MATLAB code,子函数
function [A_hat E_hat ] =rpca(res) %res,输入图像,输出为低秩A_hat和稀疏E_hat [row col] = size(res); lambda = 1/ sqrt(max(size(res))); tol = 1e-7; maxIter = 1000; % initialize Y = res; [u,s,v]=svd(Y); norm_two=s(1); norm_inf=max(abs(Y(:)))/lambda; dual_norm = max(norm_two, norm_inf); Y = Y / dual_norm; A_hat = zeros( row, col); E_hat = zeros( row, col); mu = 0.01/norm_two; % this one can be tuned mu_bar = mu * 1e7; rho = 1.9 ; % this one can be tuned d_norm=sqrt(sum(res(:).^2)); iter = 0; total_svd = 0; converged = 0;%收敛 stopCriterion = 1; sv = 10; while ~converged iter = iter + 1; temp_T = res - A_hat + (1/mu)*Y; E_hat=temp_T - lambda/mu; n1=find(E_hat<0); E_hat(n1)=0; tmp=temp_T + lambda/mu; n1=find(tmp>0); tmp(n1)=0; E_hat= E_hat+tmp; [U1 S1 V1] = svd(res - E_hat + (1/mu)*Y); if chsvd(col, sv) == 1 U=U1(:,1:sv); S=S1(:,1:sv); V=V1(:,1:sv); end diagS = diag(S); svp = length(find(diagS > 1/mu)); if svp < sv sv = min(svp + 1, col); else sv = min(svp + round(0.05*col), col); end % A_hat = U(:, 1:svp) * diag(diagS(1:svp) - 1/mu) * V(:, 1:svp)'; U2=U(:, 1:svp); S2=diag(diagS(1:svp) - 1/mu); V2=V(:, 1:svp)'; A_hat=U2*S2*V2; total_svd = total_svd + 1; Z = res - A_hat - E_hat; Y = Y + mu*Z; mu = min(mu*rho, mu_bar); %% stop Criterion stopCriterion = sqrt(sum(Z(:).^2)) / d_norm; if stopCriterion < tol converged = 1; end if ~converged && iter >= maxIter disp('Maximum iterations reached') ; converged = 1 ; end end end function y=chsvd( n, d) y=0; if ((n<=100)&&(d/n<=0.02)) y=1;end if((n<=200)&&(d/n<=0.06)) y=1; end if((n<=300)&&(d/n<=0.26)) y=1;end if((n<=400)&&(d/n<=0.28)) y=1;end if((n<=500)&&(d/n<=0.34)) y=1;end if(n>500&&(d/n<=0.38)) y=1;end end