function [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(P,T,N,TF,TYPE) % ELMTRAIN Create and Train a Extreme Learning Machine % Syntax % [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(P,T,N,TF,TYPE) % Description % Input % P - Input Matrix of Training Set (R*Q) % T - Output Matrix of Training Set (S*Q) % N - Number of Hidden Neurons (default = Q) % TF - Transfer Function: % ‘sig‘ for Sigmoidal function (default) % ‘sin‘ for Sine function % ‘hardlim‘ for Hardlim function % TYPE - Regression (0,default) or Classification (1) % Output % IW - Input Weight Matrix (N*R) % B - Bias Matrix (N*1) % LW - Layer Weight Matrix (N*S) % Example % Regression: % [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(P,T,20,‘sig‘,0) % Y = elmtrain(P,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE) % Classification % [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(P,T,20,‘sig‘,1) % Y = elmtrain(P,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE) if nargin < 2 error(‘ELM:Arguments‘,‘Not enough input arguments.‘); end if nargin < 3 N = size(P,2); end if nargin < 4 TF = ‘sig‘; end if nargin < 5 TYPE = 0; end if size(P,2) ~= size(T,2) error(‘ELM:Arguments‘,‘The columns of P and T must be same.‘); end [R,Q] = size(P); if TYPE == 1 T = ind2vec(T); end [S,Q] = size(T); % Randomly Generate the Input Weight Matrix IW = rand(N,R) * 2 - 1; % Randomly Generate the Bias Matrix B = rand(N,1); BiasMatrix = repmat(B,1,Q); % Calculate the Layer Output Matrix H tempH = IW * P + BiasMatrix; switch TF case ‘sig‘ H = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-tempH)); case ‘sin‘ H = sin(tempH); case ‘hardlim‘ H = hardlim(tempH); end % Calculate the Output Weight Matrix LW = pinv(H‘) * T‘;
function Y = elmpredict(P,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE) % ELMPREDICT Simulate a Extreme Learning Machine % Syntax % Y = elmtrain(P,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE) % Description % Input % P - Input Matrix of Training Set (R*Q) % IW - Input Weight Matrix (N*R) % B - Bias Matrix (N*1) % LW - Layer Weight Matrix (N*S) % TF - Transfer Function: % ‘sig‘ for Sigmoidal function (default) % ‘sin‘ for Sine function % ‘hardlim‘ for Hardlim function % TYPE - Regression (0,default) or Classification (1) % Output % Y - Simulate Output Matrix (S*Q) % Example % Regression: % [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(P,T,20,‘sig‘,0) % Y = elmtrain(P,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE) % Classification % [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(P,T,20,‘sig‘,1) % Y = elmtrain(P,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE) % See also ELMTRAIN % Yu Lei,11-7-2010 % Copyright www.matlabsky.com if nargin < 6 error(‘ELM:Arguments‘,‘Not enough input arguments.‘); end % Calculate the Layer Output Matrix H Q = size(P,2); BiasMatrix = repmat(B,1,Q); tempH = IW * P + BiasMatrix; switch TF case ‘sig‘ H = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-tempH)); case ‘sin‘ H = sin(tempH); case ‘hardlim‘ H = hardlim(tempH); end % Calculate the Simulate Output Y = (H‘ * LW)‘; if TYPE == 1 temp_Y = zeros(size(Y)); for i = 1:size(Y,2) [~,index] = max(Y(:,i)); temp_Y(index,i) = 1; end Y = vec2ind(temp_Y); end
