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Lesson 41  Training elephants



1、两个主要的技术方法 Two main techniques一直被使用于 have been used for训练大象,training elephants, 这两个方法which我们可以分别称之为we may call respectively 强硬法和温柔法。the tough and the gentle.

两个主要的技术方法一直被用于训练大象,Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, 这两个方法我们可以分别称之为强硬法和温柔法。which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle.




2、前一种方法 The former method简单地由以下组成 simply consists of驱使大象去工作 setting an elephant to work并且抽打他 and beating him 直到他做那些事情until he does what被期待他的。is expected of him.


前一种方法只是驱使大象去干活并且抽打他The former method simply consists of setting an elephant to work and beating him 直到他去做那些要求他做的事情。until he does what is expected of him.




3、除了道德的考虑外 Apart from moral considerations这是 this is一个愚蠢的训练方法, a stupid method of training, 因为它产生一个愤愤不平的动物for it produces a resentful animal 它在后来的阶段who at a later stage完全可能may well变为杀人犯。turn man-killer.


这样的训练方法除了不道德外还是一个愚蠢的训练方法,Apart from moral considerations this is a stupid method of training, 因为它产生一个愤愤不平的动物for it produces a resentful animal 它在后来的阶段完全可能变为杀人犯。who at a later stage may well turn man-killer.




4、温柔的方法 The gentle method要求更多的耐心 requires more patience 在开始的阶段,in the early stages, 但是产生一个使人愉快的,but produces a cheerful, 脾气好的大象good-tempered elephant 它将提供who will give 很多年的忠诚服务。many years of loyal service.


温柔的训练方法在开始时要求付出更多的耐心,The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, 但是会产生一个心情愉快的,脾气好的大象but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant 它将提供很多年的忠诚服务。who will give many years of loyal service.




5、首先必须的The first essential 在训练大象方面in elephant training是 is 指派给这个动物to assign to the animal 一个唯一的驯象员a single mahout 他将是全面地负责who will be entirely responsible 对这项工作。for the job.


在训练大象方面首先必须给这个动物指派一名专门的驯象员The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout 他将对这项工作全面负责。who will be entirely responsible for the job.




6、大象喜欢Elephants like to有一个主人 have one master就好像狗做的一样, just as dogs do, 并且是能够and are capable有一个相当大程度的私人感情。of a considerable degree of personal affection.


大象和狗一样喜欢只有一个主人Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, 并且会产生很深的个人感情。and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection.




7、甚至有一些故事There are even stories 关于训练了一半的幼象of half-trained elephant calves 它们曾经拒绝进食who have refused to feed并且 and消瘦致死 pine to death 当时when 因为某些不可避免的情况by some unavoidable circumstance它们被剥夺走了 they have been deprived属于它们自已的驯兽员。 of their own trainer.


(there be句型)甚至有一些故事是关于训练了一半的幼象There are even stories of half-trained elephant calves(定语从句)它们曾经拒绝进食并且消瘦致死的故事who have refused to feed and pine to death(状语从句) 当它们因为不可避免的情况离开属于它们自已的专门驯兽人员时。when by some unavoidable circumstance they have been deprived of their own trainer.




8、这样的极端例子 Such extreme cases肯定是大概地可信 must probably be taken但有所保留,with a grain of salt,而且 but它们的确强调了 they do underline 基本的原则the general principle那就是 that这种关系 the relationship在大象和饲养员二者之间 between elephant and mahout是关键 is the key对于成功训练。 to successful training.


   (主句一)这样的极端例子大概不可全信 Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt,但是(连词)but (主句二)它们的确强调了一项基本原则they do underline the general principle(同位语从句)那就是在大象和饲养员二者之间这种关系对于训练成功是关键。that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training. 




9、最经济的年龄The most economical age 捕捉大象to capture an elephant 用于训练for training 是在15岁到20岁之间, is between fifteen and twenty years, 因为那时它for it is then差不多准备好 almost ready去承担重的工作 to undertake heavy work并且 and能够开始 can begin去赚取它的生计 to earn its keep 立刻地。straight away.


捕捉大象用于训练的最经济年龄是在15岁到20岁之间, The most economical age to capture an elephant for training  is  between fifteen and twenty years,  因为那时它差不多准备好去干重活并且能够立刻开始赚取生活开支。 for it  is then almost ready to undertake heavy work  and  can begin to earn its keep straight away.


捕捉大象用于训练的最经济年龄是在15岁到20岁之间, 因为那时它差不多准备好去干重活并且能够立刻开始赚取它的生活开支。


10、但是But这个年龄的动物 animals of this age 不是轻易地do not easily变得屈从于人,become subservient to man,并且 and一个非常强有力的老手 a very firm hand必须被雇佣 must be employed 在开始阶段。in the early stages.

但是But这个年龄的动物不是轻易地变得屈从于人, animals of this age do not easily become subservient to man,并且 and一个非常强有力的老手在开始的阶段必须被雇佣。a very firm hand must be employed in the early stages.




11、这只捕获来的大象,The captive elephant, 仍然用绳子拴在一棵树上,still roped to a tree,猛冲和尖叫 plunges and screams 每次every time一个人靠近时, a man approaches, 并且and持续几天 for several days将可能 will probably拒绝所有的食物refuse all food因为愤怒和恐惧。 through anger and fear.


每当有人走近它时,这只捕获来的大象(仍然被用绳子拴在树上),猛冲和尖叫(主语)The captive elephant,(定语) still roped to a tree,(谓语一) plunges and screams (状语从句)every time(从主) a man(从谓) approaches, 并且(连词)and可能会因为愤怒和恐惧持续数天拒绝所有的食物。(状语)for several days(谓语二) will probably refuse (宾语)all food(状语) through anger and fear.


12、有时 Sometimes 一头被驯服了的大象a tame elephant被用绳子拴住 is tethered 在附近nearby 为了给这只野的一个信心,to give the wild one confidence,并且 and在大多数情况下 in most cases捕获来的大象 the captive渐渐地gradually 安静了下来 quietens down并且 and开始去接受begins to accept它的食物。its food.


有时为了给这头野象信心,将一头已被驯服的大象用绳子拴在附近, Sometimes a tame elephant is tethered nearby to give the wild one confidence,并且 and在大多数情况下捕获来的大象渐渐安静下来in most cases the captive gradually quietens down并且and开始接受它的食物。 begins to accept its food.




13、下一个阶段The next stage 是is 带这只大象to get the elephant 到训练场所,to the training establishment, 一件棘手的事情a ticklish business 它被完成which is achieved 借助于两头已被驯服的大象with the aid of two tame elephants 被拴在这头捕获来的大象处roped to the captive在每一边。on either side.


下一个阶段是带这只大象到训练场所,The next stage is to get the elephant to the training establishment,这是一件棘手的事情-这件事要借助于两头被拴在这头捕获来的大象两边的已被驯服的大象完成。a ticklish business which is achieved with the aid of two tame elephants roped to the captive on either side.




14、当时When 几只大象several elephants是正在被训练 are being trained在同一个时间,at one time, 它是通常的作法it is customary 对于这个新来者for the new arrival它被安置to be placed 在两只捕获来的大象的象厩之间between the stalls of two captives 这两只大象的训练whose training 是已经很好地在先被完成。is already well advanced.


当几只大象在同时训练时When several elephants are being trained at one time, 通常的作法是将新来者安置在两只捕获来的大象的象厩之间it is customary for the new arrival to be placed between the stalls of two captives 这两只大象的训练先前已经完成的很好。whose training is already well advanced.




15、接下来它被留在那里It is then left完全地不被惊动 completely undisturbed同时有丰富的食物和水 with plenty of food and water 以便so that 它能够适应it can absorb 它的新家的气氛the atmosphere of its new home 并且认识到那一点and see that 没有特别惊恐的事情nothing particularly alarming正在发生 is happening 对于它的同伴。to its companions.


接下来它被完全不惊动地留在那里同时有丰富的食物和水It is then left completely undisturbed with plenty of food and water 以便它能够适应它的新家的气氛so that it can absorb the atmosphere of its new home 并且认识到在它的同伴身上此时没有发生特别惊恐的事。and see that nothing particularly alarming is happening to its companions.




16、当时-When它正在吃 it is eating正常地,normally, 它的自己的训练its own training开始了。 begins.


当它正常进食时,When it is eating normally, 它自已的训练开始。its own training begins.



17、训练员The trainer 站着stands在大象的前面 in front of the elephant拿着一根长棍子 holding a long stick带着一个锋利的金属尖头。 with a sharp metal point.


训练员站在大象的前面The trainer stands in front of the elephant拿着一根带有锋利的金属尖头的长棍子。 holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.





18、两个助手,Two assistants, 骑在驯服了的两头大象身上,mounted on tame elephants, 控制着这头捕获来的大象control the captive从两边,from either side,同时 while其他人 others 擦他们的手rub their hands 在他们的皮肤上over his skin 在伴奏下to the accompaniment of一首单调和轻松的a monotonous and soothing反复吟唱的歌曲。chant.


两个助手,-骑在驯服了的两头大象身上,-从两边控制着这只捕获来的大象Two assistants, mounted on tame elephants, control the captive from either side,这时其他人用手抚摸它 while others rub their hands over his skin 在一首单调轻松的反复吟唱的歌声伴奏下。to the accompaniment of a monotonous and soothing chant.





19、这样做是期望This is supposed能产生 to induce愉快的感觉 pleasurable sensations 给这头大象,in the elephant,并且 and它的效果被加强 its effects are reinforced通过亲切称呼的使用, by the use of endearing epithets,比如such as“嗬,我的儿子,”  “ho! my son,”或者“嗬,我的父亲,”or ‘ho! my father‘, 或者“嗬,我的妈妈,”or ‘my mother‘,根据 according to 年龄和性别the age and sex 这头捕获来的大象的。of the captive.


这样做是希望使这头大象产生愉快的感觉,This is supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in the elephant,并且 and通过使用惹人喜爱的称呼加强它的效果 its effects are reinforced by the use of endearing epithets,比如“嗬,我的儿子,”或者“嗬,我的父亲,”或者“嗬,我的妈妈,”such as “ho! my son,” or ‘ho! my father‘, or ‘my mother‘,根据这头捕获来的大象的年龄和性别决定。according to the age and sex of the captive.




