ALV GRID 应该是最常用的显示方式了,下面我举一个例子:查询物料描述及物料组
1 REPORT ZTEST01. 2 3 tables:mara,makt. 4 5 type-pools:slis. 6 7 types:begin of typ_mara, 8 matnr type mara-matnr, 9 maktx type makt-maktx, 10 matkl type mara-matkl, 11 end of typ_mara. 12 data:gt_mara type standard table of typ_mara. 13 14 select-options:s_matnr for mara-matnr. 15 16 start-of-selection. 17 perform sub_get_data. 18 perform sub_alv_data. 19 20 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 21 *& Form sub_get_data 22 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 23 * text 24 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 25 form sub_get_data. 26 select mara~matnr makt~maktx mara~matkl 27 into corresponding fields of table gt_mara 28 from mara 29 left join makt 30 on mara~matnr = makt~matnr and makt~spras = sy-langu 31 where mara~matnr in s_matnr. 32 endform. "sub_get_data 33 34 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 35 *& Form sub_alv_data 36 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 37 * text 38 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 39 form sub_alv_data. 40 41 data: ltd_cat type standard table of slis_fieldcat_alv, 42 lth_cat type slis_fieldcat_alv. 43 44 data: ls_lay type slis_layout_alv. "alv布局 45 ls_lay-colwidth_optimize = ‘X‘. 46 47 lth_cat-fieldname = ‘MATNR‘. 48 lth_cat-seltext_s = ‘物料编码‘. 49 append lth_cat to ltd_cat. 50 clear lth_cat. 51 lth_cat-fieldname = ‘MAKTX‘. 52 lth_cat-seltext_s = ‘描述‘. 53 append lth_cat to ltd_cat. 54 clear lth_cat. 55 lth_cat-fieldname = ‘MATKL‘. 56 lth_cat-seltext_s = ‘物料组‘. 57 append lth_cat to ltd_cat. 58 clear lth_cat. 59 60 call function ‘REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY‘ 61 EXPORTING 62 i_callback_program = sy-repid 63 i_grid_title = ‘批量查询‘ 64 i_callback_user_command = ‘USER_COMMAND‘ 65 is_layout = ls_lay "gth_lay 66 it_fieldcat = ltd_cat 67 i_save = ‘A‘ 68 TABLES 69 t_outtab = gt_mara. 70 71 endform. "sub_alv_data 72 73 74 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 75 *& Form sub_command 76 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 77 * text 78 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 79 * -->I_UCOMM text 80 * -->I_SELFIELD text 81 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 82 form USER_command using i_ucomm like sy-ucomm 83 i_selfield type slis_selfield. 84 85 if i_ucomm = ‘&IC1‘. 86 case i_selfield-fieldname. 87 when ‘MATNR‘. 88 set parameter id ‘MAT‘ field I_selfield-value. 89 call transaction ‘MM03‘ and skip first screen. 90 endcase. 91 endif. 92 93 endform. "user_command