> h //help
help: show this message
help all: show the complete tradefed help
exit: gracefully exit the cts console, waiting till all invocations are complete
run cts -t
run cts --plan test_plan_name: run a test plan
run cts --package/-p : run a CTS test package
run cts --class/-c [--method/-m] : run a specific test class and/ormethod
run cts --continue-session session_ID: run all not executed tests from a previous CTS session
run cts [options] --serial/-s device_ID: run CTS on specified device
run cts [options] --shards number_of_shards: shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices inparallel
run cts --help/--help-all: get more help on running CTS
l/list d/devices: list connected devices and their state
l/list packages: list CTS test packages
l/list p/plans: list CTS test plans
l/list i/invocations: list invocations aka CTS test runs currentlyin progress 当前CTS的运行状态
l/list c/commands: list commands: aka CTS test run commands currently in the queue waiting to be allocated devices 展示出用户输入过的命令
l/list r/results: list CTS results currently present in the repository
add derivedplan --plan plane_name --session/-s session_id -r [pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout]: derive a plan from the given session
d/dump l/logs: dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations
--disable-reboot : Do not reboot device after running some amount of tests.