20、这头大象The elephant 不是is not立刻地 immediately 受到感染susceptible对这样的奉承话,to such blandishments,而是, however, 并且and通常地 usually使劲地甩动 lashes凶猛地 fiercely用它的鼻子 with its trunk在所有的方向。in all directions.


这头大象对这样的奉承话不是立刻地受到感染,The elephant is not immediately susceptible to such blandishments,然而,并且通常地however, and usually用它的鼻子向各个方向凶猛地使劲甩动。lashes fiercely with its trunk in all directions.




21、这些动作(主语一)These movements被控制(谓语一) are controlled被训练员by the trainer用有金属尖的棒子, with the metal-pointed stick, 并且(连词)and大象的鼻子(主语二)the trunk最后 eventually变得 (谓语二-系动词)becomes如此疼(表语) so sore 以至于(状语从句-引语)that 这头大象(从主)the elephant卷起它来(从谓一) curls it up 并且(连词)and很少的 seldom 到后来afterwards 使用它(从谓二)uses it为了进攻目的。for offensive purposes.


大象的这些动作被训练员用有金属尖的大棒子控制,These movements are controlled by the trainer with the metal-pointed stick, 并且and大象的鼻子最后变得那么疼the trunk eventually becomes so sore 所以大象卷起它的鼻子并且到后来很少为了进攻目的使用它。that the elephant curls it up and seldom afterwards uses it for offensive purposes.



Lesson 42  Recording an earthquake




1、一次地震(主语)An earthquake来了(谓语) comes 像夜晚的小偷(状语)like a thief in the night,没有发出警告。(状语)without warning.


地震像夜晚的小偷一样来了,An earthquake comes like a thief in the night,没有警告。without warning.




2、它是必要的,(形主) It(系) was(表) necessary, 因此,(状)therefore,发明一种仪器(主语) to invent instruments (定语从句)这个仪器既不打盹又不睡觉。(从主)that (连词)neither(从谓一) slumbered(连词) nor (从谓二)slept.


因此发明一种仪器是必要的,It  was necessary, therefore, to invent instruments 这个仪器既不打盹又不睡觉。 that neither slumbered nor slept.



3、有些装置Some devices 是were相当简单。 quite simple.

有些装置相当简单。Some devices were quite simple.



4、有一种装置, One,例如, for instance,组成是 consisted of长度和粗细不同的木棒 rods of various lengths and thicknesses这些木棍 which会站立 would stand up在末端上 on end 像九柱戏的木柱一样。like ninepins.


例如,有一种装置由长短和粗细不同的木棒组成One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses这些木棍像九柱戏的木柱一样竖立着。 which would stand up on end like ninepins.




5、当时When地震 a shock来了 came,它震动 it shook 坚硬的桌子the rigid table 在桌子上面upon which 这些棍子these竖立着。stood.


当地震来了时,When a shock came,它震动坚硬的桌子 it shook the rigid table这些棍子竖立在桌子上面。upon which these stood.




6、如果它是轻微的,If it were gentle, 只有那些比较不稳定的木棒only the more unstable rods 倒下。fell.


如果它是轻微的,If it were gentle, 只有那些比较不稳定的木棒倒下。only the more unstable rodsfell.




7、如果If它是剧烈的, it were severe, 他们全部they all倒下。fell.


如果它是剧烈的, If it were severe, 他们全部倒下。they all fell.




8、因此那些棍子, Thus the rods, 通过倒下,by falling, 并且and通过方向 by the direction 它们倒下的方向in which they fell,被记录下来recorded 为那些正在打盹的科学家们for the slumbering scientist地震的强度 the strength of a shock这个震动是太弱以至于没有吵醒他,that was too weak to waken him, 和方向and the direction 从这个方向from which它来了。it came.


因此通过棍子的倒下和它们倒下的方向,Thus the rods,,by falling, and by the direction in which they fell,为那些正在打盹的科学家们记录下来地震的强度recorded for the slumbering scientist the strength of a shock这个震动太弱以至于没有吵醒他,that was too weak to waken him, 和地震到来的方向。and the direction from which it came.




9、但是But仪器 instruments比以上装置精确的多 far more delicate than that被需要 were needed 如果if任何真正重大的进展 any really serious advance 将来被取得。was to be made.


但是But需要比以上装置精确得多的仪器 instruments far more delicate than that were needed 如果将来取得任何真正重大的进展。if any really serious advance was to be made.




10、理想的目标The ideal to be aimed at 是设计一种仪器was to devise an instrument 它能够记录that could record 用一支笔with a pen在纸上 on paper, 地面和桌子的运动情况the movements of the ground or of the table 当地震发生时。as the quake passed by.


理想的目标是设计一种仪器The ideal to be aimed at was to devise an instrument 它能够用一支笔在纸上记录当地震发生时地面或者桌子的运动情况。that could record with a pen on paper, the movements of the ground or of the table as the quake passed by.




 11、在我写字的同时While I write我的钢笔移动,my pen moves, 但是but纸保持静止。 the paper keeps still.


在我写字的同时我的钢笔移动,While I write my pen moves, 但是纸保持静止。but the paper keeps still.




12、经过练习,With practice,毫无疑问, no doubt, 我能够I could最终 in time学会写字 learn to write 通过握住钢笔不动by holding the pen still同时纸张移动。while the paper moved.


毫无疑问经过练习后,With practice, no doubt, 我最终能够握住钢笔不动同时通过纸张的移动学会写字。I could in time learn to write by holding the pen still while the paper moved.



13、以上想法That 听起来像sounds 一个愚蠢的想法,a silly suggestion,但是 but 它正好是that was precisely 被采用的思路the idea adopted在一些早期的仪器中in some of the early instruments (测震仪seismometers)用于记录地震波。for recording earthquake waves.


以上想法听起来像一个愚蠢的想法,That sounds a silly suggestion,但是它正好是在一些早期的仪器中被采用的思路but that was precisely the idea adopted in some of the early instruments 如测震仪-用于记录地震波。(seismometers) for recording earthquake waves.


以上想法听起来像一个愚蠢的想法, 但它正好是在一些早期的仪器中采用的思路-如测震仪,用于记录地震波。


14、但是But当时 when桌子, table, 夹笔装置和纸penholder and paper 都是正在移动,are all moving,它是怎么可能 how is it possible写清楚? to write legibly?

但是But当桌子,夹笔装置和纸都在移动时, when table, penholder and paper are all moving,怎么可能写清楚? how is it possible to write legibly?




15、 关键The key对以上问题的解决 to a solution of that problem 取决于lay in日常生活的观察。an everyday observation.


解决以上问题的关键The key to a solution of that problem 取决于对日常生活的观察。lay in an everyday observation.




16、为什么 Why does 站在公共汽车或火车上的一个人a person standing in a bus or train 趋于倒下tend to fall当时 when一个突然地开动动作 a sudden start 被做了?is made?


为什么站在公共汽车或火车上的一个人会倾倒Why does a person standing in a bus or train tend to fall当司机做了一个突然地开动动作时?when a sudden start is made?




17、那是因为 It is because他的双脚 his feet 在上面移动,move on ,但是他的头but his head保持静止。stays still.


那是因为他的双脚在上面移动,It is because his feet move on ,但是他的头保持静止。 but his head stays still.




18、一个简单的实验 A simple experiment将帮助我们 will help us 更进一步。a little further.


一个简单的实验 A simple experiment会更进一步帮助我们。 will help us a little further.




19、系一个重的重物 Tie a heavy weight 在一根长绳子的末端。at the end of a long piece of string.


系一个重物在一根长绳子的末端。 Tie a heavy weightat the end of a long piece of string.




20、用手With the hand高举 held high在空中, in the air,握住绳子 hold the string以至于 so that这个重物 the weight几乎接触地面。nearly touches the ground.

用手握住绳子高举在空中, With the hand held high in the air, hold the string以至于这个重物几乎接触地面。so that the weight nearly touches the ground.




21、现在Now移动这只手 move the hand 来来回回to and fro 并且and转动 around但是 but不向上或向下。not up and down.


现在来来回回移动这只手并且旋转Now move the hand to and fro and around但是不向上或向下摆动。 but not up and down.




22、一种现象将会被发现It will be found 那就是that这个重物动了 the weight moves 但是but轻微地或者完全没有动。 slightly or not at all.

结果发现重物动了It will be found that the weight moves 但是很轻微甚至完全不动。but slightly or not at all.




23、想象Imagine 一次地震发生an earthquake shock震动地板,shaking the floor,纸, the paper, 你和你的手。you and your hand.


想象一次地震发生Imagine an earthquake震动了地板,纸,你和你的手。shock shaking the floor, the paper, you and your hand.




23、在所有这些活动中,In the midst of all this movement,重物和钢笔 the weight and the pen 会是静止的。would be still.


在这个震动的全过程中,In the midst of all this movement,重物和钢笔会静止。the weight and the pen。would be still.




24、而且 But当时 as纸张移动 the paper moved从一边到一边 from side to side在钢笔尖下, under the pen point,它的运动将被记录 its movement would be recorded用墨水 in ink 在它的表面上。upon its surface.


而且But当纸张在钢笔尖下从一边到另一边移动时 as the paper moved from side to side under the pen point,它的运动情况将被墨水记录在它的表面上。its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface.




25、正是根据这个原理 It was upon this principle那个 that最早的一些地震仪器the first instruments被制造, were made, 但是but纸张是被包起来的 the paper was wrapped 围着一个卷筒round a drum 这个卷筒旋转着which rotated 慢慢地。slowly.


正是根据这个原理制造了最早的一些地震仪器, It was upon this principle that the first instruments were made, 但是纸张是卷在一个慢慢旋转的圆筒上。but the paper was wrapped round a drum which rotated slowly.




26、只要一切是静止的,As long as all was still, 钢笔the pen 画出drew一条直线,a straight line, 但是but在这个圆筒正在被震动的期间, while the drum was being shaken, 这条线the line钢笔正在画的线that the pen was drawing左右摆动。 wriggled from side to side.


