definition.
这说明coordinator作业也是需要配置相应的参数的。与提交workflow作业时配置 workflow.xml类似,coordinator作业也有一个名为coordinator.xml的配置文件。
什么是coordinator action?
Coordinator Action: A coordinator action is a workflow job that is started when a set of conditions are met (input dataset instances are available).
coordinator action本质上是一个workflow 作业!
Coordinator Application: A coordinator application defines the conditions under which coordinator actions should be created (the frequency) and when the actions can be started. The coordinator application also defines a start and an end time. Normally, coordinator applications are parameterized. A Coordinator application is written in XML.
coordinator application 负责管理各个coordinator action。有start time 和 end time,负责其中定义的action的起动与终止。
前面一直在纠结这个问题:oozie coordinator 作业如何配置???
<coordinator-app name="cron-coord" frequency="${coord:minutes(10)}" start="${start}" end="${end}" timezone="UTC" xmlns="uri:oozie:coordinator:0.2"> <action> <workflow> <app-path>${workflowAppUri}</app-path> <configuration> <property> <name>jobTracker</name> <value>${jobTracker}</value> </property> <property> <name>nameNode</name> <value>${nameNode}</value> </property> </configuration> </workflow> </action> </coordinator-app>
从上面可以看出, frequency已经写死了,指定为每十分钟执行一次。其中启动时间和结束时间以变量的形式给出,如start="${start}" end="${end}"
这两个变量可以通过job.properties 文件或者在命令行提交时指定参数即可。此外,还可以通过HTTP POST请求的形式,带着相关的参数进行作业提交(Oozie 提供了WebService API。)
其实,frequency和 start、end 一样,也可以用变量来代替,这样就可以实现我前面帖子里面的问题了---定时提交作业,且只运行一次。
但是,需要注意的是 frequency的格式问题:它只能是 cron expression。否则就会报以下的错误:
coordinator application attributes, parameter [frequency] = [10 * ? ?
?] must be an integer or a cron syntax. Parsing error For input string:
"10 * ? ? ?"
关于 cron expression可以参考Quartz,因为Oozie的定时功能是基于它实现的。
Coordinator job with frequency ‘10 * * * *‘ materializes no actions between start and end time.
if (nextTime == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid coordinator cron frequency: " + coordJob.getFrequency());
if (!nextTime.before(coordJob.getEndTime())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Coordinator job with frequency ‘" +
coordJob.getFrequency() + "‘ materializes no actions between start and end time.");
这是因为我的start time 和 end time设置的不合理,下一次作业的运行时间在结束时间之前了,就会出现下面的错误。
Coordinator job with frequency ‘10 * * * *‘ materializes no actions between start and end time.
Oozie coordinator 作业自定义的配置的一些方法