一个简单的podfile: pod ‘AFNetworking‘, ‘~> 1.0‘ 版本号可以是1.0,可以是1.1,1.9,但必须小于2 -个更简单的podfile: pod ‘AFNetworking‘, ‘1.0‘ // 版本号指定为1.0 一个更更简单的podfile:pod ‘AFNetworking‘, // 不指定版本号,任何版本都可以
platform :ios, ‘6.0‘ inhibit_all_warnings! xcodeproj ‘MyProject‘ pod ‘ObjectiveSugar‘, ‘~> 0.5‘ target :test do pod ‘OCMock‘, ‘~> 2.0.1‘ end post_install do |installer| installer.project.targets.each do |target| puts target.name end end 下面是podfile指定版本号时的逻辑运算符:Besides no version, or a specific one, it is also possible to use logical operators:
‘> 0.1‘
Any version higher than 0.1 0.1以上‘>= 0.1‘
Version 0.1 and any higher version 0.1以上,包括0.1‘< 0.1‘
Any version lower than 0.1 0.1以下‘<= 0.1‘
Version 0.1 and any lower version 0.1以下,包括0.1In addition to the logic operators CocoaPods has an optimisic operator ~>
‘~> 0.1.2‘
Version 0.1.2 and the versions up to 0.2, not including 0.2 and higher 0.2以下(不含0.2),0.1.2以上(含0.1.2)‘~> 0.1‘
Version 0.1 and the versions up to 1.0, not including 1.0 and higher 1.0以下(不含1.0),0.1以上(含0.1)‘~> 0‘
Version 0 and higher, this is basically the same as not having it. 0和以上,等于没有此约束coacoapods中的podfile介绍;如何指定版本号(内容来自官方英文blog),布布扣,bubuko.com