ServerMediaSession* DynamicRTSPServer ::lookupServerMediaSession(char const* streamName, Boolean isFirstLookupInSession) { // First, check whether the specified "streamName" exists as a local file: // Next, check whether we already have a "ServerMediaSession" for this file: ServerMediaSession* sms = RTSPServer::lookupServerMediaSession(streamName); Boolean smsExists = sms != NULL; FILE* fid = fopen(streamName, "rb"); Boolean fileExists = fid != NULL; if(strcmp(streamName,"live") == 0) { if (smsExists) { // "sms" was created for a file that no longer exists. Remove it: removeServerMediaSession(sms); sms = NULL; } if (sms == NULL) { sms = createNewSMS(envir(), streamName, fid); addServerMediaSession(sms); } return sms; } // Handle the four possibilities for "fileExists" and "smsExists": if (!fileExists) { if (smsExists) { // "sms" was created for a file that no longer exists. Remove it: removeServerMediaSession(sms); sms = NULL; } return NULL; } else { if (smsExists && isFirstLookupInSession) { // Remove the existing "ServerMediaSession" and create a new one, in case the underlying // file has changed in some way: removeServerMediaSession(sms); sms = NULL; } if (sms == NULL) { sms = createNewSMS(envir(), streamName, fid); addServerMediaSession(sms); } fclose(fid); return sms; } }
static ServerMediaSession* createNewSMS(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, FILE* /*fid*/) { ServerMediaSession* sms = NULL; Boolean const reuseSource = False; if (strcmp(fileName, "live") == 0) { NEW_SMS("live"); //env << "live detected. addsubsession:\n"; //sms->addSubsession(LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 300000; sms->addSubsession(LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); return sms; } // Use the file name extension to determine the type of "ServerMediaSession": char const* extension = strrchr(fileName, '.'); if (extension == NULL) return NULL; if (strcmp(extension, ".aac") == 0) { // Assumed to be an AAC Audio (ADTS format) file: NEW_SMS("AAC Audio"); sms->addSubsession(ADTSAudioFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".amr") == 0) { // Assumed to be an AMR Audio file: NEW_SMS("AMR Audio"); sms->addSubsession(AMRAudioFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".ac3") == 0) { // Assumed to be an AC-3 Audio file: NEW_SMS("AC-3 Audio"); sms->addSubsession(AC3AudioFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".m4e") == 0) { // Assumed to be a MPEG-4 Video Elementary Stream file: NEW_SMS("MPEG-4 Video"); sms->addSubsession(MPEG4VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".264") == 0) { // Assumed to be a H.264 Video Elementary Stream file: NEW_SMS("H.264 Video"); OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 300000; // allow for some possibly large H.264 frames sms->addSubsession(H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".265") == 0) { // Assumed to be a H.265 Video Elementary Stream file: NEW_SMS("H.265 Video"); OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 300000; // allow for some possibly large H.265 frames sms->addSubsession(H265VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".mp3") == 0) { // Assumed to be a MPEG-1 or 2 Audio file: NEW_SMS("MPEG-1 or 2 Audio"); // To stream using 'ADUs' rather than raw MP3 frames, uncomment the following: //#define STREAM_USING_ADUS 1 // To also reorder ADUs before streaming, uncomment the following: //#define INTERLEAVE_ADUS 1 // (For more information about ADUs and interleaving, // see <http://www.live555.com/rtp-mp3/>) Boolean useADUs = False; Interleaving* interleaving = NULL; #ifdef STREAM_USING_ADUS useADUs = True; #ifdef INTERLEAVE_ADUS unsigned char interleaveCycle[] = {0,2,1,3}; // or choose your own... unsigned const interleaveCycleSize = (sizeof interleaveCycle)/(sizeof (unsigned char)); interleaving = new Interleaving(interleaveCycleSize, interleaveCycle); #endif #endif sms->addSubsession(MP3AudioFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource, useADUs, interleaving)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".mpg") == 0) { // Assumed to be a MPEG-1 or 2 Program Stream (audio+video) file: NEW_SMS("MPEG-1 or 2 Program Stream"); MPEG1or2FileServerDemux* demux = MPEG1or2FileServerDemux::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource); sms->addSubsession(demux->newVideoServerMediaSubsession()); sms->addSubsession(demux->newAudioServerMediaSubsession()); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".vob") == 