只要一切静止时钢笔画出的就是一条直线, As long as all was still, the pen drew a straight line, 但是圆筒正在被震动的期间钢笔画出的线左右摆动。but while the drum was being shaken, the line that the pen was drawing wriggled from side to side.




27、这个仪器The apparatus 这样描绘的,thus described,然而, however, 记录records仅是地震波运动的水平部分,  only the horizontal component of the wave movement, 地震波是,which is,事实上, in fact,复杂的多。 much more complicated.


然而,仪器这样描绘仅记录地震波运动的水平部分,The apparatus thus described, however, records only the horizontal component of the wave movement, 地震波实际上要复杂的多。which is, in fact, much more complicated.




28、如果我们If we能够真的看见 could actually see 一个微粒描述的轨迹the path described by a particle, 比如一颗岩石中的沙粒such as a sand grain in the rock, 它会是更像那个样子it would be more like that of 一只绿头苍蝇呜呜叫a bluebottle buzzing在屋里转圈; round the room; 它的飞行路线会是上上下下,it would be up and down,来来回回 to and fro并且and从一边到一边。 from side to side.


如果我们能够真的看见一个微粒运行的轨迹If we could actually see the path described by a particle, 比如一颗岩石中的沙粒such as a sand grain in the rock, 它会更像一只呜呜叫的绿头苍蝇在屋里转着圈;it would be more like that of a bluebottle buzzing round the room; 它的飞行路线会是上上下下,来来回回并且从一边到一边。it would be up and down, to and fro and from side to side.




29、一些仪器已经被设计Instruments have been devised并且 and能够被这样安放can be so placed 以便that所有的三种运动轨迹 all three elements 能够是被记录can be recorded 用不同的曲线图。in different graphs.


已经设计出了一些仪器并且能够这样安放Instruments have been devised and can be so placed以便让所有的三种运动轨迹能够是用不同的曲线图记录下来。 that all three elements can be recorded in different graphs.




30、当时When这种仪器被安装 the instrument is situated在超过地震中心700英里的地点,at more than 700 miles from the earthquake centre, 曲线图记录the graphic record 显示了shows 三种波到达的前后时间间隔很短。three waves arriving one after at short intervals.


当把这种仪器安装在距地震中心700英里远处,When the instrument is situated at more than 700 miles from the earthquake centre, 曲线图记录显示了三种波到达的前后时间间隔很短。the graphic record shows three waves arriving one after at short intervals.




31、第一种波The first 记录records纵向波的到达。 the arrival of longitudinal vibrations.

第一种波记录纵向波的到达。The first records the arrival of longitudinal vibrations.




32、第二种波(主语)The second标记(谓语) marks横向波的到达 。the arrival of transverse vibrations (定语从句)这些横向波运行比较慢(从主语)which (从谓一)travel more slowly并且 and到达 (从谓二)arrive 在第一种波的几分钟之后。several minutes after the first.


第二种波标记横向波的到达 The second marks the arrival of transverse vibrations 这种横向波运行比较慢which travel more slowly并且 and在第一种波的几分钟之后到达。 arrive several minutes after the first.




33、这些两种波 These two已经运行 have travelled通过地球。 through the earth.


这两种波穿过了地球运行。These two have travelled through the earth.




34、正是 It was从这些研究中 from the study of these 所以that我们知道如此多的东西 so much was learnt 关于地球的内部。about the interior of the earth.


正是对于这两种波的研究 It was from the study of these 所以我们了解到如此多关于地球内部的状况。that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth.




35、第三种, The third,或者主波, or main wave, 是最慢的is the slowest 并且and已经运行 has travelled围绕地球 round the earth穿过岩石的表面。 through the surface rocks.


第三种波或者称为主波是最慢的,The third, or main wave, is the slowest 并且是围绕地球通过表层的岩石传播而来的。and has travelled  round the earth through the surface rocks.





Lesson 43  Are there strangers in space?



    1、我们必然归纳出We must conclude从那些工作中 from the work of those研究工作者已经研究过的 who have studied生命的起源 the origin of life, 那就是that给出一个行星 given a planet 只是大概地相似于我们的星球,only approximately like our own,生命几乎是无疑的 life is almost certain 开始了。to start.


从对生命起源的研究工作中我们必然归纳出We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, 那就是设想一颗行星只是大概地和像我们自己的地球,that given a planet only approximately like our own,生命几乎是无疑的开始出现。life is almost certain to start.




 2、在所有的行星中Of all the planets 在我们的太阳系,in our solar system, 我们现在完全肯定we ware now pretty certain 地球是唯一的一个the Earth is the only one 在地球上面on which 生命能够生存。life can survive.


在我们的太阳系的所有行星中Of all the planets in our solar system, 我们现在完全肯定we ware now pretty certain 地球是唯一的生命能够存在的行星。the Earth is the only one  on which  life can survive.




3、火星是Mars is 太干燥和缺少氧气,too dry and poor in oxygen, 金星太热,Venus far too hot, 并且and水星也是一样, so is Mercury, 并且and外层行星 the outer planets 有着have接近绝对零度的温度 temperatures near absolute zero和 and被氢气包围着的大气层。hydrogen-dominated atmospheres.


火星太干燥并且缺少氧气,Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, 金星和水星一样太热,Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, 并且and外层行星有着接近绝对零度的温度和被氢气包围着的大气层。the outer planets have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres.




4、但是其它的太阳, But other suns, 恒星stars 正如天文学家们称它们的,as the astronomers call them, 是肯定存在行星are bound to have planets像我们的自己的地球一样,like our own, 并且and因为恒星的数量 as the number of stars在宇宙里 in the universe 是如此的巨大,is so vast, 这种可能性this possibility 变得becomes实际上很肯定。virtual certainty.


但是其它的太阳,即天文学家所称的恒星,But other suns, stars as the astronomers call them, 很可能是像我们自己的地球一样存在行星are bound to have planets like our own, 并且and因为宇宙里恒星的数量如此巨大 as the number of stars in the universe is so vast, 这种可能性实际上毫无疑问。this possibility becomes virtual certainty.






5、有1000亿个恒星 There are one hundred thousand million starts 在我们的自己的银河系in our own Milky Way 独自的,alone,何况 and then有30亿个 there are three thousand million 其它的银河系,other Milky Ways, 或者星系,or galaxies, 在宇宙中。in the universe.


单是我们所在的银河系就有1000亿个恒星,There are one hundred thousand million starts in our own Milky Way alone,何况在宇宙中有30亿个其它的银河系或者星系。and then there are three thousand million other Milky Ways, or galaxies, in the universe.




6、因此So恒星的数量 the numbers of stars我们知道存在的恒星 that we know exist 现在被估计is now estimated 大约在30亿乘1000亿颗。at about 300 million million million.


因此我们知道存在的恒星数量So the numbers of stars that we know exist 现在估计大约在30亿乘1000亿颗。is now estimated at about 300 million million million.




7、虽然Although也许只有 perhaps only 1%的生命1 per cent of the life他们已经产生 that has started 在某个地方somewhere将发展成为will develop into高级复杂的和智慧的生命形态, highly complex and intelligent patterns,如此巨大的是so vast is 行星的数目the number of planets,以至于that智慧的生命intelligent life很可能是成为 is bound to be宇宙的一个自然部分。a natural part of the universe.


虽然也许只有1%的生命Although perhaps only 1 per cent of the life他们已经在某个地方产生 that has started somewhere将发展成为高级复杂的和智慧的生命形态,will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns, 行星的数目是如此巨大so vast is the number of planets,以至于有智慧的生命很可能是宇宙的一个自然部分。that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe.





8、既然 If then我们是如此肯定那一点 we are so certain that其他的智慧的生命存在 other intelligent life exists 在宇宙,in the universe, 为什么我们还没有来访者why have we had no visitors 来自于外层空间from outer space还没有?yet?


既然我们如此确信宇宙存在其他的智慧生命If then we are so certain that other intelligent life exists in the universe, 为什么我们还没有见到来自于外层空间的访客呢?why have we had no visitors from outer space yet?




9、首先,First of all, 他们可能已经来过了they may have come到这个我们的行星to this planet of ours在几千年或者几百万年以前, thousands or millions of years ago,并且 and发现found当时我们的普遍原始状态our then prevailing primitive state完全地没有兴趣completely uninteresting 相比他们自己先进的知识。to their own advanced knowledge.


首先, First of all, 他们可能在几千年或者几百万年以前已经到我们的行星来过, they may have come to this planet of ours thousands or millions of years ago,并且发现当时我们的普遍原始状态 and found our then prevailing primitive state与他们自己先进的知识相比完全没有兴趣。completely uninteresting to their own advanced knowledge.




 10、罗纳德.布雷斯维尔教授,Professor Ronald Bracewell, 一位重要的美国无线电天文学家,a leading American radio astronomer, 提出argued 在《自然》杂志上in Nature 如果这样的一种高级文明生命that such a superior civilization,在进行访问 on a visit 对我们的自己的太阳系,to our own solar system, 可能已经留下了may have left一种自动化信息装置 an automatic messenger 之后behind等待to await某种先进文明觉醒的可能。 the possible awakening of an advanced civilization.


罗纳德.布雷斯维尔教授,Professor Ronald Bracewell, 一位重要的美国无线电天文学家,a leading American radio astronomer, 在《自然》杂志上提出argued in Nature 如果这样的一种高级文明生命对我们的自己的太阳系进行了访问that such a superior civilization, on a visit,to our own solar system, 可能已经留下了一种自动化信息装置等待以后某种先进文明觉醒的可能。may have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization.




11、这样一种信息化装置, Such a messenger,接收我们的无线电和电视信号, receiving our radio and television signals,很有可能重新发送might well re-transmit 它们them 回到它的家所在的行星,back to its home-planet,至于although什么印象 what impression 任何其他的文明人any other civilization  会以这样的方式得到would thus get 从我们这里from us 是is 最好留下不说。best left unsaid.


这样一种接收我们的无线电和电视信号的信息化装置, Such a messenger, receiving our radio and television signals,很有可能重新发送它们回到它的家所在的行星,might well re-transmit them back to its home-planet,至于任何其他的文明人会以这样的方式从我们这里得到什么印象最好留下不说。although what impression any other civilization  would thus get from us is best left unsaid.




