团树算法背后的思路是分而治之。对于一组随机变量ABCDEFG,如果A和其他变量之间是独立的,那么无论是求边缘分布还是MAP都可以将A单独考虑。如果ABC联系比较紧密,CDE联系比较紧密,那么如果两个团关于C的边缘分布是相同的,则我们没有必要将ABCDE全部乘在一起再来分别求各个变量的边缘分布。因为反过来想,乘的时候也只是把对应的C乘起来,如果C的边缘分布相同,在相乘的时候其实两个团之间并没有引入其他信息,此时乘法不会对ABDE的边缘分布产生影响。团树算法的数学过程和Variable Elimination是相同的。
PGM在计算机中的表达是factorLists,factor的var(i),var表示节点连接关系。val描述了factor中var的关系。cliqueTree其实是一种特殊的factorLists,它的var是clique,表示一堆聚类的var。它的val表示的还是var之间的关系。只不过此时var之间的连接不复存在了。所以clique由两个变量组成:1、cliqueTree 2、edges.
1 %COMPUTEINITIALPOTENTIALS Sets up the cliques in the clique tree that is 2 %passed in as a parameter. 3 % 4 % P = COMPUTEINITIALPOTENTIALS(C) Takes the clique tree skeleton C which is a 5 % struct with three fields: 6 % - nodes: cell array representing the cliques in the tree. 7 % - edges: represents the adjacency matrix of the tree. 8 % - factorList: represents the list of factors that were used to build 9 % the tree. 10 % 11 % It returns the standard form of a clique tree P that we will use through 12 % the rest of the assigment. P is struct with two fields: 13 % - cliqueList: represents an array of cliques with appropriate factors 14 % from factorList assigned to each clique. Where the .val of each clique 15 % is initialized to the initial potential of that clique. 16 % - edges: represents the adjacency matrix of the tree. 17 % 18 % Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 19 20 21 22 function P = ComputeInitialPotentials(C) 23 Input = C; 24 % number of cliques 25 N = length(Input.nodes); 26 27 % initialize cluster potentials 28 P.cliqueList = repmat(struct(‘var‘, [], ‘card‘, [], ‘val‘, []), N, 1); 29 P.edges = zeros(N); 30 31 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 32 % YOUR CODE HERE 33 % 34 % First, compute an assignment of factors from factorList to cliques. 35 % Then use that assignment to initialize the cliques in cliqueList to 36 % their initial potentials. 37 38 % C.nodes is a list of cliques. 39 % So in your code, you should start with: P.cliqueList(i).var = C.nodes{i}; 40 % Print out C to get a better understanding of its structure. 41 % 42 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 43 % N_factors = length(C.factorList); 44 for i = 1:N 45 k = 1; 46 clear clique_ 47 N_factors = length(Input.factorList); 48 for j = 1:N_factors 49 if min(ismember(Input.factorList(j).var,Input.nodes{i})) 50 clique_(k) = Input.factorList(j); 51 k = k+1; 52 Input.factorList(j) =struct(‘var‘, [], ‘card‘, [], ‘val‘, []); 53 end 54 end 55 Joint_Dis_cliq = ComputeJointDistribution(clique_); 56 Joint_Dis_cliq_std = StandardizeFactors(Joint_Dis_cliq); 57 P.cliqueList(i) = Joint_Dis_cliq_std; 58 end 59 P.edges = Input.edges; 60 end
要使得两边关于C的意见达成一致,最简单的方法就是把C在“A团”中的边缘分布乘以"E团”的势。反过来再把A在“E团”中的边缘分布乘以A团的势。那么此时C在两个团中的边缘分布就完全一样了 all = margin(C,A)*margin(C,E)。此即为团树校准的朴素想法。在数学上,团树的校准依然来自VE算法。让AB领盒饭后,C继续参加下一轮的VE。AB领盒饭剩下的C就是C在A团中的边缘分布。
1 %COMPUTEINITIALPOTENTIALS Sets up the cliques in the clique tree that is 2 %passed in as a parameter. 3 % 4 % P = COMPUTEINITIALPOTENTIALS(C) Takes the clique tree skeleton C which is a 5 % struct with three fields: 6 % - nodes: cell array representing the cliques in the tree. 7 % - edges: represents the adjacency matrix of the tree. 8 % - factorList: represents the list of factors that were used to build 9 % the tree. 10 % 11 % It returns the standard form of a clique tree P that we will use through 12 % the rest of the assigment. P is struct with two fields: 13 % - cliqueList: represents an array of cliques with appropriate factors 14 % from factorList assigned to each clique. Where the .val of each clique 15 % is initialized to the initial potential of that clique. 