0) { // Assumed to be a VOB (MPEG-2 Program Stream, with AC-3 audio) file: NEW_SMS("VOB (MPEG-2 video with AC-3 audio)"); MPEG1or2FileServerDemux* demux = MPEG1or2FileServerDemux::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource); sms->addSubsession(demux->newVideoServerMediaSubsession()); sms->addSubsession(demux->newAC3AudioServerMediaSubsession()); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".ts") == 0) { // Assumed to be a MPEG Transport Stream file: // Use an index file name that's the same as the TS file name, except with ".tsx": unsigned indexFileNameLen = strlen(fileName) + 2; // allow for trailing "x\0" char* indexFileName = new char[indexFileNameLen]; sprintf(indexFileName, "%sx", fileName); NEW_SMS("MPEG Transport Stream"); sms->addSubsession(MPEG2TransportFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, indexFileName, reuseSource)); delete[] indexFileName; } else if (strcmp(extension, ".wav") == 0) { // Assumed to be a WAV Audio file: NEW_SMS("WAV Audio Stream"); // To convert 16-bit PCM data to 8-bit u-law, prior to streaming, // change the following to True: Boolean convertToULaw = False; sms->addSubsession(WAVAudioFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource, convertToULaw)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".dv") == 0) { // Assumed to be a DV Video file // First, make sure that the RTPSinks' buffers will be large enough to handle the huge size of DV frames (as big as 288000). OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 300000; NEW_SMS("DV Video"); sms->addSubsession(DVVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(env, fileName, reuseSource)); } else if (strcmp(extension, ".mkv") == 0 || strcmp(extension, ".webm") == 0) { // Assumed to be a Matroska file (note that WebM ('.webm') files are also Matroska files) OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 100000; // allow for some possibly large VP8 or VP9 frames NEW_SMS("Matroska video+audio+(optional)subtitles"); // Create a Matroska file server demultiplexor for the specified file. // (We enter the event loop to wait for this to complete.) MatroskaDemuxCreationState creationState; creationState.watchVariable = 0; MatroskaFileServerDemux::createNew(env, fileName, onMatroskaDemuxCreation, &creationState); env.taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&creationState.watchVariable); ServerMediaSubsession* smss; while ((smss = creationState.demux->newServerMediaSubsession()) != NULL) { sms->addSubsession(smss); } } else if (strcmp(extension, ".ogg") == 0 || strcmp(extension, ".ogv") == 0 || strcmp(extension, ".opus") == 0) { // Assumed to be an Ogg file NEW_SMS("Ogg video and/or audio"); // Create a Ogg file server demultiplexor for the specified file. // (We enter the event loop to wait for this to complete.) OggDemuxCreationState creationState; creationState.watchVariable = 0; OggFileServerDemux::createNew(env, fileName, onOggDemuxCreation, &creationState); env.taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&creationState.watchVariable); ServerMediaSubsession* smss; while ((smss = creationState.demux->newServerMediaSubsession()) != NULL) { sms->addSubsession(smss); } } return sms; }
#ifndef _H264_STREAM_FILE_SOURCE_HH #define _H264_STREAM_FILE_SOURCE_HH #ifndef _FRAMED_FILE_SOURCE_HH #include "FramedFileSource.hh" #endif #include<pthread.h> #include "semaphore.h" #define H264_BUF_SIZE 150000 #define H264_BUF_COUNT 10 typedef void (*CB_FUN)(void); extern void h264_buf_init(); extern void h264_buf_destroy(); extern Boolean h264_buf_full(); extern Boolean h264_buf_empty(); extern int h264_buf_put(unsigned char* buf,int len); extern unsigned char* h264_buf_get(int* len); extern sem_t h264_f; extern sem_t h264_e; extern int b264IsInit; extern CB_FUN startfun; extern CB_FUN endfun; class LiveH264StreamSource: public FramedSource { public: static LiveH264StreamSource* createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, unsigned preferredFrameSize = 0, unsigned playTimePerFrame = 0); // "preferredFrameSize" == 0 means 'no preference' // "playTimePerFrame" is in microseconds /* static LiveH264StreamSource* createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, unsigned preferredFrameSize = 0, unsigned playTimePerFrame = 0); // an