12、但是But 在这里here我们 we遇到的 come up against 所有障碍中最困难的the most difficult of all obstacles(定一)联系其它行星上的人们的障碍to contact with people on other planets(定二)天文距离the astronomical distances(定语从句)它分隔开了我们。 which separate us.


但是But 这里我们遇到的与外星人联系的最大困难here we come up against the most difficult of all obstacles to contact with people on other planets 是把我们分隔开的天文距离。the astronomical distances which separate us.




13、按照合理的推测,As a reasonable guess,他们可能, they might,以平均值计算, on an average,是距离我们100光年远。 be 100 light years away.

按照合理的推测,As a reasonable guess, 以平均值计算他们可能距离我们100光年远。they might, on an average, be 100 light years away.



(一光年距离是A light year is the distance 它是which 光以每秒186,000英里运行一年,light travels at 186,000 miles per second in one year, 即6万亿英里。namely 6 million million miles.)


(一光年距离是光以每秒186,000英里运行一年,A light year is the distance which light travels at 186,000 miles per second in one year, 即6万亿英里。namely 6 million million miles.)




14、无线电波 Radio waves也also运行travel以光速 at the speed of light,并且 and 假定这样一个自动化信息装置assuming such an automatic messenger接收到了 picked up我们的第一个广播信号 our first broadcasts 在20年代,of the 1920‘s,这个信息 the message 到它的家乡行星to its home planet是is不过一半的路程barely halfway 到那儿。there.


无线电波也以光速运行 Radio waves also travel at the speed of light,并且 and 假定这样一个自动化信息装置在20年代接收到了我们的第一个广播信号assuming such an automatic messenger picked up our first broadcasts of the 1920‘s,这个信息在回到它原来的行星的路上不过才走了一半。the message to its home planet is barely halfway there.




15、同样, Similarly,我们自己的目前的原始化学火箭, our own present primitive chemical rockets, 尽管好到足以送人到轨道上运行,though good enough to orbit men,没有机会运送我们 have no chance of transporting us到最近的其它恒星, to the nearest other star, 4光年远,four light years away,更不必说 let alone距离是数十或者数百光年。 distances of tens or hundreds of light years.


同样, Similarly,我们自己的目前的原始化学火箭尽管好到足以送人到轨道上运行,our own present primitive chemical rockets, though good enough to orbit men,但没有机会运送我们到最近的相距4光年远的其它恒星,have no chance of transporting us to the nearest other star, four light years away,更不必说距离是数十或者数百光年。let alone distances of tens or hundreds of light years.




16、幸运的是,Fortunately,有一种“唯一的合理方式” there is a ‘uniquely rational way‘ 供我们联系其他的智慧生命,for us to communicate with other intelligent beings, 正如沃尔特.沙里文as Walter Sullivan指出的 has put it在他的杰作里, in his excellent book, 我们不是孤独的。We Are not Alone.


幸运的是,Fortunately,有一种“唯一的合理方式” 供我们联系其他的智慧生命, there is a ‘uniquely rational way‘ for us to communicate with other intelligent beings, 正如沃尔特.沙里文在他的杰作中所指出的那样,as Walter Sullivan has put it in his excellent book, 我们不是孤独的。We Are not Alone.




17、这种联系This 取决于depends on准确的无线电频率 the precise radio frequency 是21厘米 波长,of the 21-cm wavelength,即每秒1420兆周。or 1420 megacycles per second.


这种联系取决于21厘米波长,即每秒1420兆周的准确无线电频率。This depends on the precise radio frequency,of the 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second.




18、它是自然的频率It is the natural frequency 是氢原子放射的of emission of the hydrogen atoms 在空间in space并且 and被发现 was discovered 被我们by us 在1951年。in 1951;它肯定是熟知的 it must be known 对于任何一种的无线电天文学家to any kind of radio astronomer在宇宙。 in the universe.


它是空间氢原子释放的自然频率It is the natural frequency of emission of the hydrogen atoms in space并且 and被我们在1951年发现, was discovered by us in 1951; 对于宇宙中任何种类的无线电天文学家来说肯定熟悉它。 it must be known to any kind of radio astronomer in the universe.




19、一旦Once这种波长的实际存在 the existence of this wave-length 被发现,had been discovered, 在不久的将来it was not long before它的用途its use 作为唯一可识别的广播频率as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency用于星际间的交流 for interstellar communication被正式提出。was suggested.


一旦这种波长的实际存在被发现,Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, 在不久的将来it was not long before它作为唯一可识别的广播频率用于星际间交流使用会被正式提出。its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested.




20、如果不存在某个这种波长Without something of this kind,在其它行星上搜寻智慧生命searching for intelligences on other planets 可能是would be 就像设法去见一位朋友like trying to meet a friend在伦敦 in London没有提前安排约会地点 without a pre-arranged rendezvous 并且and 荒唐地溜达在大街上absurdly wandering the streets抱着有运气突然相遇的希望。in the hope of a chance encounter.


如果不存在某个这种波长Without something of this kind,在其它行星上搜寻智慧生命可能好像在伦敦设法见一位朋友searching for intelligences on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London没有提前安排约会地点并且荒唐地溜达在大街上希望有运气突然相遇。without a pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.




Lesson 44  Patterns of culture



First listen and then answer the following question.



What influences us from the moment of birth?


1、风俗Custom一般不被认为是 has not commonly been regarded as一个重要的课题。 a subject of great moment.


风俗一般不被当作重要课题。Custom has not commonly been regarded as a subject of great moment.




2、我们的自己的大脑的内部活动情况The inner workings of our won brains 我们觉得we feel 是唯一的值得去调研,to be uniquely worthy of investigation, 但是风俗,but custom, 我们有一种看法,we have a way of thinking,是个人行为is behaviour 它的最平凡的表现。at its most commonplace.


我们觉得我们自己的大脑内部活动情况唯一值得研究,The inner workings of our won brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, 但我们认为风俗不过是一些司空见惯的个人行为而已。but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behaviour at its most commonplace.




3、事实上,As a matter of fact,它正好相反。it is the other way around.

事实上,情况正好相反。As a matter of fact, it is the other way around.



4、传统的风俗,Traditional custom,从世界范围来看, taken the world over, 是is由很多的细节行为组成 a mass of detailed behaviour更加引人注目 more astonishing比那些东西 than what任何一个个人曾经能够形成的个体行为,any one person can ever evolve in individual actions,不管是多么的异常。 no matter how aberrant.


从世界范围来看,传统的风俗是由很多的细节行为组成,Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behaviour比那些任何一个个人曾经能够形成的个体行为更加引人注目 more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions,不管这种个人行为是多么古怪。 no matter how aberrant.




5、然而 Yet以上是 that is问题的一个相当的微不足道的方面。 a rather trivial aspect of the matter.


然而 Yet以上不过是问题的次要方面。 that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter.




6、最重要的事实The fact of first-rate importance是is 风俗扮演的重要角色the predominant role that custom plays 在实践和信仰中,in experience and in belief, 和and变化多样的形式 the very great varieties 它可能表现出的。it may manifest.


最重要的事实是The fact of first-rate importance is在实践和信仰中风俗扮演的重要角色和它可能表现出的变化多样的形式the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest.




7、没有人No man曾经ever 看这个世界looks at the world用天然纯洁的眼睛。 with pristine eyes.

没有人用天然纯洁的眼睛看过这个世界。No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes.




8、他看到的东西He sees it 被剪辑过edited被特定的一套风俗by a definite set of customs和惯例 and institutions还有思想方式。and ways of thinking.

他看到的东西He sees it 被特定的一套风俗和惯例还有思想方式剪辑过。(定语)edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking.



9、即使Even 在他的哲学探索领域in his philosophical probing 他不能够超越he cannot go behind这些定了型的老套模式。these stereotypes;他的极端概念 his very concepts关于真伪的 of the true and the false 将仍然参照will still have reference to他的特定的传统风俗。his particular traditional customs.


即使在他的的哲学探索领域里, Even in his philosophical probing他不能够超越这些定了型的老套模式。he cannot go behind these stereotypes;他的关于真伪的极端概念 his very concepts of the true and the false 将仍然参照他的特定的传统风俗。will still have reference to his particular traditional customs.


即使在他的的哲学探索领域里,他不能够超越这些定了型的老套模式。Even in his philosophical probing he cannot go behind these stereotypes;他的关于真伪的极端概念将仍然参照他的特定的传统风俗。his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs.




9、约翰.杜威John Dewey 曾经指出has said 很严肃地in all seriousness 那一点that 风俗所起的作用 the part played by custom在形成个人的行为习惯方面in shaping the behaviour of the individual,与后者相比as against 在风俗习惯的任何方面any way in which他能够影响传统风俗he can affect traditional custom, 等于这样一个比例is as the proportion of他的母语的总词汇量 the total vocabulary of his mother tongue与后者相比against 他自己儿时谈话的词汇those words of his own baby talk那些词汇被采用 that are taken up 在他的家庭惯用语中。into the vernacular of his family.


约翰.杜威曾经很严肃地指出那一点John Dewey has said in all seriousness that风俗在形成个人的行为方面所起的作用 the part played by custom in shaping the behaviour of the individual,与他能够对传统风俗造成的影响相比as against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, 等于这样一个比例is as the proportion of他的母语的总词汇量 the total vocabulary of his mother tongue与他自己儿时谈话的词汇against those words of his own baby talk那些词汇在他的家庭一般交谈中采用。that are taken up into the vernacular of his family.




10、当时When 一个人one 认真地seriously研究 studies the 社会秩序social orders 这种社会秩序that 已有时机have had the opportunity自动形成,to develop autonomously,这个形象比喻the figure 是becomes 再也准确不过no more than an exact 并且and切合实际的观察。matter-of-fact observation.


当一个人认真地研究社会秩序时When one seriously studies the social orders 这种社会秩序有时机自发形成,that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously,这个形象比喻是the figure becomes再也准确不过和切合实际的观察。no more than an exact and matter-of-fact observation.


