Makefile - 顶级makefile,编译总入口
Config.in - 顶级Config.in文件,包含主要的配置信息,同时还会引用其它Config.in文件(比如arch linux toolchain等目录下的Config.in文件)
arch/ - Config.in.* 文件定义了不同的架构 (processor type, ABI, floating point, etc.)
toolchain/ - 工具链
? packages for generating or using toolchains
? toolchain/ virtual package that depends on either toolchain-buildroot or toolchain-external
? toolchain-buildroot/ virtual package to build the internal toolchain
? toolchain-external/ package to handle external toolchains
system/ - 根文件系统框架
? skeleton/ the rootfs skeleton
? Config.in, options for system-wide features like init system, /dev handling, etc.
linux/ - linux内核代码
? linux.mk, the Linux kernel package
package/ - 软件包
? all the user space packages (1600+)
? busybox/, gcc/, qt5/, etc.
? pkg-generic.mk, core package infrastructure
? pkg-cmake.mk, pkg-autotools.mk, pkg-perl.mk, etc. Specialized package infrastructures
fs/ - 文件系统
? logic to generate filesystem images in various formats
? common.mk, common logic
? cpio/, ext2/, squashfs/, tar/, ubifs/, etc.
boot/ - 引导系统
? bootloader packages
? at91bootstrap3/, barebox/, grub/, syslinux/, uboot/, etc.
configs/ - 针对不同硬件平台的特有配置文件合集
? default configuration files for various platforms
? similar to kernel defconfigs
? atmel_xplained_defconfig, beaglebone_defconfig,raspberrypi_defconfig, etc.
board/ - 针对不同硬件平台的特有配置文件/脚本/patch
? board-specific files (kernel configuration files, kernel patches, image flashing scripts, etc.)
? typically go together with a defconfig in configs/
support/ - 其它
? misc utilities (kconfig code, libtool patches, download helpers, and more.)
docs/ - 文档
? Buildroot documentation
? Written in AsciiDoc, can generate HTML, PDF, TXT versions:make manual
? 90 pages PDF document
? Also available pre-generated online.
? http://buildroot.org/downloads/manual/manual.html