alternative version of "createNew()" that's used if you already have // an open file. */ u_int64_t fileSize() const { return fFileSize; } // 0 means zero-length, unbounded, or unknown void seekToByteAbsolute(u_int64_t byteNumber, u_int64_t numBytesToStream = 0); // if "numBytesToStream" is >0, then we limit the stream to that number of bytes, before treating it as EOF void seekToByteRelative(int64_t offset, u_int64_t numBytesToStream = 0); void seekToEnd(); // to force EOF handling on the next read protected: LiveH264StreamSource(UsageEnvironment& env, unsigned preferredFrameSize, unsigned playTimePerFrame); // called only by createNew() virtual ~LiveH264StreamSource(); static void fileReadableHandler(LiveH264StreamSource* source, int mask); void doReadFromFile(); private: // redefined virtual functions: virtual void doGetNextFrame(); virtual void doStopGettingFrames(); protected: u_int64_t fFileSize; private: unsigned fPreferredFrameSize; unsigned fPlayTimePerFrame; Boolean fFidIsSeekable; unsigned fLastPlayTime; Boolean fHaveStartedReading; Boolean fLimitNumBytesToStream; u_int64_t fNumBytesToStream; // used iff "fLimitNumBytesToStream" is True }; #endif
#include "LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession.hh" #include "LiveADTSAudioSource.hh" #include "MPEG4GenericRTPSink.hh" LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession* LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, Boolean reuseFirstSource) { return new LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession(env, fileName, reuseFirstSource); } LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession ::LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, Boolean reuseFirstSource) : FileServerMediaSubsession(env, fileName, reuseFirstSource) { } LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession ::~LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession() { } FramedSource* LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession ::createNewStreamSource(unsigned /*clientSessionId*/, unsigned& estBitrate) { estBitrate = 96; // kbps, estimate return LiveADTSAudioSource::createNew(envir()); } RTPSink* LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession ::createNewRTPSink(Groupsock* rtpGroupsock, unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, FramedSource* inputSource) { LiveADTSAudioSource* adtsSource = (LiveADTSAudioSource*)inputSource; return MPEG4GenericRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, adtsSource->samplingFrequency(), "audio", "AAC-hbr", adtsSource->configStr(), adtsSource->numChannels()); }
#ifndef _LiveADTSAudioSource_HH #define _LiveADTSAudioSource_HH #ifndef _FRAMED_FILE_SOURCE_HH #include "FramedFileSource.hh" #endif #include<pthread.h> #include "semaphore.h" #define AAC_BUF_SIZE 10000 #define AAC_BUF_COUNT 20 extern void aac_buf_init(); extern Boolean aac_buf_full(); extern Boolean aac_buf_empty(); extern int aac_buf_put(unsigned char* buf,int len); extern unsigned char* aac_buf_get(); extern void aac_buf_destroy(); extern sem_t aac_f; extern sem_t aac_e; extern int bIsInit; class LiveADTSAudioSource: public FramedSource { public: static LiveADTSAudioSource* createNew(UsageEnvironment& env); unsigned samplingFrequency() const { return fSamplingFrequency; } unsigned numChannels() const { return fNumChannels; } char const* configStr() const { return fConfigStr; } // returns the 'AudioSpecificConfig' for this stream (in ASCII form) private: LiveADTSAudioSource(UsageEnvironment& env, u_int8_t profile, u_int8_t samplingFrequencyIndex, u_int8_t channelConfiguration); // called only by createNew() virtual ~LiveADTSAudioSource(); private: // redefined virtual functions: virtual void doGetNextFrame(); private: unsigned fSamplingFrequency; unsigned fNumChannels; unsigned fuSecsPerFrame; char fConfigStr[5]; }; #endif