当一个人认真地研究自发形成的社会秩序时,When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously,这个形象比喻是再也准确不过和切合实际的观察。the figure becomes no more than an exact and matter-of-fact observation.




11、个人生活史 The life history of the individual是is第一位和最重要的 first and foremost 一个适应过程an accommodation对方式和标准to the patterns and standards传统地 traditionally 世代相传handed down 在他的社会。in his community.


个人生活史中第一位和最重要的是适应 The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation对他所属的社会里世代相传的传统方式和标准。to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.




12、从这一刻,From the moment 他的出生of his birth, 风俗the customs 进入一个环境中into which他诞生的 he is born塑造着shape他的经历和行为。his experience and behaviour.


从他出生的那一刻开始,From the moment of his birth, 风俗就渗透到他出生的环境中the customs into which he is born塑造着他的经历和行为。shape his experience and behaviour.




13、到那时By the time他能够讲话 he can talk, 他是一个那样的小生命he is the little creature 属于他的文化,of his culture,并且and到那时 by the time他长大了 he is grown并且 and能够 able to参加 take part in它的活动, its activities, 它的习惯its habits 是are他的习惯, his habits,它的信仰 its beliefs是他的信仰, his beliefs, 它的不能做的事情its impossibilities是他的不能做的事情。 his impossibilities.


到他会说话时,By the time he can talk, 他是一个属于他的文化的小生命he is the little creature of his culture,并且 and到他长大而且能够参加它的活动时 by the time he is grown and able to take part in its activities, 它的习惯是他的习惯,its habits are his habits,它的信仰是他的信仰, its beliefs his beliefs, 它的不可能做的事情就是他的不可能做的事情。its impossibilities his impossibilities.




13、每个孩子Every child他诞生that is born 在他的群体中into his group 将分享它们will share them 和他一起with him,并且 and没有孩子no child出生在另一边 born into one on the opposite side 地球的of the globe能够有机会获得 can ever achieve千分之一的部分。 the thousandth part.


所有出生在同一个群体的孩子将和别的孩子一起分享社会的风俗,Every child that is born into his group will share them with him,并且 and没有出生在地球上的另一边的孩子能够有机会获得不同社会的风俗的千分之一部分。no child born into one on the opposite side of the globe can ever achieve the thousandth part.




14、没有社会问题 There is no social problem 它是更加义不容辞的it is more incumbent 要求我们upon us 去理解to understand与风俗的作用这个问题相比。than this of the role of custom.


没有社会问题 There is no social problem更要求我们必须理解it is more incumbent upon us to understand与风俗的作用问题相比。than this of the role of custom.




15、直到Until我们 we是 are理解了有关 intelligent as to它的规律和多样性, its laws and varieties,主要的复杂现象 the main complicating facts 关于人类生活的of human life肯定must仍然是 remain难以理解。unintelligible.


直到我们理解有关它的规律和多样性以前,Until we are intelligent as to its laws and varieties,人类生活的主要复杂现象肯定仍然是难以理解。 the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible.




16、风俗的研究The study of custom 会是can be有收获的 profitable只有only 在某些最初的基本主张after certain preliminary propositions 已经被接受,have been accepted, 并且and这些主张中的一些some of these propositions已经被猛烈地抨击过了。have been violently opposed.


风俗的研究会是有收获的The study of custom can be profitable只有在某些最初的基本主张已经被接受后, only after certain preliminary propositions have been accepted, 并且这些主张中的一些已经被猛烈地抨击过了。and some of these propositions have been violently opposed.




17、首先,In the first place, 任何科学研究any scientific study 要求requires 那样做that 没有优先考虑的重点there be no preferential weighting 是名目中的一种或另一种of one or another of the items 在一系列里in the series 它挑选出来it selects为了它的考虑。for its consideration.


首先,任何科学研究都要求做到In the first place, any scientific study requires that 没有将名目中的一种或另一种作为优先考虑的重点there be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items 在一系列里它挑选出来为了它的考虑。in the series it selects for its consideration.




18、在所有In all那些争议较小的领域,the less controversial fields, 比如like研究仙人掌或者白蚁the study of cacti or termites 或者星云性质or the mature of nebulae, 必要的研究方法the necessary method of study是 is汇集那些相关的材料 to group the relevant material并且 and加以注意 to take note对所有可能出现的of all possible异常形式或条件。variant forms and conditions.


在所有争议较小的领域,In all the less controversial fields, 比如对仙人掌或者白蚁或者星云性质的研究,like the study of cacti or termites or the mature of nebulae, 必要的研究方法是the necessary method of study is 汇集那些有关的材料并且注意所有可能的异常形式或条件。to group the relevant material and to take note of all possible variant forms and conditions.




19、用这种方法,In this way,我们we已经完全掌握了have learned all那一点 that 我们we 知道know 关于天文学的规律of the laws of astronomy,或者or关于那些群居昆虫的习惯,of the habits of the social insects, 这里只是举个例子。let us say.


用这种方法,In this way,我们已经完全掌握了那一点 we have learned all that 我们知道了天文学规律或群居昆虫的习性,we know of the laws of astronomy, or of the habits of the social insects, 这里只是举个例子。let us say.




20、只是It is only在对人自身的研究中in the study of man himself 才那样做that主要的社会学科 the major social sciences 曾经取代have substituted 研究一个局部地区的变动the study of one local variation,比如西方文明。 that of Western civilization.


只是在对人自身的研究中,It is only in the study of man himself 主要的社会学科曾经被研究一个局部地区的变化替代that the major social sciences have substituted the study of one local variation,比如研究西方文明。 that of Western civilization.




21、人类学Anthropology 是was(按其定义来说)by definition不可能有的impossible,只要 as long as这些区别 these distinctions 我们自己和原始人二者之间的,between ourselves and the primitive,我们自己和野蛮人二者之间的, ourselves and the barbarian, 我们自己和异教徒二者之间的,ourselves and the pagan,支配着人们的思想。 held sway over people‘s minds.


人类学按其定义来说是不可能有的,(主语)Anthropology was by definition impossible,只要我们自己和原始人之间的、我们自己和野蛮人之间的、我们自己和异教徒之间的这些区别支配着人们的思想。as long as these distinctions between ourselves and the primitive, ourselves and the barbarian,,ourselves and the pagan, held sway over people‘s minds.




22、那是必须的It was necessary 首先first达到to arrive 那种程度的成熟at that degree of sophistication 在那里where我们we不再 no longer用set 我们自己的信仰our own belief反对我们的邻居的迷信。against our neighbour‘s superstition.


必须首先达到那样一种程度的成熟It was necessary first to arrive at that degree of sophistication 那就是我们不再用我们自己的信仰反对我们的邻居的迷信。where we no longer set our own belief against our neighbour‘s superstition.




23、那是必须的 It was necessary认识到to recognize 那就是that 这些习俗these institutions它们which是建立 are based在相同的基础之上,on the same premises, 让我们说let us say那种超自然的东西,the supernatural,也必须被考虑 must be considered 放在一起,together,我们的自己的风俗our own在其他民族的风俗中间。among the rest.


 认识到那一点是必须的 It was necessary to recognize 那就是这些风俗建立在相同的基础上,that these institutions which are based on the same premises, 暂且说是那种超自然的东西必须被放在一起考虑let us say the supernatural must be considered together,我们的自己的风俗在其他民族的风俗中间。our own among the rest.




Lesson 45  Of men and galaxies




1、在人类早期,In man‘s early days,和其它的生物竞争 competition with other creatures  肯定是must have been至关重要的。 critical.


在人类早期,In man‘s early days,和其它的生物竞争肯定是至关重要的。 competition with other creatures must have been critical.




2、但是But我们发展的这个阶段 this phase of our development现在被完成。 is now finished.


但是But我们现在已完成了这个发展阶段。this phase of our development is now finished.




3、其实,Indeed,我们we缺少 lack实践和经验 practice and experience当今 nowadays 应付in dealing with 原始条件primitive conditions.


其实,Indeed,我们今天在应付原始条件方面缺少实践和经验。we lack practice and experience nowadays in dealing with primitive conditions.




 4、我确信那一点,I am sure that,如果没有现代化的武器, without modern weapons,我I可能将 would表现得很差 make a very poor show 在争夺一个洞穴的所有权方面of disputing the ownership of a cave 和一只熊,with a bear, 并且and在这方面 in this我不认为是那样的 I do not think that我站着 I stand 独自地。alone.

我确信I am sure that,如果没有现代化的武器, without modern weapons,在和一只熊争洞穴时我会输,I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear, 并且and我不认为只有我自己会这样。in this I do not think that I stand alone.




5、最后的动物 The last creature 与人竞争to compete with man是 was蚊子。 the mosquito.


最后与人竞争的动物是蚊子。The last creature to compete with man was the mosquito.




6、而且即使是蚊子But even the mosquito 已经被制服了has been subdued被注意清理污水 by attention to drainage和 and通过喷洒化学药品。 by chemical sprays.

    而且即使是蚊子也已经被制服But even the mosquito has been subdued通过注意清理污水和喷洒化学药品。by attention to drainage and by chemical sprays.



7、竞争,Competition 在我们自己二者之间between ourselves,人对人, person against person, 团体对团体,community against community, 仍然进行着,still persists, 然而;however;并且 and它是 it 是is和从前一样激烈。as fierce as it ever was.


在我们人类自己之间的竞争,Competition between ourselves, 人与人之间、团体与团体之间仍然进行着,person against person, community against community, still persists, 然而,并且它是和从前一样激烈。however; and it is as fierce as it ever was.




8、但是But人与人之间的竞争 the competition of man against man 不是简单过程is not the simple process 在生物学中所看到的。envisioned in biology.


但是But人与人之间的竞争不是在生物学中看到的简单过程。the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology.



9、它不是It is not一个简单的竞争 a simple competition为了有限数量的食物 for a fixed amount of food 被物质环境所决定的,determined by the physical environment, 因为这个环境because the environment它决定了我们的进化 that determines our evolution 不再主要是物质。is no longer essentially physical.