%% I. 清空环境变量 clear all clc %% II. 训练集/测试集产生 %% % 1. 导入数据 load oil_dataset.mat %% % 2. 随机产生训练集和测试集 temp = randperm(size(sample,1)); % 训练集——50个样本 P_train = sample(temp(1:50),:)‘; T_train = label(temp(1:50),:)‘; % 测试集——10个样本 P_test = sample(temp(51:end),:)‘; T_test = label(temp(51:end),:)‘; N = size(P_test,2); %% III. 数据归一化 %% % 1. 训练集 [p_train,inputps] = mapminmax(P_train); p_test = mapminmax(‘apply‘,P_test,inputps); %% % 2. 测试集 [t_train,outputps] = mapminmax(T_train); t_test = mapminmax(‘apply‘,T_test,outputps); %% IV. ELM创建/训练 [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(p_train,t_train,30,‘sig‘,0); %% V. ELM仿真测试 t_sim = elmpredict(p_test,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE); %% % 1. 反归一化 T_sim = mapminmax(‘reverse‘,t_sim,outputps); %% VI. 结果对比 result = [T_test‘ T_sim‘]; %% % 1. 均方误差 E = mse(T_sim - T_test); %% % 2. 决定系数 N = length(T_test); R2=(N*sum(T_sim.*T_test)-sum(T_sim)*sum(T_test))^2/((N*sum((T_sim).^2)-(sum(T_sim))^2)*(N*sum((T_test).^2)-(sum(T_test))^2)); %% VII. 绘图 figure(1) plot(1:N,T_test,‘r-*‘,1:N,T_sim,‘b:o‘) grid on legend(‘真实值‘,‘预测值‘) xlabel(‘样本编号‘) ylabel(‘辛烷值‘) string = {‘ELM算法测试集辛烷值含量预测结果对比(ELM)‘;[‘(mse = ‘ num2str(E) ‘ R^2 = ‘ num2str(R2) ‘)‘]}; title(string)
%数据集为混凝土抗压强度预测数据集cement_dataset.mat,将整个数据集中的103个样本随机划分为训练集与测试集,其中训练集包含80个样本,测试集包含23个样本; %建立极限学习机模型,并训练;利用训练好的极限学习机模型对测试集中的23个样本进行预测;输出结果并绘图(真实值与预测值对比图) %% I. 清空环境变量 clear all clc %% II. 训练集/测试集产生 %% % 1. 导入水泥样本数据,sample由103个样本个体组成,单个样本为9维属性组成,输出值在out变量中 load cement_dataset.mat %% % 2. 随机产生训练集和测试集 temp = randperm(size(sample,1)); % 训练集——80个样本 P_train = sample(temp(1:80),:)‘; T_train = label(temp(1:80),:)‘; % 测试集——23个样本 P_test = sample(temp(81:end),:)‘; T_test = label(temp(81:end),:)‘; N = size(P_test,2); %% III. 数据归一化 %% % 1. 训练集 [p_train,inputps] = mapminmax(P_train); p_test = mapminmax(‘apply‘,P_test,inputps); %% % 2. 测试集 [t_train,outputps] = mapminmax(T_train); t_test = mapminmax(‘apply‘,T_test,outputps); %% IV. ELM创建/训练 [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(p_train,t_train,7,‘sig‘,0); %% V. ELM仿真测试 t_sim = elmpredict(p_test,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE); %% % 1. 反归一化 T_sim = mapminmax(‘reverse‘,t_sim,outputps); %% VI. 结果对比 result = [T_test‘ T_sim‘]; %% % 1. 均方误差 E = mse(T_sim - T_test); %% % 2. 决定系数 N = length(T_test); R2=(N*sum(T_sim.*T_test)-sum(T_sim)*sum(T_test))^2/((N*sum((T_sim).^2)-(sum(T_sim))^2)*(N*sum((T_test).^2)-(sum(T_test))^2)); %% VII. 绘图 figure(1) plot(1:N,T_test,‘r-*‘,1:N,T_sim,‘b:o‘) grid on legend(‘真实值‘,‘预测值‘) xlabel(‘样本编号‘) ylabel(‘水泥强度值‘) string = {‘ELM算法测试集水泥强度值含量预测结果对比(ELM)‘;[‘(mse = ‘ num2str(E) ‘ R^2 = ‘ num2str(R2) ‘)‘]}; title(string)
说明:iris以鸢尾花的特征作为数据来源,数据集包含150个数据集,分为3类,每类50个数据,每个数据包含4个属性。三类分别为:setosa, versicolor, virginica。
%% I. 清空环境变量 clear all clc %% II. 训练集/测试集产生 %% % 1. 导入数据 load iris_dataset.mat %% % 2. 随机产生训练集和测试集 P_train = []; T_train = []; P_test = []; T_test = []; for i = 1:3 temp_input = features((i-1)*50+1:i*50,:); temp_output = classes((i-1)*50+1:i*50,:); n = randperm(50); % 训练集——120个样本 P_train = [P_train temp_input(n(1:40),:)‘]; T_train = [T_train temp_output(n(1:40),:)‘]; % 测试集——30个样本 P_test = [P_test temp_input(n(41:50),:)‘]; T_test = [T_test temp_output(n(41:50),:)‘]; end %% III. ELM创建/训练 [IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE] = elmtrain(P_train,T_train,20,‘sig‘,1); %% IV. ELM仿真测试 T_sim_1 = elmpredict(P_train,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE); T_sim_2 = elmpredict(P_test,IW,B,LW,TF,TYPE); %% V. 