#include "LiveADTSAudioSource.hh" #include "InputFile.hh" #include <GroupsockHelper.hh> ////////// ADTSAudioFileSource ////////// static unsigned const samplingFrequencyTable[16] = { 96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000, 7350, 0, 0, 0 }; unsigned char aac_framebuf[AAC_BUF_COUNT][AAC_BUF_SIZE]; int aac_frame_len[AAC_BUF_COUNT]; int aac_buf_head; int aac_buf_tail; int aac_buf_size; void aac_buf_init(); void aac_buf_destroy(); Boolean aac_buf_full(); Boolean aac_buf_empty(); int aac_buf_put(unsigned char* buf,int len); unsigned char* aac_buf_get(); sem_t aac_f; sem_t aac_e; sem_t aac_m; int bIsInit = 0; void aac_buf_init() { if(bIsInit == 0) { sem_init(&aac_f,0,0); sem_init(&aac_e,0,AAC_BUF_COUNT); sem_init(&aac_m,0,1); aac_buf_head = 0; aac_buf_tail = 0; aac_buf_size = 0; } } Boolean aac_buf_full() { if(aac_buf_size == AAC_BUF_COUNT) return True; return False; } Boolean aac_buf_empty() { if(aac_buf_size == 0) return True; return False; } int aac_buf_put(unsigned char* buf,int len) { sem_wait(&aac_e); sem_wait(&aac_m); bzero(aac_framebuf[aac_buf_tail],AAC_BUF_SIZE); memcpy(aac_framebuf[aac_buf_tail],buf,len); aac_frame_len[aac_buf_tail] = len; aac_buf_tail = (aac_buf_tail + 1)%AAC_BUF_COUNT; aac_buf_size++; sem_post(&aac_m); sem_post(&aac_f); } unsigned char* aac_buf_get() { sem_wait(&aac_m); unsigned char* rt = aac_framebuf[aac_buf_head]; aac_buf_head = (aac_buf_head+1)%AAC_BUF_COUNT; aac_buf_size--; sem_post(&aac_m); return rt; } void aac_buf_destroy() { sem_destroy(&aac_f); sem_destroy(&aac_e); sem_destroy(&aac_m); } LiveADTSAudioSource* LiveADTSAudioSource::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env) { aac_buf_init(); bIsInit = 1; return new LiveADTSAudioSource(env, 1, 4, 2); } LiveADTSAudioSource ::LiveADTSAudioSource(UsageEnvironment& env, u_int8_t profile, u_int8_t samplingFrequencyIndex, u_int8_t channelConfiguration) : FramedSource(env) { fSamplingFrequency = samplingFrequencyTable[samplingFrequencyIndex]; fNumChannels = channelConfiguration == 0 ? 2 : channelConfiguration; fuSecsPerFrame = (1024/*samples-per-frame*/*1000000) / fSamplingFrequency/*samples-per-second*/; // Construct the 'AudioSpecificConfig', and from it, the corresponding ASCII string: unsigned char audioSpecificConfig[2]; u_int8_t const audioObjectType = profile + 1; audioSpecificConfig[0] = (audioObjectType<<3) | (samplingFrequencyIndex>>1); audioSpecificConfig[1] = (samplingFrequencyIndex<<7) | (channelConfiguration<<3); sprintf(fConfigStr, "%02X%02x", audioSpecificConfig[0], audioSpecificConfig[1]); //env << "liveADTSAudioSource : construct\n"; } LiveADTSAudioSource::~LiveADTSAudioSource() { } // Note: We should change the following to use asynchronous file reading, ##### // as we now do with ByteStreamFileSource. ##### void LiveADTSAudioSource::doGetNextFrame() { // Begin by reading the 7-byte fixed_variable headers: sem_wait(&aac_f); unsigned char* cur = aac_buf_get(); int pos = 0; unsigned char* headers; headers = cur; // Extract important fields from the headers: Boolean protection_absent = headers[1]&0x01; u_int16_t frame_length = ((headers[3]&0x03)<<11) | (headers[4]<<3) | ((headers[5]&0xE0)>>5); if(0) { u_int16_t syncword = (headers[0]<<4) | (headers[1]>>4); fprintf(stderr, "Read frame: syncword 0x%x, protection_absent %d, frame_length %d\n", syncword, protection_absent, frame_length); if (syncword != 0xFFF) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Bad syncword!\n"); } unsigned numBytesToRead = frame_length > 7 ? frame_length - 7 : 0; pos = 7; // If there's a 'crc_check' field, skip it: if (!protection_absent) { pos += 2; numBytesToRead = numBytesToRead > 2 ? numBytesToRead - 2 : 0; } // Next, read the raw frame data into the buffer provided: if (numBytesToRead > fMaxSize) { fNumTruncatedBytes = numBytesToRead - fMaxSize; numBytesToRead = fMaxSize; } memcpy(fTo,cur + pos,numBytesToRead); sem_post(&aac_e); int numBytesRead = numBytesToRead; fFrameSize = numBytesRead; fNumTruncatedBytes += numBytesToRead - numBytesRead; // Set the 'presentation time': if (fPresentationTime.tv_sec == 0 && fPresentationTime.tv_usec == 0) { // This is the first frame, so use the current time: gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, NULL); } else { // Increment by the play time of the previous frame: unsigned uSeconds = fPresentationTime.tv_usec + fuSecsPerFrame; fPresentationTime.tv_sec += uSeconds/1000000; fPresentationTime.tv_usec = uSeconds%1000000; } fDurationInMicroseconds = fuSecsPerFrame; // Switch to another task, and inform the reader that he has data: nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(0, (TaskFunc*)FramedSource::afterGetting, this); }