它已不是一个由物质环境所决定并且为了争夺有限数量的食物进行的简单竞争, It is not a simple competition for a fixed amount of food determined by the physical environment, 因为决定我们进化的环境不再主要是物质。because the environment that determines our evolutionis no longer essentially physical.




10、我们的环境Our environment 是is 主要地chiefly被制约 conditoned被那些东西by the things我们所信仰的。 we believe.


我们的环境主要地被制约Our environment is chiefly conditoned被我们所信仰的东西。by the things we believe.




11、摩洛哥和加利福尼亚 Morocco and California 是are 地球上的小地方bits of the Earth 有着很相似的维度,in very similar latitudes, 二者都在大陆的西海岸上both on the west coasts of continents 有着相同的气候,with similar climates, 并且and可能probably有着完全相同的自然资源。with rather similar natural resources.


摩洛哥和加利福尼亚是地球上维度很相似的两个小地方,Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes, 二者都在大陆的西海岸上并且有着相同的气候条件,both on the west coasts of continents with similar climates, 并且可能有着完全相同的自然资源。and probably with rather similar natural resources.




12、然而 Yet他们目前的发展 their present development是is完全的wholly不同,different, 没有太多原因not so much because是不同的人of different people甚至,even,而是but因为不同的想法 because of the different thoughts 他们存在that exist 在他们的居民的大脑里。in the minds of their inhabitants.


然而他们目前的发展水平完全不同, Yet their present development is wholly different, 甚至主要原因不是人的不同,not so much because of different people even,而是因为他们的居民的大脑里存在的想法不同。but because of the different thoughts that exist in the minds of their inhabitants.





13、这个是This is 那个观点the point 我希望I wish强调。 to emphasize.

这是我想强调的观点。This is the point I wish to emphasize.



 14、最重要的因素The most important factor在我们的环境里 in our environment 是is我们的自己的思想状况。 the state of our own minds.


我们的环境中最重要的因素是我们的思想状况。The most important factor in our environment is the state of our own minds.




15、众所周知It is well known如果 that在某个地方where 白人已经侵入到the white man has invaded 一种原始的文化,a primitive culture,最具有破坏效果的the most destructive effects 不是来自于杀人的武器have come not from physical weapons 而是来自于思想。but from ideas.


众所周知It is well known如果白人已侵入到某地的原始文化, that where the white man has invaded a primitive culture,最具有破坏性的不是杀人的武器而是思想。the most destructive effects have come not from physical weapons but from ideas.




16、思想Ideas是 are危险的。dangerous.

思想是危险的。Ideas are dangerous.



17、宗教法庭 The Holy Office清楚knew这一点 this 十分地full well当时 when它成为原因 it caused异教徒被烧死 heretics to be burned 在过去的日子里。in days gone by.

宗教法庭对此十分清楚The Holy Office knew this full well当过去异教徒因此被烧死时。 when it caused heretics to be burned in days gone by.




18、的确,Indeed, 言论自由的概念the concept of free speech只是only存在exists在我们的现代社会里 in our modern society因为 because当当时when你 you是are处在一个团体内部,inside a community,你是被制约的 you are conditioned被这个团体的风俗习惯 by the conventions of the community达到了这样的一个程度 to such a degree 那就是that它是很困难的 it is very difficult去设想任何事物 to conceive of anything 真正的really具有破坏性。 destructive.


的确,Indeed, 言论自由的概念只是存在于我们的现代社会the concept of free speech only exists in our modern society因为当你处在一个团体的内部时, because when you are inside a community,你被这个团体的风俗习惯制约达到了这样的程度you are conditioned by the conventions of the community to such a degree 那就是很难真正有任何破坏性的想法。that it is very difficult to conceive of anything really destructive.




19、只有某个人 It is only someone他从外部观看 looking on from outside他能够 that can 灌输inject危险的思想。 the dangerous thoughts.


只有从外部观看的人 It is only someone looking on from outside他能够灌输危险的思想。that can inject the dangerous thoughts.



20、我不怀疑那一点 I do not doubt that 那将是可能的it would be possible灌输想法to inject ideas 进入现代世界into the modern world那可能将 that would 完全地摧毁我们。utterly destroy us.


我不怀疑那一点 I do not doubt that 那是可能的it would be possible 灌输想法进入现代世界将完全地摧毁我们。to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us.




21、我很愿意I would like 给你举一个例子,to give you an example,而且幸运地是 but fortunately 我不能这样做。I cannot do so.


我很愿意给你举一个例子,I would like to give you an example,而且幸运地是我不能这样做。 but fortunately I cannot do so.




22、也许Perhaps 那将是足够的it will suffice 提一下原子弹。to mention the unclear bomb.


也许提一下原子弹就够了。Perhaps it will suffice to mention the unclear bomb.




23、想象那种影响Imagine the effect对一个科技相当先进的社会,on a reasonably advanced technological society,这个国家one它还没有有原子弹,that still does not possess the bomb,让它知道有那是可能做到的,of making it aware of the possibility, 并提供足够的细节of supplying sufficient details 使得这种东西能够to enable the thing 将被造出来。to be constructed.


想象对一个科技相当先进的社会所造成的影响Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society,这个国家它还没有原子弹,让它知道那是可能做到的, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, 并提供足够的细节使得这个东西被造出来。 of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.




23、二三十页的资料 Twenty or thirty pages of information递交给 handed to任何一个主要的世界强国 any of the major world powers 在1925年的前后around the year 1925可能将是足够的 would have been sufficient 改变世界的进程。to change the course of world history.


在1925年的前后递交二三十页的资料给世界主要强国中的任何一个国家Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925可能将足以改变世界的进程。would have been sufficient to change the course of world history.


在1925年的前后递交二三十页的资料给世界主要强国中的任何一个国家,  可能将足以改变世界的进程。


24、那是It is一个离奇的想法,a strange thought,但是 but我相信是I believe一个正确的想法,a correct one, 那就是that 二三十页twenty or thirty pages有关观点和情报 of ideas and information将是能够的 would be capable 使当今世界天翻地覆。of turning the present-day world upside down, 或者甚至毁灭它。or even destroying it.


那是个离奇的想法,It is a strange thought,但是我相信它是一个正确的想法,but I believe a correct one, 那就是二三十页的有关观点和情报将能够使当今世界天翻地覆,that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the present-day world upside down, 或者甚至毁灭它。or even destroying it.




25、我经常试图想象I have often tried to conceive是什么内容 of what 那些纸可能包含的those pages might contain,但肯定的是but of course我做不到这一点 I connot do so 因为because我是 I am当今世界的一个囚犯, a prisoner of the present-day world,就像你们大家也是一样。 just as all of you are.


我经常试图想象关于那些纸上也许可能包含什么内容I have often tried to conceive of what those pages might contain, 但我肯定做不到这一点but of course I connot do so 因为我就像你们大家一样是当今世界的一个囚犯。because I am a prisoner of the present-day world, just as all of you are.




26、我们不可能思考We connot think 特定模式之外的东西outside the particular patterns 那些that 我们的大脑our brains被限制了去思考的, are conditioned to,或者,or,说得更加准确,to be more accurate, 我们能够思考we can think仅仅一个很小方面的偏离, only a very little way outside, 即便如此and then 仅限于only 如果if 我们we是 are很独特的。 very original.


我们不可能思考那些我们的大脑限定的特定模式之外的东西We connot think outside the particular patterns that our brains are conditioned to,或者更加准确地讲, or, to be more accurate, 我们能够思考的东西只能有一点很小的偏差,we can think only a very little way outside, 即便如此也仅限于假设我们具有很独特的见解。and then only if we are very original.



Lesson 46  Hobbies



   1、 一位天才的美国心理学家 a gifted American psychologist曾经说过, has said, ‘烦恼Worry是 is一种情感的发作; a spasm of the emotion;脑子 the mind抓住了某种东西 catches hold of something并且 and将无法让它走开。 will not let it go.‘


一位天才的美国心理学家曾经说过, a gifted American psychologist has said, ‘烦恼是一种情感的发作;Worry is a spasm of the emotion;脑子抓住了某种东西 the mind catches hold of something并且将无法让它走开。and will not let it go.‘




2、那是无用的 It is useless 与大脑争论to argue with the mind在这种情形下。in this condition.

在这种情形下与大脑争论是无用的。It is useless to argue with the mind in this condition.



3、越强烈,The stronger这种意志 the will,越无效。the more futile 这种尝试the task.


这种意志越强烈, The stronger the will, 这种尝试越无效。 the more futile the task.




4、你One只能轻轻地暗示can only gently insinuate 一些别的东西something else进入它的痉挛的僵持中。into its convulsive grasp.


你只能轻轻地暗示一些别的东西进入它的痉挛的僵持中。One can only gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp.




5、并且And如果这样的一些别的东西 if this something else被正确地选择, is rightly chosen,如果 if它是真实地被达到效果 it is really attended 因为by 某种启迪the illumination 属于其它领域的兴趣,of another field of interest, 渐渐地,gradually, 并且经常相当迅速地,and often quite swiftly,原先的过分的紧张 the old undue grip 放松了relaxes并且 and 这个恢复和修正的过程the process of recuperation and repair开始了。 begins.


并且如果这样的一些别的东西被正确地选择,And if this something else is rightly chosen,如果因为其它领域兴趣的启迪使大脑真正地达到效果, if it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest, 渐渐地并且经常是相当迅速地,gradually, and often quite swiftly,原先的过分紧张放松了the old undue grip relaxes并且大脑的恢复和修正过程开始了。and the process of recuperation and repair begins.





6、培养The cultivation of 一个爱好和新型的兴趣a hobby and new forms of interest 因此是is therefore一个第一重要的政策 a policy of the first importance 对于一个从事社会活动的人。to a public man.


因此培养爱好和新的兴趣是第一重要的政策The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of the first importance 对于一个从事社会活动的人。to a public man.




7、但是 But这不是一件事情 this is not a business 它that 能够被开始做can be undertaken 在一天里in a day或者or 很快地swiftly 临时凑成improvised只是通过意志的控制。by a mere command of the will.


但这不是一件那样的事情 But this is not a business  它能够在一天里就开始做that can be undertaken in a day或者很快地只是通过意志的控制就临时凑成。or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will.