16 % - edges: represents the adjacency matrix of the tree. 17 % 18 % Copyright (C) Daphne Koller, Stanford University, 2012 19 20 21 22 function P = ComputeInitialPotentials(C) 23 Input = C; 24 % number of cliques 25 N = length(Input.nodes); 26 27 % initialize cluster potentials 28 P.cliqueList = repmat(struct(‘var‘, [], ‘card‘, [], ‘val‘, []), N, 1); 29 P.edges = zeros(N); 30 31 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 32 % YOUR CODE HERE 33 % 34 % First, compute an assignment of factors from factorList to cliques. 35 % Then use that assignment to initialize the cliques in cliqueList to 36 % their initial potentials. 37 38 % C.nodes is a list of cliques. 39 % So in your code, you should start with: P.cliqueList(i).var = C.nodes{i}; 40 % Print out C to get a better understanding of its structure. 41 % 42 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 43 % N_factors = length(C.factorList); 44 for i = 1:N 45 k = 1; 46 clear clique_ 47 N_factors = length(Input.factorList); 48 for j = 1:N_factors 49 if min(ismember(Input.factorList(j).var,Input.nodes{i})) 50 clique_(k) = Input.factorList(j); 51 k = k+1; 52 Input.factorList(j) =struct(‘var‘, [], ‘card‘, [], ‘val‘, []); 53 end 54 end 55 Joint_Dis_cliq = ComputeJointDistribution(clique_); 56 Joint_Dis_cliq_std = StandardizeFactors(Joint_Dis_cliq); 57 P.cliqueList(i) = Joint_Dis_cliq_std; 58 end 59 P.edges = Input.edges; 60 end
1 while (1) 2 3 [i,j]=GetNextCliques(P,MESSAGES); 4 5 if i == 0 6 break 7 end 8 9 to_be_summed = setdiff(P.cliqueList(i).var,P.cliqueList(j).var); 10 to_be_propogan = setdiff(P.cliqueList(i).var,to_be_summed); 11 12 tmp_ = 1; 13 clear factorList 14 for k = 1:N 15 if P.edges(i,k)==1&&k~=j&&~isempty(MESSAGES(k,i).var) 16 factorList(tmp_) = MESSAGES(k,i); 17 tmp_ = tmp_+1; 18 end 19 end 20 factorList(tmp_) = P.cliqueList(i); 21 MESSAGES(i,j) = ComputeMarginal(to_be_propogan,ComputeJointDistribution(factorList),[]); 22 end
1 N = length(P.cliqueList); 2 for i = 1:N 3 tmp_ = 1; 4 for k = 1:N 5 if P.edges(i,k)==1 6 factorList(tmp_) = MESSAGES(k,i); 7 tmp_ = tmp_+1; 8 end 9 end 10 factorList(tmp_) = P.cliqueList(i); 11 belief(i) = ComputeJointDistribution(factorList); 12 clear factorList 13 end
argmaxP(AB) = argmaxP(A)P(B|A) = argmax_a{P(A){argmax_bP(B|A)}
显然,从上述过程中,很容易联想到之前提到的边际。只不过这里把边际换成了argmax。P(A){argmax_bP(B|A)}的结果依旧是分布,只不过这个分布的前提是无论A取哪个值,其assignment to val都对应着argmax_b。也就是说,此时如果选择最大的val,那么assignment则对应的是argmax_ab。这种操作的意义就在于可以对一组变量的MAP分而治之,最终单个变量的MAP就是全局MAP的一部分。此时的MESSAGE计算如下:
1 for i = 1:N 2 P.cliqueList(i).val = log(P.cliqueList(i).val); 3 end 4 5 while (1) 6 7 [i,j]=GetNextCliques(P,MESSAGES); 8 9 if i == 0 10 break 11 end 12 13 to_be_summed = setdiff(P.cliqueList(i).var,P.cliqueList(j).var); 14 to_be_propogan = setdiff(P.cliqueList(i).var,to_be_summed); 15 16 tmp_ = 1; 17 clear factorList 18 for k = 1:N 19 if P.edges(i,k)==1&&k~=j&&~isempty(MESSAGES(k,i).var) 20 factorList(tmp_) = MESSAGES(k,i); 21 tmp_ = tmp_+1; 22 end 23 end 24 factorList(tmp_) = P.cliqueList(i); 25 F = factorList; 26 Joint = F(1); 27 for l = 2:length(F) 28 % Iterate through factors and incorporate them into the joint distribution 29 Joint = FactorSum(Joint, F(l)); 30 end 31 MESSAGES(i,j) = FactorMaxMarginalization(Joint,to_be_summed); 32 end
1 2 for i = 1:N 3 tmp_ = 1; 4 for k = 1:N 5 if P.edges(i,k)==1 6 factorList(tmp_) = MESSAGES(k,i); 7 tmp_ = tmp_+1; 8 end 9 end 10 factorList(tmp_) = P.cliqueList(i); 11 F = factorList; 12 belief = F(1); 13 for l = 2:length(F) 14 % Iterate through factors and incorporate them into the joint distribution 15 belief = FactorSum(belief, F(l)); 16 end 17 18 clear factorList 19 Belief(i) = belief; 20 end
机器学习 —— 概率图模型(Homework: Exact Inference)