ChartControl staticsChart = new ChartControl();//create the chart control Series series1 = null; Series series2 = null; Series series3 = null; Series series4 = null; /// <summary> /// config the format for doughnut3D /// </summary> private void AddDoughnut3D() { series1= new Series("Doughnut Sereis 1", ViewType.Doughnut3D);//add series1 ChangeTheDouguntData(); staticsChart.Series.Add(series1); series1.Label.TextPattern = "{A}{VP:0%}"; ((Doughnut3DSeriesView)series1.View).HoleRadiusPercent=45; //((Doughnut3DSeriesView)series1.View).ExplodedPoints.Add(series1.Points[0]);export diagram ((SimpleDiagram3D)staticsChart.Diagram).RotationType = RotationType.UseAngles; ((SimpleDiagram3D)staticsChart.Diagram).RotationAngleX = -35; SetChartFormat(); } private void SetChartFormat() { staticsChart.CrosshairOptions.ShowArgumentLabels = true; staticsChart.CrosshairOptions.ShowArgumentLine = true; staticsChart.CrosshairOptions.ShowCrosshairLabels = true; staticsChart.BackColor = Color.Transparent; staticsChart.PaletteBaseColorNumber = 1; staticsChart.PaletteName = "Green"; staticsChart.Titles.Clear(); ChartTitle chartTitle1 = new ChartTitle(); staticsChart.Text = "Data Graphics"; staticsChart.Titles.Add(chartTitle1); staticsChart.Legend.UseCheckBoxes = false; staticsChart.Legend.Direction = LegendDirection.LeftToRight; staticsChart.Legend.AlignmentHorizontal = LegendAlignmentHorizontal.Center; staticsChart.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.pnlAddDiagram.Controls.Add(staticsChart); } private void ChangeTheDouguntData() { DataTable diagramData = GetAllEmployeeDaySummary(); int attendanceNumber = 0; int delaysNumber = 0; int absencesNumber = 0; int exceptionNumber = 0; if (diagramData.Rows.Count > 0) { attendanceNumber = diagramData.Select("pc_code=2" + " and pc_results>0").Length; delaysNumber = diagramData.Select("pc_code=6" + " and pc_results>0").Length; absencesNumber = diagramData.Select("pc_code=8" + " and pc_results>0").Length; exceptionNumber = diagramData.Select("pc_code in(11,12) " + " and pc_results>0").Length; } series1.Points.AddRange(new SeriesPoint[]{ new SeriesPoint("Attendance",attendanceNumber), new SeriesPoint("Delays",delaysNumber), new SeriesPoint("Absences",absencesNumber), new SeriesPoint("Exception",exceptionNumber)}); }
1 private void AddBar3DChart() 2 { 3 series1 = new Series("Attendance", ViewType.Bar3D); 4 series2 = new Series("Delays", ViewType.Bar3D); 5 series3 = new Series("Absences", ViewType.Bar3D); 6 series4 = new Series("Exception", ViewType.Bar3D); 7 if (cmbType.SelectedIndex == 1) 8 { 9 ChangeEmployeeBarData(); 10 } 11 else if (cmbType.SelectedIndex == 2) 12 { 13 ChangeDepartmentBarData(); 14 } 15 staticsChart.Series.AddRange(new Series[] { series1, series2, series3, series4 }); 16 //series1.Label.ResolveOverlappingMode = ResolveOverlappingMode.Default; 17 18 #region set the series view‘s value 19 Bar3DSeriesView myView1 = (Bar3DSeriesView)series1.View; 20 myView1.BarDepthAuto = false; 21 myView1.BarDepth = 0.2; 22 myView1.BarWidth = 0.5; 23 Bar3DSeriesView myView2 = (Bar3DSeriesView)series2.View; 24 25 myView2.BarDepthAuto = false; 26 myView2.BarDepth = 0.2; 27 myView2.BarWidth = 0.5; 28 Bar3DSeriesView myView3 = (Bar3DSeriesView)series3.View; 29 myView3.BarDepthAuto = false; 30 myView3.BarDepth = 0.2; 31 myView3.BarWidth = 0.5; 32 Bar3DSeriesView myView4 = (Bar3DSeriesView)series4.View; 33 myView4.BarDepthAuto = false; 34 myView4.BarDepth = 0.2; 35 myView4.BarWidth = 0.5; 36 #endregion 37 38 XYDiagram3D myDiagram = (XYDiagram3D)staticsChart.Diagram; 39 myDiagram.RotationType = RotationType.UseAngles; 40 myDiagram.RotationOrder = RotationOrder.XYZ; 41 myDiagram.RotationAngleX = 0; 42 myDiagram.RotationAngleY = 0; 43 myDiagram.RotationAngleZ = 270; 44 myDiagram.RuntimeScrolling = true; 45 SetChartFormat(); 46 } 47 48 49 private void ChangeDepartmentBarData() 50 { 51 List<Employee> empList = treeModule.CheckedEmps; 52 List<Department> depList = treeModule.CheckedDepartment; 53 DateTime fromDate = dteFromDate.DateTime; 54 DateTime endDate = dteEndDate.DateTime; 55 List<DaySummary> dsList = new DaySummaryBLL().GetEmployeesDailySummary(empList, fromDate, endDate); 56 List<Paycode> paycodeList = new PaycodeBLL().GetMainFields(); 57 var dsPaycodeList = from ds in dsList 58 join p in paycodeList on ds.paycode.id equals p.id 59 where ds.pc_results > 0 60 orderby ds.employee.id ascending, ds.att_date descending 61 select new { ID = ds.employee.id, Minutes = ds.pc_results, Date = ds.att_date, Paycode = p.pc_code }; 62 foreach (Department dep in depList) 63 { 64 int attendanceDay = 0; 65 int delaysDay = 0; 66 int absencesDay = 0; 67 int ExceptionDay = 0; 68 List<Employee> depEmpList = new EmployeeBLL().GetMainFields(string.Format("where e.department.id={0}", dep.id)); 69 foreach (Employee employee in depEmpList) 70 { 71 attendanceDay += dsPaycodeList.Count(dspaycode => dspaycode.ID == employee.id && dspaycode.Paycode == 2); 72 delaysDay += dsPaycodeList.Count(dspaycode => dspaycode.ID == employee.id && dspaycode.Paycode == 6); 73 absencesDay += dsPaycodeList.Count(dspaycode => dspaycode.ID == employee.id && dspaycode.Paycode == 8); 74 ExceptionDay += dsPaycodeList.Count(dspaycode => dspaycode.ID == employee.id && dspaycode.Paycode == 11) + 75 dsPaycodeList.Count(dspaycode => dspaycode.ID == employee.id && dspaycode.Paycode == 12); 76 } 77 series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dep.dept_name.ToString(), attendanceDay)); 78 series2.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dep.dept_name.ToString(), delaysDay)); 79 series3.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dep.dept_name.ToString(), absencesDay)); 80 series4.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dep.dept_name.ToString(), ExceptionDay)); 81 } 82 }