结果对比 result_1 = [T_train‘ T_sim_1‘]; result_2 = [T_test‘ T_sim_2‘]; %% % 1. 训练集正确率 k1 = length(find(T_train == T_sim_1)); n1 = length(T_train); Accuracy_1 = k1 / n1 * 100; disp([‘训练集正确率Accuracy = ‘ num2str(Accuracy_1) ‘%(‘ num2str(k1) ‘/‘ num2str(n1) ‘)‘]) %% % 2. 测试集正确率 k2 = length(find(T_test == T_sim_2)); n2 = length(T_test); Accuracy_2 = k2 / n2 * 100; disp([‘测试集正确率Accuracy = ‘ num2str(Accuracy_2) ‘%(‘ num2str(k2) ‘/‘ num2str(n2) ‘)‘]) %% VI. 绘图 figure(1) plot(1:30,T_test,‘bo‘,1:30,T_sim_2,‘r-*‘) grid on xlabel(‘测试集样本编号‘) ylabel(‘测试集样本类别‘) string = {‘测试集预测结果对比(ELM)‘;[‘(正确率Accuracy = ‘ num2str(Accuracy_2) ‘%)‘ ]}; title(string) legend(‘真实值‘,‘ELM预测值‘)
训练集正确率Accuracy = 99.1667%(119/120)
测试集正确率Accuracy = 96.6667%(29/30)
function [TrainingTime,TrainingAccuracy] = elm_train(TrainingData_File, Elm_Type, NumberofHiddenNeurons, ActivationFunction) % Usage: elm_train(TrainingData_File, Elm_Type, NumberofHiddenNeurons, ActivationFunction) % OR: [TrainingTime, TrainingAccuracy] = elm_train(TrainingData_File, Elm_Type, NumberofHiddenNeurons, ActivationFunction) % % Input: % TrainingData_File - Filename of training data set % Elm_Type - 0 for regression; 1 for (both binary and multi-classes) classification % NumberofHiddenNeurons - Number of hidden neurons assigned to the ELM % ActivationFunction - Type of activation function: % ‘sig‘ for Sigmoidal function % ‘sin‘ for Sine function % ‘hardlim‘ for Hardlim function % % Output: % TrainingTime - Time (seconds) spent on training ELM % TrainingAccuracy - Training accuracy: % RMSE for regression or correct classification rate for classification % % MULTI-CLASSE CLASSIFICATION: NUMBER OF OUTPUT NEURONS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY SET EQUAL TO NUMBER OF CLASSES % FOR EXAMPLE, if there are 7 classes in all, there will have 7 output % neurons; neuron 5 has the highest output means input belongs to 5-th class % % Sample1 regression: [TrainingTime, TrainingAccuracy, TestingAccuracy] = elm_train(‘sinc_train‘, 0, 20, ‘sig‘) % Sample2 classification: elm_train(‘diabetes_train‘, 1, 20, ‘sig‘) % %%%% Authors: MR QIN-YU ZHU AND DR GUANG-BIN HUANG %%%% NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, SINGAPORE %%%% EMAIL: EGBHUANG@NTU.EDU.SG; GBHUANG@IEEE.ORG %%%% WEBSITE: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/eee/icis/cv/egbhuang.htm %%%% DATE: APRIL 2004 %%%%%%%%%%% Macro definition REGRESSION=0; CLASSIFIER=1; %%%%%%%%%%% Load training dataset train_data=load(TrainingData_File); %训练集输出 T=train_data(:,1)‘; %训练集输入 P=train_data(:,2:size(train_data,2))‘; clear train_data; % Release raw training data array %训练样本个数 NumberofTrainingData=size(P,2); %输入神经元个数 NumberofInputNeurons=size(P,1); %若是分类,进行处理,否则跳出 if Elm_Type~=REGRESSION %统计分类类别个数,并将分类结果的不同类别值存储在label中,label中元素个数即为分类的类别数 sorted_target=sort(T,2); label=zeros(1,1); label(1,1)=sorted_target(1,1); j=1; for i = 2:NumberofTrainingData if sorted_target(1,i) ~= label(1,j) j=j+1; label(1,j) = sorted_target(1,i); end end number_class=j; NumberofOutputNeurons=number_class; %将所有训练样本单一输出值转换为矩阵输出,例如有两类输出,则神经元输出结果为[1;0]或[0;1] temp_T=zeros(NumberofOutputNeurons, NumberofTrainingData); for i = 1:NumberofTrainingData for j = 1:number_class if label(1,j) == T(1,i) break; end end temp_T(j,i)=1; end T=temp_T*2-1; end % Calculate