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Way of speaking(3)

时间:2016-04-19 08:44:46      阅读:143      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


Way of speaking(3)

We needs to talk everyday, such as casual chat,communication of work and hangouts. Some of us are shy, and some
are talkative. I used to be shy, and now I am somehow so-called talkative.

Words can cure people
A lot of public speech,encourage people and lead people to fight for what they should fight for; And words could
bring people with comfort.

Words can kill people
Some mean words could bring people bad feelings. Confilict occures when we use inappropriate words in an
inappropriate situdation.

Jack MA(president of Alibaba) said he spent 2-3 years practising how to speak. And in almost 80% of situations,
problems could be solved by changing the way we speak.

People around me(including me), always care more about the practical ways and technical details of solving a
problem. But without a good communication skills, what we only get is wasting more time to solve problems, which
could be finished easily if we enhance mutual communication.

Thank you,


From Shanghai

Way of speaking(3)



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