#coding:utf-8 import urllib import time url = [‘‘]*350 page = 1 link = 1 while page <= 7: con = urllib.urlopen(‘http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1191258123_0_‘+str(page)+‘.html‘).read() i = 0 title = con.find(r‘<a title=‘) href = con.find(r‘href=‘,title) html = con.find(r‘.html‘,href) while title != -1 and href != -1 and html != -1 and i < 50: url[i] = con[href + 6 : html + 5] print link, url[i] content = urllib.urlopen(url[i]).read() open(r‘hanhan/‘+url[i][-26:],‘w+‘).write(content) print ‘downloading‘, url[i] time.sleep(1) title = con.find(r‘<a title=‘, html) href = con.find(r‘href=‘, title) html = con.find(r‘.html‘, href) i = i + 1 link = link + 1 else: print page,‘find end!‘ page = page + 1 else: print ‘all find end‘ print ‘all find end‘