8、这种培养The growth 关于of有选择的 alternative 精神上的兴趣mental interests是is一个长期的过程。a long process.


这种有选择的情趣的培养The growth of alternative mental interests是一个长期的过程。 is a long process.




9、种子The seeds必须被仔细地被选择;must be carefully chosen;它们they必须落在 must fall好的土地上;on good ground; 他们they必须被小心周到的照顾,must be sedulously tended,如果 if充满生机的果实 the vivifying fruits是 are将会在手边 to be at hand 当需要时。when needed.


种子必须被仔细地被选择;The seeds must be carefully chosen;它们必须落在好的土地上;they must fall on good ground; 他们必须被小心周到的照顾,they must be sedulously tended,如果充满生机的果实在需要时就能摘取。if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed.




10、想要To be 真正的快乐really happy和and真正的安全,really safe,一个人one应该有 ought to have至少 at least 两种或三种爱好,two or three hobbies, 并且and它们they必须都是must all be实际的。real.


想要有真正的快乐和真正的安全,To be really happy and really safe,一个人应该至少有两种或三种爱好,one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, 并且它们必须都是实际的。and they must all be real.




11、那样做是没有用的 It is no use开始 starting在晚年 late in life说: to say: ‘我I将感兴趣 will take an interest 在这方面或那方面。in this or that.‘


那样做是没有用的 It is no use在晚年才开始说 : starting  late in life to say: ‘ “我会对这方面或那方面感兴趣”。I  will take an interest  in this or that.‘




12、这样的一种尝试 Such an attempt只会 only加剧 aggravates精神活动的紧张。the strain of mental effort.


这样的尝试只会加剧精神活动的紧张。Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.




13、一个人 A man可能获得may acquire 渊博的知识great knowledge 在一些课题方面of topics 这些课题与他的日常工作无关,unconnected with his daily work,然而 and yet几乎没有得到 get hardly 任何的利益或者宽慰。any benefit or relief.


一个人可能在一些与他的日常工作无关的课题方面获得渊博的知识A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work,然而几乎没有得到任何的利益或者宽慰。and yet get hardlyany benefit or relief.




14、那是没有用的It is no use做你喜欢的事情;doing what you like; 你you必须喜欢 have got to like你正在做的事。what you do.

做你喜欢的事情是没有用的;It is no use doing what you like; 你必须喜欢你正在做的事。you have got to like what you do.




15、泛泛地说,Broadly speaking,人类 human beings可以被分为 may be divided into三种类型:three classes: 那一些人those 他们是劳累到死,who are toiled to death, 那些人those他们是忧虑到死, who are worried to death还有那些人 and those他们是无聊到死。 who bored to death.


泛泛地说,Broadly speaking,人可以被分为三种类型: human beings may be divided into three classes: 一些人劳累至死,those who are toiled to death, 一些人忧虑至死, those who are worried to death还有一些人无聊至死。 and those who bored to death.




16、那是没有用的It is no use提供给体力劳动者,offering the manual labourer,被累得筋疲力尽 tired out 因为一个艰苦的一星期的with a hard week‘s出汗和出力,sweat and effort, 那种机会the chance 踢足球或打篮球of playing a game of football or baseball在星期六的下午。on Saturday afternoon.


那是没有用的It is no use提供给因为艰苦的一星期的出汗和出力被累得筋疲力尽的体力劳动者,offering the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week‘s sweat and effort, 那种在星期六下午踢足球或打篮球的机会。the chance of playing a game of football or baseball。on Saturday afternoon.




17、那是没有用的It is no use邀请政治家或专业人员或商人, inviting the politician or the professional or business man, 他们一直在工作或焦虑who has been working or worrying 有关严肃的事情about serious things持续了六天, for six days, 去动脑子或焦虑to work or worry 有关微不足道的事情about trifling things 在周末。at the weekend.


那是没有用的It is no use邀请持续六天一直在工作或焦虑有关严肃事情的政治家或专业人员或商人,inviting the politician or the professional or business man, who has been working or worrying about serious things for six days, 在周末工作或焦虑于微不足道的事情。to work or worry about trifling things at the weekend.




18、至于As for那些不幸的人们 the unfortunate people 他们who能够支配can command 一切事情everything他们想要的, they want,他们who能够满足can gratify 一切任性的想法every caprice 并且and抓得到 lay their hands on几乎一切渴求的目标 almost every object of desire 对于他们 for them一个新的娱乐, a new pleasure,一个新的刺激 a new excitement 只是is only一种额外的乏味的事。an additional satiation.


至于那些能够支配一切他们想要的事情的不幸的人们As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want,他们能够满足一切任性的想法who can gratify every caprice 并且抓得到几乎一切渴求的目标and lay their hands on almost every object of desire 对于他们一个新的娱乐,一个新的刺激只是一种额外的乏味的事。for them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation.




19、徒劳的 In vain他们they 急冲rush 疯狂地frantically 在周围round从一个地方到一个地方,from place to place, 试图逃脱trying to escape 从报复性的厌烦中from avenging boredom只是通过闲聊和乱窜。by mere clatter and motion.


他们徒劳的在周围疯狂地从一个地方急冲到一个地方In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, 试图只是通过闲聊和乱窜从报复性的厌烦中逃脱。trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion.



20、对于他们 For them约束 discipline 以一种形式或另一种in one form or another是is最有希望的途径。 the most hopeful path.


对于他们以某种形式进行约束是最有希望的途径。For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path.




21、也可以这样说It may also be said that理智的, rational,勤劳的, industrious, 有用的人useful human being 被分为两类:are divided into two classes: 首先,first, 那些人those他们的工作是工作whose work is work并且 and他们的娱乐是娱乐; whose pleasure is pleasure; 还有第二种人,and secondly, 那些人those 他们的工作和娱乐whose work and pleasure是一回事。are one.


也可以这样说It may also be said那就是-理智的,勤劳的,有用的人被分为两类:that rational, industrious, useful human beingare divided into two classes: 首先,一些人他们的工作是工作并且他们的娱乐是娱乐; first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; 还有第二种人,那些人他们的工作和娱乐是一回事。and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one.




 22、在这些中Of these 前一种the former是 are大多数。 the majority.

在以上两类人中,前一种是大多数。Of these the former are the majority.



23、他们They 有have 他们的补偿。their compensations.

他们能够得到补偿。They have their compensations.



24、这种长的时间The long hours在办公室或者工厂里 in the office or the factory带给他们报酬bring with them as their reward, 不仅是谋生的手段,not only the means of sustenance,而且是寻找乐趣的强烈欲望but a keen appetite for pleasure 即使以它的最简单和最朴素的形式。even in its simplest and most modest forms.


在办公室或者工厂里的这种长时间的工作带给他们报酬The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, 不仅是谋生的手段而且是寻找即使是最简单和最朴素的形式的乐趣的强烈欲望。not only the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms.





25、但是 But命运女神的喜爱的孩子们 Fortune‘s favoured children属于belong to第二类人。 the second class.

但是命运女神喜爱的孩子属于第二类人。But Fortune‘s favoured children belong to the second class.



26、他们的生活Their life是is一种自然的和谐。a natural harmony.


他们的生活是一种自然的和谐。Their life is a natural harmony.




27、对于他们 For them工作时间 the working hours是 are从来不会 never太长。long enough.


对于他们For them工作时间从来不会太长。the working hours are never long enough.




28、每一天是假期,Each day is a holiday, 并且and通常的假期, ordinary holidays,当它们来了时, when they come,被抱怨为are grudged as 强迫enforced 中断了interruptions in一个正在专注的职业。 an absorbing vocation.


每一天都是假期,Each day is a holiday, 并且当通常的假期到来时,and ordinary holidays, when they come,被抱怨为强迫中断了正在专注的职业。are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.




29、然而对于这两类人都一样,Yet to both classes, 这些需要the need 关于换一下脑子,of an alternative outlook, 关于环境的改变,of a change of atmosphere, 关于分散注意力的努力,of a diversion of effort,是is必不可少的。 essential.


然而对于这两类人都一样,Yet to both classes, 换换脑子、改变一下环境、努力分散注意力等等需求都是必不可少的。the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is  essential.




30、说实在的, Indeed, 它it完全可以是 may well be那样做that那些人 those他们的工作whose work是is他们的享乐 their pleasure是are 那些人those他们who最需要 most need 撇开它的这种方法the means of banishing it 每隔一段时间at intervals 从他们的头脑里。from their minds.


说实在的, Indeed,它完全可以是那样做it may well be that那些人(他们的工作是他们的享乐)是那些人those whose work is their pleasure are those 他们最需要每隔一段时间从他们的头脑里撇开它的方法。who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.




lesson 47 The great escape这个最大的逃亡

1、省钱是一个强有力的动机Economy is one powerful motive 对于露营for camping,因为在最初的费用支出后since after the initial outlay在装备上, upon equipment, 或者通过租赁它,or through hiring it, 总的费用the total expense能够远小于can be far less than在饭店的花费。the cost of hotels.


省钱是选择露营的一个主要动机Economy is one powerful motive for camping,因为在最初购置或者租赁装备的费用支出后,since after the initial outlay upon equipment, or through hiring it, 总的费用会远小于住在饭店的费用。the total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels.


省钱是选择露营的一个主要动机;因为在最初购置或者租赁装备的费用支出后,  总的费用远小于住在饭店的费用。


2、但是, But, 和一般的假定相反contrary to a popular assumption,它远远不是it is far from being 唯一的动机,the only one, 或者说甚至不是最大的。 or even the greatest.


但是, But, 和一般的假定相反, contrary to a popular assumption,它远远不是唯一的动机,或者说甚至不是最大的动机。it is far from being the only one, or even the greatest.




3、一个人- The man他漫不经心地开着车 who manoeuvres  carelessly进入他的价值二十英镑的空间 into his twenty pound’s  worth of space 在欧洲的无数个常年营地之一中at one of Europe‘s myriad permanent sites也许发现他自已 may find himself 撞上了一辆本特利汽车。 bumping a Bentley.