weights & biases start_time_train=cputime; % Random generate input weights InputWeight (w_i) and biases BiasofHiddenNeurons (b_i) of hidden neurons InputWeight=rand(NumberofHiddenNeurons,NumberofInputNeurons)*2-1; BiasofHiddenNeurons=rand(NumberofHiddenNeurons,1); tempH=InputWeight*P; clear P; % Release input of training data ind=ones(1,NumberofTrainingData); BiasMatrix=BiasofHiddenNeurons(:,ind); % Extend the bias matrix BiasofHiddenNeurons to match the demention of H tempH=tempH+BiasMatrix; %%%%%%%%%%% Calculate hidden neuron output matrix H switch lower(ActivationFunction) case {‘sig‘,‘sigmoid‘} %%%%%%%% Sigmoid H = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-tempH)); case {‘sin‘,‘sine‘} %%%%%%%% Sine H = sin(tempH); case {‘hardlim‘} %%%%%%%% Hard Limit H = hardlim(tempH); %%%%%%%% More activation functions can be added here end clear tempH; % Release the temparary array for calculation of hidden neuron output matrix H %%%%%%%%%%% Calculate output weights OutputWeight (beta_i) OutputWeight=pinv(H‘) * T‘; end_time_train=cputime; TrainingTime=end_time_train-start_time_train % Calculate CPU time (seconds) spent for training ELM %%%%%%%%%%% Calculate the training accuracy Y=(H‘ * OutputWeight)‘; % Y: the actual output of the training data if Elm_Type == REGRESSION TrainingAccuracy=sqrt(mse(T - Y)) % Calculate training accuracy (RMSE) for regression case output=Y; end clear H; if Elm_Type == CLASSIFIER %%%%%%%%%% Calculate training & testing classification accuracy MissClassificationRate_Training=0; for i = 1 : size(T, 2) [x, label_index_expected]=max(T(:,i)); [x, label_index_actual]=max(Y(:,i)); output(i)=label(label_index_actual); if label_index_actual~=label_index_expected MissClassificationRate_Training=MissClassificationRate_Training+1; end end TrainingAccuracy=1-MissClassificationRate_Training/NumberofTrainingData end if Elm_Type~=REGRESSION save(‘elm_model‘, ‘NumberofInputNeurons‘, ‘NumberofOutputNeurons‘, ‘InputWeight‘, ‘BiasofHiddenNeurons‘, ‘OutputWeight‘, ‘ActivationFunction‘, ‘label‘, ‘Elm_Type‘); else save(‘elm_model‘, ‘InputWeight‘, ‘BiasofHiddenNeurons‘, ‘OutputWeight‘, ‘ActivationFunction‘, ‘Elm_Type‘); end
function [TestingTime, TestingAccuracy] = elm_predict(TestingData_File) % Usage: elm_predict(TestingData_File) % OR: [TestingTime, TestingAccuracy] = elm_predict(TestingData_File) % % Input: % TestingData_File - Filename of testing data set % % Output: % TestingTime - Time (seconds) spent on predicting ALL testing data % TestingAccuracy - Testing accuracy: % RMSE for regression or correct classification rate for classification % % MULTI-CLASSE CLASSIFICATION: NUMBER OF OUTPUT NEURONS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY SET EQUAL TO NUMBER OF CLASSES % FOR EXAMPLE, if there are 7 classes in all, there will have 7 output % neurons; neuron 5 has the highest output means input belongs to 5-th class % % Sample1 regression: [TestingTime, TestingAccuracy] = elm_predict(‘sinc_test‘) % Sample2 classification: elm_predict(‘diabetes_test‘) % %%%% Authors: MR QIN-YU ZHU AND DR GUANG-BIN HUANG %%%% NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, SINGAPORE %%%% EMAIL: EGBHUANG@NTU.EDU.SG; GBHUANG@IEEE.ORG %%%% WEBSITE: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/eee/icis/cv/egbhuang.htm %%%% DATE: APRIL 2004 %%%%%%%%%%% Macro