cord, from the Latin word for ‘heart‘. concord, [‘kɑ??k??rd] n. 和睦, 公约 con-,‘with‘. discord, [‘d?sk??rd] n. 不调和,分歧,意见不一 vi.不一致,不协调 dis-,‘apart‘.
accord: [?‘k??rd] n. 一致,调和,协议,自愿 vi. (与)一致(accord with) vt.使一致,调解;给予,赠予
concordance: [k?n‘k??rd?ns] 索引
cordial: [‘k??rd??l] n. 兴奋剂, 补品 adj. 热忱的, 诚恳的, 兴奋的
discordant: [d?s‘k??rd?nt] adj. 不一致的(不和谐的)
culp: comes to English from the Latin word for ‘guilt‘. culprit [‘k?lpr?t] n. 犯人,罪犯,刑事被告,肇事者,罪魁祸首; culpability [?k?lp?‘b?l?ti] n.可责,有罪性,有过失.
culpable: [‘k?lp?bl] adj. 该责备的,有罪的,不周到的
exculpate: [‘eksk?lpe?t] vt. 为某人开脱,证明无罪. ‘to clear from guilt‘, ex-, ‘out of or away from‘.
inculpate: [‘?nk?l?pe?t] vt. 使负罪, 控告
mea culpa: [?me??‘k?lp?] n. 我的过失, 我应负的责任. ‘through my fault‘.
dic, from dicere, the Latin word meaning ‘to speak‘. contradiction, [?kɑ?ntr?‘d?k?n] n. 反驳,矛盾,不一致,否认 contra-, against.
edict: [‘i?d?kt] n. 法令,布告
interdiction: [??nt?r‘d?k?n] n. 封锁, 禁止
jurisdiction: [?d??r?s‘d?k?n] n. 司法权,审判权,管辖权, 控制权
malediction: [?mæl?‘d?k??n] n. 诅咒,咒骂,诽谤
gni/gno: comes from a Greek and Latin verb meaning ‘to know‘. recognize,‘know again‘, ignorant, [‘?ɡn?r?nt] adj. 不知道的, 无知的, 愚昧的 ‘not know‘. agnostic: [æɡ‘nɑ?st?k] n. 不可知论者 adj. 不可知论的,不可知论者的; ignoramus: [??ɡn?‘re?m?s] n. 无知者, 笨蛋.
cognitive: [‘kɑ?ɡn?t?v] adj. 认知的,认识的,有认识力的
diagnosis: [?da??ɡ‘no?s?s] n. 诊断
incognito: [??nkɑ?ɡ‘ni?to?] adv. 微行, 用假名的 n. 微行者, 匿名者 adj. 微行的, 改名的, 匿名的
prognosis: [prɑ?ɡ‘no?s?s] n. 预知,预测,预后
apt/ept, from aptare, ‘to fit‘ and aptus, ‘fit‘. apt [æpt] adj. 恰当的;有…倾向的;灵敏的,
adaptation: [?ædæp‘te??n] n. 改编,适应,改编成的作品
aptitude: [‘æpt?tu?d] n. 才能,资质
adept: [?‘dept] adj. 熟练的, 老练的 n. 名手, 专家
inept: [?‘nept] adj. 不适当的, 无能的, 笨拙的
art, comes from the Latin word for ‘skill‘.
artful: [‘ɑ?rtfl] adj. 狡猾的, 欺诈的, 有技巧的, 巧妙的
artifact: [‘ɑrt??fækt] n. 人工制品(制造物,石器)
artifice: [‘ɑ?rt?f?s] n. 技巧, 巧妙, 诡计
artisan: [‘ɑ?rt?zn] n. 工匠,技工
cad/cid/cas, all comes from the same Latin verb, cadere, meaning ‘to fall, fall down, drop‘, or from the related noun casus, ‘fall or chance‘,
accident: [‘æks?d?nt] n. 事故,意外的事
coincidence: [ko?‘?ns?d?ns] adj. 同时发生的 n. 巧合
casual: [‘kæ?u?l] adj. 偶然的, 随便的, 非正式, 漫不经心的
cascade: [kæ‘ske?d] n. 瀑布,[电]串联 v. 瀑布似地落下,(将...)连结,串联
cadaver: [k?‘dæv?r]n. 尸体
casualty: [‘kæ?u?lti] n. 变故,伤亡者,伤亡人数
decadent: [‘dek?d?nt] adj. 堕落的,颓废的,衰落的 n. 堕落者,颓废派艺术家
recidivism: [r?‘s?d?v?z?m] n. 惯常的犯罪行为
cis: comes from the Latin verb meaning ‘to cut, cut down, or slay‘. incisor,[?n‘sa?z?r] n. 门牙. desicion: [d?‘s??n] n. 决定,决心, ‘cut off‘.
concise: [k?n‘sa?s] adj. 简明的, 简要的
excise: [‘eksa?z] n. 货物税,国产税 vt. 收税,切除
incisive: [?n‘sa?s?v] adj. 敏锐的,机敏的,激烈的
precision: [pr?‘s??n] n. 精确,精密度 adj. 以精准的执行而著称的, 经得起极精细测量的
Animal Words:
apiary: [‘e?pieri] n. 养蜂场, 蜂房
caper: [‘ke?p?r] n. 跳跃 n. [植物]马槟榔 vi. 雀跃, 蹦跳
equestrian: [?‘kwestri?n] n. 骑马者, 骑术家 adj. 骑马的,骑术的 comes from equus, Latin for ‘horse‘.
lupine: lupus, the Latin word for ‘wolf‘, the relative adjective lupinus, ‘wolfish‘. [‘lu?pa?n] n. 羽扇豆属植物(=lupin) adj. 狼的, 凶猛的, 贪婪的
lycanthropy: [la?‘kænθr?p?] n. 把人化为狼的神通, 狼狂
ornithologist: [???rn?‘θɑ?l?d??st] n. 鸟类学家
serpentine: [‘s??rp?nti?n] adj. 蛇的, 层层卷绕的, 阴险的 n. 蛇纹石, 古时候大炮的一种, S字曲线 vi. 像蛇般行进,缓慢地流
simian: ape, [e?p] n. 猿 is simia, from simus, ‘snub-nosed‘. [‘s?mi?n] adj. 猿的, 类人猿的, 猴子一般的 n. 猴子, 类人猿
2016.04.13,英语,《Vocabulary Builder》Unit 13