ticked | 生气 |
I went running yesterday and I tripped over the sidewalk!I fell on my knee and couldn‘t run anymore If I broke a bone | 我昨天晚上跑步的时候在人行道上绊倒了.我摔倒了膝盖,再也不能跑了. |
I am going to be so ticked! | 如果我们骨折或者怎么样的话我会气死的! |
frustrating | 沮丧 |
Oh my gosh!You have been running so often.It must be a little trustraing to suddenly have to stop running | 天啊!你经常跑步突然不能跑步肯定会让你很沮丧. |
I hope you didn‘t break anything! | 我希望你没有摔坏哦 |
irk | 使烦恼 |
clumsy | 笨手笨脚 |
It just really irks me that I was so clumsy on my run yesterday.My entire knee is bruised and blue! | 我昨天跑步的时候笨手笨脚的,真的让我很烦我整个膝盖又青又紫 |
[2016-4-27]OMG美语每日笔记-Anything that irks you of frustrating you lately?