definition REGRESSION=0; CLASSIFIER=1; %%%%%%%%%%% Load testing dataset test_data=load(TestingData_File); TV.T=test_data(:,1)‘; TV.P=test_data(:,2:size(test_data,2))‘; clear test_data; % Release raw testing data array NumberofTestingData=size(TV.P,2); load elm_model.mat; if Elm_Type~=REGRESSION %%%%%%%%%% Processing the targets of testing temp_TV_T=zeros(NumberofOutputNeurons, NumberofTestingData); for i = 1:NumberofTestingData for j = 1:size(label,2) if label(1,j) == TV.T(1,i) break; end end temp_TV_T(j,i)=1; end TV.T=temp_TV_T*2-1; end % end if of Elm_Type %%%%%%%%%%% Calculate the output of testing input start_time_test=cputime; tempH_test=InputWeight*TV.P; clear TV.P; % Release input of testing data ind=ones(1,NumberofTestingData); BiasMatrix=BiasofHiddenNeurons(:,ind); % Extend the bias matrix BiasofHiddenNeurons to match the demention of H tempH_test=tempH_test + BiasMatrix; switch lower(ActivationFunction) case {‘sig‘,‘sigmoid‘} %%%%%%%% Sigmoid H_test = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-tempH_test)); case {‘sin‘,‘sine‘} %%%%%%%% Sine H_test = sin(tempH_test); case {‘hardlim‘} %%%%%%%% Hard Limit H_test = hardlim(tempH_test); %%%%%%%% More activation functions can be added here end TY=(H_test‘ * OutputWeight)‘; % TY: the actual output of the testing data end_time_test=cputime; TestingTime=end_time_test-start_time_test % Calculate CPU time (seconds) spent by ELM predicting the whole testing data if Elm_Type == REGRESSION TestingAccuracy=sqrt(mse(TV.T - TY)) % Calculate testing accuracy (RMSE) for regression case output=TY; end if Elm_Type == CLASSIFIER %%%%%%%%%% Calculate training & testing classification accuracy MissClassificationRate_Testing=0; for i = 1 : size(TV.T, 2) [x, label_index_expected]=max(TV.T(:,i)); [x, label_index_actual]=max(TY(:,i)); output(i)=label(label_index_actual); if label_index_actual~=label_index_expected MissClassificationRate_Testing=MissClassificationRate_Testing+1; end end TestingAccuracy=1-MissClassificationRate_Testing/NumberofTestingData end save(‘elm_output‘,‘output‘);
function [TrainingTime, TestingTime, TrainingAccuracy, TestingAccuracy] = elm(TrainingData_File, TestingData_File, Elm_Type, NumberofHiddenNeurons, ActivationFunction) % Usage: elm(TrainingData_File, TestingData_File, Elm_Type, NumberofHiddenNeurons, ActivationFunction) % OR: [TrainingTime, TestingTime, TrainingAccuracy, TestingAccuracy] = elm(TrainingData_File, TestingData_File, Elm_Type, NumberofHiddenNeurons, ActivationFunction) % % Input: % TrainingData_File - Filename of training data set % TestingData_File - Filename of testing data set % Elm_Type - 0 for regression; 1 for (both binary and multi-classes) classification % NumberofHiddenNeurons - Number of hidden neurons assigned to the ELM % ActivationFunction - Type of activation function: % ‘sig‘ for Sigmoidal function % ‘sin‘ for Sine function % ‘hardlim‘ for Hardlim function % ‘tribas‘ for Triangular basis function % ‘radbas‘ for Radial basis function (for additive type of SLFNs instead of RBF type of SLFNs) % % Output: % TrainingTime - Time (seconds) spent on training ELM % TestingTime - Time (seconds) spent on predicting ALL testing data % TrainingAccuracy - Training accuracy: % RMSE for regression or correct classification rate for classification % TestingAccuracy - Testing accuracy: % RMSE