Net Upper Lower Mid Zsore Answer option More than once a day 0% 0.22% -0.12% 2 65 Once a day 0% 0.32% -0.19% 3 45 Several times a week 2% 2.45% 1.10% 4 78 Once a week 1% 1.63% -0.40% 6 65
Mid Upper Lower Net Zsore Answer option More than once a day 2 0.22% -0.12% 0% 65 Once a day 3 0.32% -0.19% 0% 45 Several times a week 4 2.45% 1.10% 2% 78 Once a week 6 1.63% -0.40% 1% 65
We can use ix
to reorder by passing a list:
In [27]: # get a list of columns cols = list(df) # move the column to head of list using index, pop and insert cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index(‘Mid‘))) cols Out[27]: [‘Mid‘, ‘Net‘, ‘Upper‘, ‘Lower‘, ‘Zsore‘] In [28]: # use ix to reorder df = df.ix[:, cols] df Out[28]: Mid Net Upper Lower Zsore Answer_option More_than_once_a_day 2 0% 0.22% -0.12% 65 Once_a_day 3 0% 0.32% -0.19% 45 Several_times_a_week 4 2% 2.45% 1.10% 78 Once_a_week 6 1% 1.63% -0.40% 65
Another method is to take a reference to the column and reinsert it at the front:
In [39]: mid = df[‘Mid‘] df.drop(labels=[‘Mid‘], axis=1,inplace = True) df.insert(0, ‘Mid‘, mid) df Out[39]: Mid Net Upper Lower Zsore Answer_option More_than_once_a_day 2 0% 0.22% -0.12% 65 Once_a_day 3 0% 0.32% -0.19% 45 Several_times_a_week 4 2% 2.45% 1.10% 78 Once_a_week 6 1% 1.63% -0.40% 65