#ifndef _LIVE_VIDEO_FILE_SERVER_MEDIA_SUBSESSION_HH #define _LIVE_VIDEO_FILE_SERVER_MEDIA_SUBSESSION_HH #ifndef _FILE_SERVER_MEDIA_SUBSESSION_HH #include "FileServerMediaSubsession.hh" #endif class LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession: public FileServerMediaSubsession { public: static LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession* createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, Boolean reuseFirstSource); // Used to implement "getAuxSDPLine()": void checkForAuxSDPLine1(); void afterPlayingDummy1(); protected: LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, Boolean reuseFirstSource); // called only by createNew(); virtual ~LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession(); void setDoneFlag() { fDoneFlag = ~0; } protected: // redefined virtual functions virtual char const* getAuxSDPLine(RTPSink* rtpSink, FramedSource* inputSource); virtual FramedSource* createNewStreamSource(unsigned clientSessionId, unsigned& estBitrate); virtual RTPSink* createNewRTPSink(Groupsock* rtpGroupsock, unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, FramedSource* inputSource); private: char* fAuxSDPLine; char fDoneFlag; // used when setting up "fAuxSDPLine" RTPSink* fDummyRTPSink; // ditto }; #endif
#include "LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession.hh" #include "H264VideoRTPSink.hh" #include "LiveH264StreamSource.hh" #include "H264VideoStreamFramer.hh" LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession* LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, Boolean reuseFirstSource) { return new LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession(env, fileName, reuseFirstSource); } LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, Boolean reuseFirstSource) : FileServerMediaSubsession(env, fileName, reuseFirstSource), fAuxSDPLine(NULL), fDoneFlag(0), fDummyRTPSink(NULL) { } LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::~LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession() { delete[] fAuxSDPLine; } static void afterPlayingDummy(void* clientData) { LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession* subsess = (LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession*)clientData; subsess->afterPlayingDummy1(); } void LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::afterPlayingDummy1() { // Unschedule any pending 'checking' task: envir().taskScheduler().unscheduleDelayedTask(nextTask()); // Signal the event loop that we're done: setDoneFlag(); } static void checkForAuxSDPLine(void* clientData) { LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession* subsess = (LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession*)clientData; subsess->checkForAuxSDPLine1(); } void LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::checkForAuxSDPLine1() { char const* dasl; if (fAuxSDPLine != NULL) { // Signal the event loop that we're done: setDoneFlag(); } else if (fDummyRTPSink != NULL && (dasl = fDummyRTPSink->auxSDPLine()) != NULL) { fAuxSDPLine = strDup(dasl); fDummyRTPSink = NULL; // Signal the event loop that we're done: setDoneFlag(); } else if (!fDoneFlag) { // try again after a brief delay: int uSecsToDelay = 100000; // 100 ms nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(uSecsToDelay, (TaskFunc*)checkForAuxSDPLine, this); } } char const* LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::getAuxSDPLine(RTPSink* rtpSink, FramedSource* inputSource) { if (fAuxSDPLine != NULL) return fAuxSDPLine; // it's already been set up (for a previous client) if (fDummyRTPSink == NULL) { // we're not already setting it up for another, concurrent stream // Note: For H264 video files, the 'config' information ("profile-level-id" and "sprop-parameter-sets") isn't known // until we start reading the file. This means that "rtpSink"s "auxSDPLine()" will be NULL initially, // and we need to start reading data from our file until this changes. fDummyRTPSink = rtpSink; // Start reading the file: fDummyRTPSink->startPlaying(*inputSource, afterPlayingDummy, this); // Check whether the sink's 'auxSDPLine()' is ready: checkForAuxSDPLine(this); } envir().taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&fDoneFlag); return fAuxSDPLine; } FramedSource* LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource(unsigned /*clientSessionId*/, unsigned& estBitrate) { estBitrate = 500; // kbps, estimate // Create the video source: LiveH264StreamSource* fileSource = LiveH264StreamSource::createNew(envir(), fFileName); if (fileSource == NULL) return NULL; fFileSize = fileSource->fileSize(); // Create a framer for the Video Elementary Stream: return H264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(envir(), fileSource); } RTPSink* LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession ::createNewRTPSink(Groupsock* rtpGroupsock, unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, FramedSource* /*inputSource*/) { return H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic); }