for regression or correct classification rate for classification % % MULTI-CLASSE CLASSIFICATION: NUMBER OF OUTPUT NEURONS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY SET EQUAL TO NUMBER OF CLASSES % FOR EXAMPLE, if there are 7 classes in all, there will have 7 output % neurons; neuron 5 has the highest output means input belongs to 5-th class % % Sample1 regression: [TrainingTime, TestingTime, TrainingAccuracy, TestingAccuracy] = ELM(‘sinc_train‘, ‘sinc_test‘, 0, 20, ‘sig‘) % Sample2 classification: elm(‘diabetes_train‘, ‘diabetes_test‘, 1, 20, ‘sig‘) % %%%% Authors: MR QIN-YU ZHU AND DR GUANG-BIN HUANG %%%% NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, SINGAPORE %%%% EMAIL: EGBHUANG@NTU.EDU.SG; GBHUANG@IEEE.ORG %%%% WEBSITE: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/eee/icis/cv/egbhuang.htm %%%% DATE: APRIL 2004 %%%%%%%%%%% Macro definition REGRESSION=0; CLASSIFIER=1; %%%%%%%%%%% Load training dataset train_data=load(TrainingData_File); %训练集输出 T=train_data(:,1)‘; %训练集输入 P=train_data(:,2:size(train_data,2))‘; clear train_data; % Release raw training data array %%%%%%%%%%% Load testing dataset test_data=load(TestingData_File); %测试集输出 TV.T=test_data(:,1)‘; %测试集输入 TV.P=test_data(:,2:size(test_data,2))‘; clear test_data; % Release raw testing data array %训练样本个数 NumberofTrainingData=size(P,2); %测试样本个数 NumberofTestingData=size(TV.P,2); %输入神经元个数 NumberofInputNeurons=size(P,1); %若是分类,进行处理,否则跳出 if Elm_Type~=REGRESSION %统计分类类别个数,并将分类结果的不同类别值存储在label中,label中元素个数即为分类的类别数 sorted_target=sort(cat(2,T,TV.T),2); label=zeros(1,1); % Find and save in ‘label‘ class label from training and testing data sets label(1,1)=sorted_target(1,1); j=1; for i = 2:(NumberofTrainingData+NumberofTestingData) if sorted_target(1,i) ~= label(1,j) j=j+1; label(1,j) = sorted_target(1,i); end end number_class=j; NumberofOutputNeurons=number_class; %将所有训练样本单一输出值转换为矩阵输出,例如有两类输出,则神经元输出结果为[1;0]或[0;1] temp_T=zeros(NumberofOutputNeurons, NumberofTrainingData); for i = 1:NumberofTrainingData for j = 1:number_class if label(1,j) == T(1,i) break; end end temp_T(j,i)=1; end %将神经元输出值转换为(-1,1)之间 T=temp_T*2-1; %T=temp_T; %将所有测试样本单一输出值转换为矩阵输出,例如有两类输出,则神经元输出结果为[1;0]或[0;1] temp_TV_T=zeros(NumberofOutputNeurons, NumberofTestingData); for i = 1:NumberofTestingData for j = 1:number_class if label(1,j) == TV.T(1,i) break; end end temp_TV_T(j,i)=1; end TV.T=temp_TV_T*2-1; %TV.T=temp_TV_T; end %结束分类 %Calculate weights & biases start_time_train=cputime; %%%%%%%%%%% Random generate input weights InputWeight (w_i) and biases BiasofHiddenNeurons (b_i) of hidden neurons InputWeight=rand(NumberofHiddenNeurons,NumberofInputNeurons)*2-1; BiasofHiddenNeurons=rand(NumberofHiddenNeurons,1); tempH=InputWeight*P; clear P; % Release input of training data ind=ones(1,NumberofTrainingData); BiasMatrix=BiasofHiddenNeurons(:,ind); % Extend the bias matrix BiasofHiddenNeurons to match the demention of H tempH=tempH+BiasMatrix; %%%%%%%%%%% Calculate hidden neuron output matrix H switch lower(ActivationFunction) case {‘sig‘,‘sigmoid‘} %%%%%%%% Sigmoid H = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-tempH)); case {‘sin‘,‘sine‘} %%%%%%%% Sine H = sin(tempH); case {‘hardlim‘} %%%%%%%% Hard Limit H = double(hardlim(tempH)); case {‘tribas‘} %%%%%%%% Triangular basis function H = tribas(tempH); case {‘radbas‘} %%%%%%%% Radial