/** * 设置属性值 * @param array $values attribute values (name => value) to be assigned to the model. * @param boolean $safeOnly whether the assignments should only be done to the safe attributes. * 一个安全属性是与一个验证规则在当前的[[情况]]。 * @see safeAttributes() * @see attributes() */ public function setAttributes($values, $safeOnly = true) { // 必须是个数组 if (is_array($values)) { // array_flip — 交换数组中的键和值 // 将属性放到了 key 上 // 默认取 safeAttributes 中的属性 $attributes = array_flip($safeOnly ? $this->safeAttributes() : $this->attributes()); foreach ($values as $name => $value) { if (isset($attributes[$name])) { // 如果存在该属性,就直接赋值 $this->$name = $value; } elseif ($safeOnly) { // 如果不存在,而且是 safeOnly 的话,就触发一下 onUnsafeAttribute 方法 $this->onUnsafeAttribute($name, $value); } } } } /** * This method is invoked when an unsafe attribute is being massively assigned. * The default implementation will log a warning message if YII_DEBUG is on. * It does nothing otherwise. * @param string $name the unsafe attribute name * @param mixed $value the attribute value */ public function onUnsafeAttribute($name, $value) { if (YII_DEBUG) { // 如果是调试状态,就打 log 记录下,没有成功设置的不安全的属性 Yii::trace("Failed to set unsafe attribute ‘$name‘ in ‘" . get_class($this) . "‘.", __METHOD__); } } /** * Returns the scenario that this model is used in. * * Scenario affects how validation is performed and which attributes can * be massively assigned. * * @return string the scenario that this model is in. Defaults to [[SCENARIO_DEFAULT]]. */ public function getScenario() { // 获取当前的场景 return $this->_scenario; } /** * Sets the scenario for the model. * Note that this method does not check if the scenario exists or not. * The method [[validate()]] will perform this check. * @param string $value the scenario that this model is in. */ public function setScenario($value) { // 设置当前的场景 $this->_scenario = $value; } /** * Returns the attribute names that are safe to be massively assigned in the current scenario. * @return string[] safe attribute names */ public function safeAttributes() { // 获取当前的场景 $scenario = $this->getScenario(); // 获取所有场景及其属性 $scenarios = $this->scenarios(); if (!isset($scenarios[$scenario])) { // 场景不存在,就返回空 return []; } $attributes = []; foreach ($scenarios[$scenario] as $attribute) { // 将开头不是!的属性才会放入到 safeAttributes 中, 即以!开头的属性不会被放到 safeAttributes 中 if ($attribute[0] !== ‘!‘) { $attributes[] = $attribute; } } return $attributes; } /** * Returns the attribute names that are subject to validation in the current scenario. * @return string[] safe attribute names */ public function activeAttributes() { // 同上 $scenario = $this->getScenario(); $scenarios = $this->scenarios(); if (!isset($scenarios[$scenario])) { return []; } // 获取当前场景中的所有属性 $attributes = $scenarios[$scenario]; foreach ($attributes as $i => $attribute) { // 如果属性名以!开头,就把!截取掉 // !开头的属性来自rules,加!能够使规则(即 validator)生效,但却能够不出现在 safeAttributes 中 if ($attribute[0] === ‘!‘) { $attributes[$i] = substr($attribute, 1); } } return $attributes; } /** * Populates the model with the data from end user. * The data to be loaded is `$data[formName]`, where `formName` refers to the value of [[formName()]]. * If [[formName()]] is empty, the whole `$data` array will be used to populate the model. * The data being populated is subject to the safety check by [[setAttributes()]]. * 加载数据到所在的 model 中 * @param array $data the data array. This is usually `$_POST` or `$_GET`, but can also be any valid array * supplied by end user. * @param string $formName the form name to be used for loading the data into the model. * If not set, [[formName()]] will be used. * @return boolean whether the model is successfully populated with some data. */ public function load($data, $formName = null) { // 如果存在 yii 的 form,就使用该 form,否则就拿到所在类的名称(不含 namespace) $scope = $formName === null ? $this->formName() : $formName; if ($scope === ‘‘ && !empty($data)) { // 如果 $scope 为空字符串,且 $data不为空,就设置属性 // 即 $formName 为空字符串,且 $data不为空 $this->setAttributes($data); return true; } elseif (isset($data[$scope])) { // 否则,必须存在 $data[$scope],使用 $data[$scope] 去设置属性 $this->setAttributes($data[$scope]); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Populates a set of models with the data from end user. * 加载数据到所在的 model 的集合中 * This method is mainly used to collect tabular data input. * The data to be loaded for each model is `$data[formName][index]`, where `formName` * refers to the value of [[formName()]], and `index` the index of the model in the `$models` array. * If [[formName()]] is empty, `$data[index]` will be used to populate each model. * The data being populated to each model is subject to the safety check by [[setAttributes()]]. * @param array $models the models to be populated. Note that all models should have the same class. * @param array $data the data array. This is usually `$_POST` or `$_GET`, but can also be any valid array * supplied by end user. * @param string $formName the form name to be used for loading the data into the models. * If not set, it will use the [[formName()]] value of the first model in `$models`. * This parameter is available since version 2.0.1. * @return boolean whether at least one of the models is successfully populated. */ public static function loadMultiple($models, $data, $formName = null) { if ($formName === null) { /* @var $first Model */ // reset — 将数组的内部指针指向第一个单元 $first = reset($models); if ($first === false) { // 不存在就返回 false return false; } // 拿到所在类的名称(不含 namespace) $formName = $first->formName(); } $success = false; // 遍历 $models,一个个 load 数据 foreach ($models as $i => $model) { /* @var $model Model */ if ($formName == ‘‘) { if (!empty($data[$i])) { // 数据不为空,就 load 到相应的 model 中 $model->load($data[$i], ‘‘); $success = true; } } elseif (!empty($data[$formName][$i])) { // 存在 $formName,且数据不为空,就 load 到相应的 model 中 $model->load($data[$formName][$i], ‘‘); $success = true; } } return $success; }