样例输入:if num > 100 then num2 = 100 else num2 = 0 ; #
#include "cstdio" #include "cstring" #include "cctype" const int ERROR = -1 ; const int OVER = 0 ; const int BEGIN = 1; const int END = 2; const int IF = 3; const int THEN = 4; const int WHILE = 5; const int DO = 6; const int CONST = 7; const int VAR = 8; const int CALL = 9 ; const int PROCEDURE = 10; const int ID = 11; const int NUMBER = 12; const int PLUS = 13; const int SUB =14; const int STAR = 15; const int DIV = 16; const int MOD = 17; const int EQUAL = 18;//= const int NE =19;//<> const int LESS = 20;//< const int MORE = 21;//> const int LE = 22;//<= const int ME = 23;//>= const int ASSIGN = 24;//:= const int LPAR = 25;//( const int RPAR = 26;//) const int COMMA = 27;//, const int DOT = 28;//. const int SEMICOLON = 29;//; char buffer[200]= {‘\0‘}; char str[20];//存放构成单词符号的字符串*/ char ch; int n; int number; //存放常量(整数) int pstr,pbuffer; //关键字 int keyWordNum=10; //关键字 char keywords [10][10] = {"begin","end","if","then","while","do","const","var","call","procedure"}; //常数表 int numOfNumbers=0; int numtab[100]; //变量表 int numOfVars=0; char vartab[100][10]; //读取非空字符 void getBC() { ch=buffer[pbuffer++]; while(ch==‘ ‘)ch=buffer[pbuffer++]; } //回退一个字符 void retract() { ch=buffer[pbuffer--]; } //对缓冲区的内容进行扫描 int scan() { //初始化字符串 pstr=0; for(int i=0; i<20; ++i) { str[i]=‘\0‘; } //初始化数字常量 number=0; getBC(); if( isalpha(ch) ) { //读取标识符 while( isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch) ) { str[pstr++]=ch; ch = buffer[pbuffer++]; } str[pstr++]=‘\0‘; int syn=11; retract();//回退 //判断是否是关键字 for(int i=0; i<keyWordNum; ++i) { if(strcmp(str,keywords[i])==0) //字符串的比较 { syn=i+1; break; } } return syn; } else if( isdigit(ch) ) { while( isdigit(ch) ) { number = number*10 + ch-‘0‘; ch = buffer[pbuffer++]; } retract();//回退 return NUMBER; } else { switch(ch) { case‘+‘: //syn=13; str[0]=ch; return PLUS; case‘-‘: //syn=14; str[0]=ch; return SUB; case‘*‘: //syn=15; str[0]=ch; return STAR; case‘/‘: //syn=16; str[0]=ch; return DIV; case‘%‘: str[0]=ch; return MOD; case‘=‘: str[0]=ch; return EQUAL; case‘<‘: pstr=0; str[pstr++]=ch; ch=buffer[pbuffer++]; if(ch==‘>‘) { str[pstr++]=ch; return NE; } else if(ch==‘=‘) { str[pstr++]=ch; return LE; } else { retract(); return LESS; } break; case‘>‘: pstr=0; str[pstr++]=ch; ch=buffer[pbuffer++]; if(ch==‘=‘) { str[pstr++]=ch; return ME; } else { retract(); return MORE; } break; case‘:‘: pstr=0; str[pstr++]=ch; ch=buffer[pbuffer++]; if(ch==‘=‘) { str[pstr++]=ch; return ASSIGN; } else { retract(); return ERROR; } break; case‘(‘: str[0]=ch; return LPAR; case‘)‘: str[0]=ch; return RPAR; case‘,‘: str[0]=ch; return COMMA; case‘.‘: str[0]=ch; return DOT; case‘;‘: str[0]=ch; return SEMICOLON; case‘#‘: str[0]=ch; return OVER; default: return ERROR; } } } //插入变量,返回在变量表的位置 int insert_Var(const char * str) { for(int i=0; i<numOfVars; i++) { if(strcmp(str,vartab[i])==0) //字符串的比较 { return i+1; } } strcpy(vartab[numOfVars++],str); return numOfVars; } //插入整数常量,返回位置 int insert_Num(int number) { for(int i=0; i<numOfNumbers; i++) { if(numtab[i]==number) //字符串的比较 { return i+1; } } numtab[numOfNumbers++]=number; return numOfNumbers; } main() { freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);//从文件读入数据 printf("\n\nThe explanation :\n" "1. 1 to 10 : Keyword\n" "2. 11 : Other indicators by user\n" "3. 12 : Numbers\n" "4. 13 to 29 : Operators\n"); printf("\nPlease input string:\n"); //输入到缓冲区 pbuffer=0; do { ch=getchar(); buffer[pbuffer++]=ch; } while(ch!=‘#‘); //词法分析 pbuffer=0; int loc,syn; do { syn = scan(); switch(syn) { case -1: printf(" ERROR\n"); break; case 12: //常数 loc = insert_Num(number); printf("( %2d,%2d ) %d\n",syn,loc,number); break; case 11: //用户变量 loc = insert_Var(str); printf("( %2d,%2d ) %s\n",syn,loc,str); break; default: //关键字 printf("( %2d, - ) %s\n",syn,str); } } while(syn!=0); return 0; }