basis function H = radbas(tempH); %%%%%%%% More activation functions can be added here end clear tempH; % Release the temparary array for calculation of hidden neuron output matrix H %%%%%%%%%%% Calculate output weights OutputWeight (beta_i) OutputWeight=pinv(H‘) * T‘; % implementation without regularization factor //refer to 2006 Neurocomputing paper %OutputWeight=inv(eye(size(H,1))/C+H * H‘) * H * T‘; % faster method 1 //refer to 2012 IEEE TSMC-B paper %implementation; one can set regularizaiton factor C properly in classification applications %OutputWeight=(eye(size(H,1))/C+H * H‘) \ H * T‘; % faster method 2 //refer to 2012 IEEE TSMC-B paper %implementation; one can set regularizaiton factor C properly in classification applications %If you use faster methods or kernel method, PLEASE CITE in your paper properly: %Guang-Bin Huang, Hongming Zhou, Xiaojian Ding, and Rui Zhang, "Extreme Learning Machine for Regression and Multi-Class Classification," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, October 2010. end_time_train=cputime; TrainingTime=end_time_train-start_time_train % Calculate CPU time (seconds) spent for training ELM %%%%%%%%%%% Calculate the training accuracy Y=(H‘ * OutputWeight)‘; % Y: the actual output of the training data if Elm_Type == REGRESSION TrainingAccuracy=sqrt(mse(T - Y)) % Calculate training accuracy (RMSE) for regression case end clear H; %%%%%%%%%%% Calculate the output of testing input start_time_test=cputime; tempH_test=InputWeight*TV.P; clear TV.P; % Release input of testing data ind=ones(1,NumberofTestingData); BiasMatrix=BiasofHiddenNeurons(:,ind); % Extend the bias matrix BiasofHiddenNeurons to match the demention of H tempH_test=tempH_test + BiasMatrix; switch lower(ActivationFunction) case {‘sig‘,‘sigmoid‘} %%%%%%%% Sigmoid H_test = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-tempH_test)); case {‘sin‘,‘sine‘} %%%%%%%% Sine H_test = sin(tempH_test); case {‘hardlim‘} %%%%%%%% Hard Limit H_test = hardlim(tempH_test); case {‘tribas‘} %%%%%%%% Triangular basis function H_test = tribas(tempH_test); case {‘radbas‘} %%%%%%%% Radial basis function H_test = radbas(tempH_test); %%%%%%%% More activation functions can be added here end TY=(H_test‘ * OutputWeight)‘; % TY: the actual output of the testing data end_time_test=cputime; TestingTime=end_time_test-start_time_test % Calculate CPU time (seconds) spent by ELM predicting the whole testing data if Elm_Type == REGRESSION TestingAccuracy=sqrt(mse(TV.T - TY)) % Calculate testing accuracy (RMSE) for regression case end if Elm_Type == CLASSIFIER %%%%%%%%%% Calculate training & testing classification accuracy MissClassificationRate_Training=0; MissClassificationRate_Testing=0; for i = 1 : size(T, 2) [x, label_index_expected]=max(T(:,i)); [x, label_index_actual]=max(Y(:,i)); if label_index_actual~=label_index_expected MissClassificationRate_Training=MissClassificationRate_Training+1; end end TrainingAccuracy=1-MissClassificationRate_Training/size(T,2) for i = 1 : size(TV.T, 2) [x, label_index_expected]=max(TV.T(:,i)); [x, label_index_actual]=max(TY(:,i)); if label_index_actual~=label_index_expected MissClassificationRate_Testing=MissClassificationRate_Testing+1; end end TestingAccuracy=1-MissClassificationRate_Testing/size(TV.T,2) end
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