public class Client { private static Originator originator = new Originator(); private static Caretaker c = new Caretaker(); public static void main(String[] args) { // 该发起人对象的状态 originator.setState("On"); // 创建备忘录对象,并将发起人对象的状态存储起来 c.saveMemento(originator.createMemento()); // 修改发起人对象的状态 originator.setState("Off"); // 恢复发起人对象的状态 originator.restoreMemento(c.retrieveMemento()); } }
// 发起人角色 class Originator { private String state; // 工厂方法,返还一个新的备忘录对象 public Memento createMemento() { return new Memento(state); } // 将发起人恢复到备忘录对象所记载的状态 public void restoreMemento(Memento memento) { this.state = memento.getState(); } // 状态的取值方法 public String getState() { return this.state; } // 状态的赋值方法 public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; System.out.println("Current state = " + this.state); } }
/* * 备忘录模式要求备忘录对象提供两个不同的接口:一个宽接口提供给发起人对象,另一个窄接口提供给所有其他的对象,包括负责人对象。 * 宽接口允许发起人读取到所有的数据;窄接口只允许它把备忘录对象传给其他的对象而看不到内部的数据。 */ // 备忘录角色 class Memento { private String state; public Memento(String state) { this.state = state; } public String getState() { return this.state; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } }
/* * 负责人角色负责保存备忘录对象,但是从不修改(甚至不查看)备忘录对象的内容(一个更好的实现是负责人对象根本无法从备忘录 对象中读取个修改其内容) */ // 负责人角色 class Caretaker { private Memento memento; // 备忘录的取值方法 public Memento retrieveMemento() { return this.memento; } // 备忘录的赋值方法 public void saveMemento(Memento memento) { this.memento = memento; } }
//客户端 public class Client { private static Originator originator = new Originator(); private static Caretaker c = new Caretaker(); public static void main(String[] args) { // 该发起人对象的状态 originator.setState("On"); // 创建备忘录对象,并将发起人对象的状态存储起来 c.saveMemento(originator.createMemento()); // 修改发起人对象的状态 originator.setState("Off"); // 恢复发起人对象的状态 originator.restoreMemento(c.retrieveMemento()); } }
// 发起人角色 class Originator { private String state; public Originator() { } // 工厂方法,返还一个新的备忘录对象 public MementoIF createMemento() { return new Memento(this.state); } // 将发起人恢复到备忘录对象记录的状态 public void restoreMemento(MementoIF memento) { Memento aMemento = (Memento) memento; this.setState(aMemento.getState()); } public String getState() { return this.state; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; System.out.println("state =" + state); } protected class Memento implements MementoIF { private String savedState; public Memento(String someState) { this.savedState = someState; } private void setState(String someState) { savedState = someState; } private String getState() { return savedState; } } }
interface MementoIF { }
// 备忘录角色 class Memento implements MementoIF { private String state; public Memento(String state) { this.state = state; } public String getState() { return this.state; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } }
class Caretaker { private MementoIF memento; public MementoIF retrieveMemento() { return this.memento; } public void saveMemento(MementoIF memento) { this.memento = memento; } }
(2)调用发起人角色的 createMemento()方法,创建一个备忘录对象将这个状态存储起来。
(3)将备忘录对象存储到负责人对象中去。由于负责人对象拿到的仅是 MementoIF类型,因此无法读出备忘录内部的状态。
(2)将备忘录对象从负责人对象中取出。注意此时仅能得到 MementoIF接口,因此无法读出此对象的内部状态
这个内部类是传入的备忘录对象的真实类型,因此发起人对象可以利用内部类Memento 的私有 接口读出此对象的内部状态。
//发起人角色 import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; public class Originator{ private Vector states; private int index; public Originator(){ states = new Vector(); index = 0; } public Memento createMementor(){ return new Mementor(states,index); } public void restoreMementor(Mementor memento){ states = memento.getStates(); index = memento.getIndex(); } public void setState(String state){ this.states.addElement(state); index ++; } //辅助方法,打印出所有的状态 public void printStates(){ System.out.println("Total number of states: " + index); for(Enumeration e = states.elements();e.hasMoreElements();){ system.out.println(e.nextElement()); } } }
//备忘录角色 import java.util.Vector; public class Memento{ private Vector states; private int index; //<span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">备忘录的构造子克隆了传入的states,然后将克隆存入到备忘录对象内部,这是一个重要的细节,因为不这样的话,将会</span><pre title="备忘录(Memento Pattern)模式 【行为模式第一篇】" style="font-size: 14px;"> //将会造成客户端和备忘录对象持有对同一个Vector对象的引用,也可以同时修改这个Vector对象,会造成系统崩溃。public Memento(Vector states,int index){this.states = (Vector)states.clone();this.index = index;}//状态取值方法Vector getStates(){return states;}//检查点取值方法int getIndex(){return this.index;}}
//负责人角色 import java.util.Vector; public class Caretaker{ private Originator o; private Vector mementos = new Vector(); private int current; public Caretaker(Originator o){ this.o = o; current = 0; } public int createMemento(){ Memento memento = o.createMemento(); mementos.addElement(memento); return current ++; } //将发起人恢复到某个检查点 public void restoreMemento(int index){ Memento memento = (Memento)mementos.elementAt(index); o.restoreMemento(memento); } //某个检查点删除 public void removeMemento(int index){ mementos.removeElementAt(index); } }
//客户端 public class Client{ private static Originator o = new Originator(); private static Caretaker c = new Caretaker(o); public static void main(String[] args){ //改变状态 o.setState("state 0"); //建立一个检查点 c.createMemento(); //改变状态 o.setState("state 1"); c.createMemento(); o.setState("state 2"); c.createMemento(); o.setState("state 3"); c.createMemento(); o.setState("state 4"); c.createMemento(); o.printStates(); //恢复到第二个检查点 System.out.println("Restoring to 2"); c.restoreMemento(2); o.printStates(); System.out.println("Restoring to 0"); c.restoreMemento(0); o.printStates(); System.out.println("Restoring to 3"); c.restoreMemento(3); o.printStates(); } }
//窄接口 public interface MementoIF{}
//发起人角色 public class Originator{ public String state; public Originator(){} public void changeState(String state){ this.state = state; System.out.println("State has been changed to : " + state); } public Memento createMemento(){ return new Memento(this); } public void restoreMemento(MementoIF memento){ Memento m = (Memento)memento; changeState(m.state); } class Memento implements MementoIF{ private String state; private String getState(){ return state; } private Memento(Originator o){ this.state = o.state; } } }
//客户端 public class Client{ private static Originator o; private static MementoIF memento; public static void main(String args[]){ o = new Originator(); o.changeState("State 1"); memento = o.createMemento(); o.changeState("State 2"); o.restoreMemento(memento); } }