#ifndef _H264_STREAM_FILE_SOURCE_HH #define _H264_STREAM_FILE_SOURCE_HH #ifndef _FRAMED_FILE_SOURCE_HH #include "FramedFileSource.hh" #endif #include<pthread.h> #include "semaphore.h" #define H264_BUF_SIZE 150000 #define H264_BUF_COUNT 10 typedef void (*CB_FUN)(void); extern void h264_buf_init(); extern void h264_buf_destroy(); extern Boolean h264_buf_full(); extern Boolean h264_buf_empty(); extern int h264_buf_put(unsigned char* buf,int len); extern unsigned char* h264_buf_get(int* len); extern sem_t h264_f; extern sem_t h264_e; extern int b264IsInit; extern CB_FUN startfun; extern CB_FUN endfun; class LiveH264StreamSource: public FramedSource { public: static LiveH264StreamSource* createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, unsigned preferredFrameSize = 0, unsigned playTimePerFrame = 0); // "preferredFrameSize" == 0 means 'no preference' // "playTimePerFrame" is in microseconds /* static LiveH264StreamSource* createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, unsigned preferredFrameSize = 0, unsigned playTimePerFrame = 0); // an alternative version of "createNew()" that's used if you already have // an open file. */ u_int64_t fileSize() const { return fFileSize; } // 0 means zero-length, unbounded, or unknown void seekToByteAbsolute(u_int64_t byteNumber, u_int64_t numBytesToStream = 0); // if "numBytesToStream" is >0, then we limit the stream to that number of bytes, before treating it as EOF void seekToByteRelative(int64_t offset, u_int64_t numBytesToStream = 0); void seekToEnd(); // to force EOF handling on the next read protected: LiveH264StreamSource(UsageEnvironment& env, unsigned preferredFrameSize, unsigned playTimePerFrame); // called only by createNew() virtual ~LiveH264StreamSource(); static void fileReadableHandler(LiveH264StreamSource* source, int mask); void doReadFromFile(); private: // redefined virtual functions: virtual void doGetNextFrame(); virtual void doStopGettingFrames(); protected: u_int64_t fFileSize; private: unsigned fPreferredFrameSize; unsigned fPlayTimePerFrame; Boolean fFidIsSeekable; unsigned fLastPlayTime; Boolean fHaveStartedReading; Boolean fLimitNumBytesToStream; u_int64_t fNumBytesToStream; // used iff "fLimitNumBytesToStream" is True }; #endif
#include "LiveH264StreamSource.hh" #include "InputFile.hh" #include "GroupsockHelper.hh" ////////// LiveH264StreamSource ////////// unsigned char h264_framebuf[H264_BUF_COUNT][H264_BUF_SIZE]; int h264_frame_len[H264_BUF_COUNT]; int h264_buf_head; int h264_buf_tail; int h264_buf_size; void h264_buf_init(); void h264_buf_destroy(); Boolean h264_buf_full(); Boolean h264_buf_empty(); int h264_buf_put(unsigned char* buf,int len); unsigned char* h264_buf_get(); sem_t h264_f; sem_t h264_e; sem_t h264_m; int b264IsInit = 0; CB_FUN startfun = NULL; CB_FUN endfun = NULL; unsigned char obuf[H264_BUF_SIZE]; unsigned olen = 0; void h264_buf_init() { if(b264IsInit == 0) { sem_init(&h264_f,1,0); sem_init(&h264_e,1,H264_BUF_COUNT); sem_init(&h264_m,1,1); h264_buf_head = 0; h264_buf_tail = 0; h264_buf_size = 0; //printf("must 1\n"); } } Boolean h264_buf_full() { if(h264_buf_size == H264_BUF_COUNT) return True; return False; } Boolean h264_buf_empty() { if(h264_buf_size == 0) return True; return False; } int h264_buf_put(unsigned char* buf,int len) { sem_wait(&h264_e); sem_wait(&h264_m); bzero(h264_framebuf[h264_buf_tail],H264_BUF_SIZE); memcpy(h264_framebuf[h264_buf_tail],buf,len); h264_frame_len[h264_buf_tail] = len; h264_buf_tail = (h264_buf_tail + 1)%H264_BUF_COUNT; h264_buf_size++; sem_post(&h264_f); sem_post(&h264_m); } unsigned char* h264_buf_get(int* len) { sem_wait(&h264_m); unsigned char* rt = h264_framebuf[h264_buf_head]; *len = h264_frame_len[h264_buf_head]; h264_buf_head = (h264_buf_head+1)%H264_BUF_COUNT; h264_buf_size--; sem_post(&h264_m); return rt; } void h264_buf_destroy() { sem_destroy(&h264_f); sem_destroy(&h264_e); sem_destroy(&h264_m); } LiveH264StreamSource* LiveH264StreamSource::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* fileName, unsigned