I was recently discussing gatekeeping and the process of getting started in CS research with a close friend. I feel compelled to offer a note.
As a practicing academic researcher, I’m personally thrilled by the degree of excitement regarding CS research today in the broader technical community. Reading papers and doing research have always been favorite activities for me, and it’s tremendously heartening to see organizations like Papers We Love and its many members sharing their excitement as well. Research is a very human way to engage with our curiosity, and curiosity deserves cultivation, celebration, and sharing.
To someone interested in learning more about research, I’d offer the following words of encouragement and advice:
There is no prescribed way that a researcher has to look, act, or be. One of my closest colleagues started off doing technical support during the first dot-com boom with only an undergraduate degree in literature and no background in Computer Science. Today, my colleague is a tenure-track professor doing work I deeply respect and admire. Two other colleagues who are faculty at top-tier departments started their careers after emigrating as refugees, and each did their undergraduate work at non-traditional institutions. Another colleague recently started a Ph.D. after spending several years working closely with researchers while in industry, without an undergraduate degree. The CS academy is highly homogeneous, with a long way to go. But if you look closely enough, you may be surprised to find someone who looks and feels more like you than you might otherwise think exists.
Granted, pedigree and privilege make many things much easier. But pedigree and privilege are not strictly necessary to do great research, and they are certainly not sufficient to do great research. Among other things, great research comes from curiosity, creativity, hard work, determination, some amount of brilliance, and many failures.
Make no mistake: getting started in research is hard. The above steps aren’t enough. Getting started in research requires perseverance and will over time require many people to make investments in you and your success. But you can be the first person to make an investment—by learning, educating yourself, doing hard things, and beginning to develop your skills. You have much more agency and power than you may believe.