preferredFrameSize, unsigned playTimePerFrame) { h264_buf_init(); b264IsInit = 1; LiveH264StreamSource* newSource = new LiveH264StreamSource(env, preferredFrameSize, playTimePerFrame); if(startfun != NULL) { startfun(); } return newSource; } /* LiveH264StreamSource* LiveH264StreamSource::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, unsigned preferredFrameSize, unsigned playTimePerFrame) { LiveH264StreamSource* newSource = new LiveH264StreamSource(env, preferredFrameSize, playTimePerFrame); return newSource; } */ void LiveH264StreamSource::seekToByteAbsolute(u_int64_t byteNumber, u_int64_t numBytesToStream) { fNumBytesToStream = numBytesToStream; fLimitNumBytesToStream = fNumBytesToStream > 0; } void LiveH264StreamSource::seekToByteRelative(int64_t offset, u_int64_t numBytesToStream) { fNumBytesToStream = numBytesToStream; fLimitNumBytesToStream = fNumBytesToStream > 0; } void LiveH264StreamSource::seekToEnd() { } LiveH264StreamSource::LiveH264StreamSource(UsageEnvironment& env, unsigned preferredFrameSize, unsigned playTimePerFrame) : FramedSource(env), fFileSize(0), fPreferredFrameSize(preferredFrameSize), fPlayTimePerFrame(playTimePerFrame), fLastPlayTime(0), fHaveStartedReading(False), fLimitNumBytesToStream(False), fNumBytesToStream(0) { // Test whether the file is seekable fFidIsSeekable = False; } LiveH264StreamSource::~LiveH264StreamSource() { if(endfun != NULL) { endfun(); } } void LiveH264StreamSource::doGetNextFrame() { doReadFromFile(); } void LiveH264StreamSource::doStopGettingFrames() { //envir().taskScheduler().unscheduleDelayedTask(nextTask()); } void LiveH264StreamSource::fileReadableHandler(LiveH264StreamSource* source, int /*mask*/) { if (!source->isCurrentlyAwaitingData()) { source->doStopGettingFrames(); // we're not ready for the data yet return; } source->doReadFromFile(); } void LiveH264StreamSource::doReadFromFile() { // Try to read as many bytes as will fit in the buffer provided (or "fPreferredFrameSize" if less) if (fLimitNumBytesToStream && fNumBytesToStream < (u_int64_t)fMaxSize) { fMaxSize = (unsigned)fNumBytesToStream; } if (fPreferredFrameSize > 0 && fPreferredFrameSize < fMaxSize) { fMaxSize = fPreferredFrameSize; } sem_wait(&h264_f); int len = 0; unsigned char* frame = h264_buf_get(&len); if(olen > 0) { memcpy(fTo,obuf,olen); } if(len + olen>= fMaxSize) { unsigned need = fMaxSize-olen; memcpy(&fTo[olen],frame,need); fFrameSize = fMaxSize; olen = len - need; memcpy(obuf,&frame[need],olen); }else{ memcpy(&fTo[olen],frame,len+ olen); fFrameSize = olen + len; olen = 0; } sem_post(&h264_e); //fFrameSize = fread(fTo, 1, fMaxSize, fFid); //fwrite(fTo,fFrameSize,1,file); if (fFrameSize == 0) { //handleClosure(); //return; } fNumBytesToStream -= fFrameSize; // Set the 'presentation time': if (fPlayTimePerFrame > 0 && fPreferredFrameSize > 0) { if (fPresentationTime.tv_sec == 0 && fPresentationTime.tv_usec == 0) { // This is the first frame, so use the current time: gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, NULL); } else { // Increment by the play time of the previous data: unsigned uSeconds = fPresentationTime.tv_usec + fLastPlayTime; fPresentationTime.tv_sec += uSeconds/1000000; fPresentationTime.tv_usec = uSeconds%1000000; } // Remember the play time of this data: fLastPlayTime = (fPlayTimePerFrame*fFrameSize)/fPreferredFrameSize; fDurationInMicroseconds = fLastPlayTime; } else { // We don't know a specific play time duration for this data, // so just record the current time as being the 'presentation time': gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, NULL); } // To avoid possible infinite recursion, we need to return to the event loop to do this: nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(0, (TaskFunc*)FramedSource::afterGetting, this); }
<span style="color:#666666;">#include "LiveADTSAudioSource.hh" #include "LiveADTSAudioServerMediaSubsession.hh" #include "LiveVideoFileServerMediaSubsession.hh" #include "LiveH264StreamSource.hh"</span>
#include <BasicUsageEnvironment.hh> #include "DynamicRTSPServer.hh" #include <liveMedia.hh> #include "version.hh" typedef void (*CB_FUN)(void); int Rtsp_Server_Start(); int Rtsp_Server_Stop(); int Rtsp_AAC_Frame(unsigned char* frame,int framelen); int Rtsp_H264_Frame(unsigned char* frame,int framelen); int Rtsp_Regist_Start_Routine(CB_FUN fun); int Rtsp_Regist_Stop_Routine(CB_FUN fun); int Rtsp_Port();
#include "librtspserv.hh" #include <pthread.h> pthread_t id; void* server_start(void* arg) { // Begin by setting up our usage environment: TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); UsageEnvironment* env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDB = NULL; #ifdef ACCESS_CONTROL // To implement client access control to the RTSP server, do the following: authDB = new UserAuthenticationDatabase; authDB->addUserRecord("username1", "password1"); // replace these with real strings // Repeat the above with each <username>, <password> that you wish to allow // access to the server. #endif // Create the RTSP server. Try first with the default port number (554), // and then with the alternative port number (8554): RTSPServer* rtspServer; portNumBits rtspServerPortNum = 554; rtspServer = DynamicRTSPServer::createNew(*env, rtspServerPortNum, authDB); if (rtspServer == NULL) { rtspServerPortNum = 8554; rtspServer = DynamicRTSPServer::createNew(*env, rtspServerPortNum, authDB); } if (rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } *env << "LIVE555 Media Server\n"; *env << "\tversion " << MEDIA_SERVER_VERSION_STRING << " (LIVE555 Streaming Media library version " << LIVEMEDIA_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING << ").\n"; char* urlPrefix = rtspServer->rtspURLPrefix(); *env << "Play streams from this server using the URL\n\t" << urlPrefix << "<filename>\nwhere <filename> is a file present in the current directory.\n"; *env << "Each file's type is inferred from its name suffix:\n"; *env << "\t\".264\" => a H.264 Video Elementary Stream file\n"; *env << "\t\".265\" => a H.265 Video Elementary Stream file\n"; *env << "\t\".aac\" => an AAC Audio (ADTS format) file\n"; *env << "\t\".ac3\" => an AC-3 Audio file\n"; *env << "\t\".amr\" => an AMR Audio file\n"; *env << "\t\".dv\" => a DV Video file\n"; *env << "\t\".m4e\" => a MPEG-4 Video Elementary Stream file\n"; *env << "\t\".mkv\" => a Matroska audio+video+(optional)subtitles file\n"; *env << "\t\".mp3\" => a MPEG-1 or 2 Audio file\n"; *env << "\t\".mpg\" => a MPEG-1 or 2 Program Stream (audio+video) file\n"; *env << "\t\".ogg\" or \".ogv\" or \".opus\" => an Ogg audio and/or video file\n"; *env << "\t\".ts\" => a MPEG Transport Stream file\n"; *env << "\t\t(a \".tsx\" index file - if present - provides server 'trick play' support)\n"; *env << "\t\".vob\" => a VOB (MPEG-2 video with AC-3 audio) file\n"; *env << "\t\".wav\" => a WAV Audio file\n"; *env << "\t\".webm\" => a WebM audio(Vorbis)+video(VP8) file\n"; *env << "See http://www.live555.com/mediaServer/ for additional documentation.\n"; // Also, attempt to create a HTTP server for RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling. // Try first with the default HTTP port (80), and then with the alternative HTTP // port numbers (8000 and 8080). if (rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(80) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8000) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8080)) { *env << "(We use port " << rtspServer->httpServerPortNum() << " for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling, or for HTTP live streaming (for indexed Transport Stream files only).)\n"; } else { *env << "(RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling is not available.)\n"; } env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning } int Rtsp_Server_Start() { pthread_create(&id,NULL,server_start,NULL); } int Rtsp_AAC_Frame(unsigned char* frame,int framelen) { while(bIsInit == 0) { usleep(1000*100); } aac_buf_put(frame,framelen); usleep(0); return 0; } int Rtsp_Server_Stop() { //printf("destory.....\n"); h264_buf_destroy(); aac_buf_destroy(); } int Rtsp_H264_Frame(unsigned char* frame,int framelen) { while(b264IsInit == 0) { usleep(1000*100); //printf("usleep(1000*80);\n"); } int i = 0; //printf("framelen = %d,count = %d,mod = %d\n",framelen,framelen/H264_BUF_SIZE,framelen%H264_BUF_SIZE); for(i = 0; i < framelen/H264_BUF_SIZE;i++) { h264_buf_put(&frame[i*H264_BUF_SIZE],H264_BUF_SIZE); } int lastsize = framelen % H264_BUF_SIZE; if(lastsize > 0) { h264_buf_put(&frame[i*H264_BUF_SIZE],lastsize); } usleep(0); return 0; } int Rtsp_Regist_Start_Routine(CB_FUN fun) { startfun = fun; return 0; } int Rtsp_Regist_Stop_Routine(CB_FUN fun) { endfun = fun; return 0; } int Rtsp_Port() { }