一个人-在欧洲的无数个常年营地之一中他漫不经心地开着车进入他的价值二十英镑的空间 The man who manoeuvres  carelessly into his twenty pound’s  worth of space at one of Europe‘s myriad permanent sites也许发现他自已撞上了一辆本特利汽车。 may find himself bumping a Bentley.




4、更有可能的是,More likely,福特车Ford Consul将是will be 并排地hub to hub 和雷诺或者梅赛德斯放在一起,with Renault or Mercedes, 但是but很少会rarely和双人自行车停放在一起。with bicycles made for two.


更有可能的是,More likely,福特车将是并排地和雷诺或者梅赛德斯放在一起,Ford Consul will be hub to hub with Renault or Mercedes, 但是很少会和双人自行车停放在一起。but rarely with bicycles made for two.




5、那种情形That现代露营装备the equipment of modern camping 变得becomes 一年比一年讲究yearly more sophisticated是一件有趣的看上去似乎有些自相矛盾的事情 is an entertaining paradox对于那些愤世嫉俗者for the cynic,是一种更加光明的前途a brighter promise对于那些充满希望的旅行者for the hopeful traveler他们曾经发誓who has sworn摆脱to get away从那一切中。 from it all.


现代露营装备变得一年比一年讲究(主语从句)That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated对于那些愤世嫉俗者是一件有趣的看上去似乎有些自相矛盾的事情 is (表语一)an entertaining paradox for the cynic, 对于那些充满希望的旅行者却是一种更加光明的前途(表语二)a brighter promise for the hopeful traveler他们曾经从那一切中摆脱。(定语从句)who has sworn to get away from it all.




6、它还提供了It also provides-- 还有and  一些社会学学生some student sociologist可能考虑might care 确定他的论文主题to base his thesis 在这种现象上upon the phenomenon 一种另一种形式的逃脱。--an escape of another kind.


它还提供了It also provides-- 还有一些社会学学生可能考虑根据这种现象上确定他的论文主题and  some student sociologist might care to base his thesis upon the phenomenon --另一种形式的逃脱。--an escape of another kind.




7、那些现代旅行者- he modern traveller 经常是is often 那样的一个人a man他不喜欢 who dislikes “斯普兰迪德” 和“贝拉维斯塔” 一类的大酒店the Splendide and the Bellavista,不是因为not because他负担不起开支he cannot afford,或者or回避它们的舒适的物质条件, shuns their meterial comforts,而是but 因为because他害怕它们。he is afraid of them.


那些现代旅行者经常是那样的一个人 he modern traveller is often a man他不喜欢“斯普兰迪德” 和“贝拉维斯塔” 一类的大酒店who dislikes the Splendide and the Bellavista,不是因为他负担不起开支not because he cannot afford,或者回避它们的舒适的物质条件,or shuns their meterial comforts,而是因为他害怕它们。but because he is afraid of them.


一些现代旅行者经常是那样的一种人-他不喜欢“斯普兰迪德” 和“贝拉维斯塔” 一类的大酒店,不是因为他负担不起开支或者回避饭店舒适的物质条件,而是因为他害怕高档饭店。


8、 富有的Affluent他也许是, he may be, 但是but他没办法确定he is by no means sure 付多少小费what to tip 门童或女服务员。the doorman or the chambermaid.


他也许是富有的,Affluent he may be, 但是他拿不准付多少小费给门童或女服务员。but he is by no means sure what to tip the doorman or the chambermaid.




9、 主人Master在他的自己的家中, in his own house, 他不知道关于he has little idea of什么时间说不 when to say boo 对酒店的经理。to a maitre d‘hotel.*


虽说他在自己家里是主人,Master in his own house, 但他不知道应该什么时间对酒店经理说不。he has little idea of when to say boo to a maitre d‘hotel.*




10、从所有这样的顾虑中From all such fears露营活动使他解脱。 camping releases him.


露营活动使他从所有这些顾虑中解脱。From all such fears camping releases him.




11、诚然, Granted,一种露营自身所有的势利现象,a snobbery of camping itself, 依赖装备和技术based upon equipment and techniques, 已经存在,already exists, 但是but它同样的-那样 it is of a kind that,如果他遇到了它, if he meets it,他能够容易理解和应付。 he can readily understand and deal with.


诚然, Granted,一种露营自身所有的势利现象,a snobbery of camping itself, 根据装备和技术based upon equipment and techniques, 已经存在,already exists, 但是but它是属于一种那样的情况, it is of a kind that,如果他遇到了它,if he meets it,他能够he can 轻易地readily理解和处理。understand and deal with.


诚然, Granted,一种露营自身所有的根据装备和技术势利现象已经存在,a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists, 但是它属于一种那样的情况,but it is of a kind that,如果他遇到了它,if he meets it,他能够轻易地理解和处理。he can readily understand and deal with.



12、没有There is no上等的“他们” superior ‘they‘ 以某种形式的in the shape of 管理和饭店的等级制度managements and hotel hierarchies来搞暗to darken他的假期。 his holiday days.


没有上等的“他们” There is no superior ‘they‘ 以某种形式的管理和饭店的等级制度出现in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies来搞暗他的假期。to darken his holiday days.




14、当代的现象 The contemporary phenomenon关于汽车崇拜of motor-car worship是is 可以这样解释to be explained 并非只是- not least 因为独立的感觉by the sense of independence还有自由and freedom它是汽车主人必要的。that ownership entails.


当代崇拜汽车的现象可以解释为The contemporary phenomenon of motor-car worship is to be explained 并非只是因为独立的感觉not least by the sense of independence还有汽车主人必要的自由。and freedom that ownership entails.


当代崇拜汽车的现象可以解释为,并非只是为了寻找独立的感觉,同时为了 汽车主人需要的自由。


15、对于这种快乐感受To this pleasure露营camping提供了 gives一种细致优雅的气氛。an exquisite refinement.

对于这种快乐感受To this pleasure露营提供了一种细致优雅的气氛。camping gives an exquisite refinement.




16、 从一个人的自已家的前门From one‘s own front door到国内外to home or foreign 山坡或沙滩上hills or sands并且再一次返回,and back again, 一切都很方便。everything is to hand.


从一个人的自已家的前门到国内外的山坡或沙滩上并且再一次返回,From one‘s own front door to home or foreign hills or sands and back again, 一切都很方便。everything is to hand.




17、不仅Not only 是are到达度假天堂的手段the means of arriving at the holiday paradise 完全地entirely在一个人的自己的掌握和管理中, within one‘s own command and keeping, 而且是but逃离的手段 the means of escape 从假日的地狱from holiday hell, (如果if海滩证明太拥挤the beach  proves  too crowded, 当地的天气the local weather太恶劣 too inclement) are there,就在外边—或者说outside--or,就好像, as likely,帐篷的一部分。 part of--the tent.


不仅是到达度假天堂的手段Not only are the means of arriving at the holiday paradise 完全在一个人自己的掌握和管理中,entirely within one‘s  own command and keeping, 而且是逃离假日地狱的手段but the means of escape from holiday hell(如果海滩证明太拥挤,当地的天气太恶劣) (if the beach  proves  too crowded, the local weather too inclement) are there,就在外边—或者说,就好像,帐篷的一部分。outside--or as likely, part of--the tent.




18、理想主义者 Idealists已提出反对 have objected 对露营的作法to the practice of camping, 和反对打包旅游项目一样,as to the packaged tour, 因为that外国旅游者 the traveller abroad 因此thereby拒绝给他自己机会denies himself the opportunity得到了解 of getting to know这个国家的人民the people of the country被参观的。visited.


理想主义者提出了反对露营的作法Idealists have objected to the practice of camping, 和反对打包旅游项目一样,as to the packaged tour, 因为外国旅游者会因此自己拒绝了解被参观国家的人民。that the traveller abroad thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited.



19、心胸狭窄和自我封闭,Insularity and self-containment, 它引起了争议,it is argued,共同发展。go hand in hand.




20、这种观点he opinion没有幸存 does not survive经历 experience 在一个受欢迎的大陆露营地。 of a popular Continental camping place.


这种观点没有幸存he opinion does not survive在一个受欢迎的大陆露营地。 experience of a popular Continental camping place.




21、  假日饭店 Holiday hotels  倾向于迎合 tend to cater for同一国籍的观光者们one nationality of visitors 特别地especially,有时侯sometimes排外地。exclusively.


假日饭店特别倾向于迎合某个国家的观光者Holiday hotels tend to cater for  one nationality of visitors  especially,有时达到排外的程度。 sometimes exclusively.




22、露营地, Camping sites,正相反,by contrast,具有高度的世界性。are highly cosmopolitan.


相反,露营地具有高度的世界性。Camping sites, by contrast, are highly cosmopolitan.




23、确实如此, Granted, 德国人数量上的优势a preponderance of Germans是is一个特有现象 a characteristic 它似乎很普遍that seems common 对于大多数地中海的露营地to most Mediterranean sites;但是 but至今还没有 as yet there is no高于别人地- overwhelmingly特别地优待。specialized patronage.


确实如此,Granted,德国人数量上的优势是一个特有现象 a preponderance of Germans is a characteristic这种现象对于大多数地中海的露营地似乎很普遍;that seems common to most Mediterranean sites;但是至今还没有高于别人的特别优待。 but as yet there is no overwhelmingly specialized patronage.




24、布告 Notices 禁止在露天干燥衣服forbidding the open-air drying of clothes,或者or用水龙头直接冲洗汽车the use of water points for car washing,  或者or 那些those 邀请我们的露营朋友们inviting ‘ our camping friends‘ 参加舞会或者乘船观光to a dance or a boat trip 被印刷are printed不仅是 not only用法语或意大利语或西班牙语in French or Italian or Spanish,而且也but also用英语,德语和荷兰语。in English, German and Dutch.


禁止在露天干燥衣服或者用水龙头直接冲洗汽车的布告 (主语一)Notices (定语)forbidding the open-air drying of clothes, or the use of water points for car washing, 或者or那些邀请我们的露营朋友们参加舞会或者乘船观光的海报(主语二)those(定语) inviting ‘ our camping friends‘to a dance or a boat trip 被印刷(谓语-被动语态)are printed不仅是(连词) not only用法语或意大利语或西班牙语(状语)in French or Italian or Spanish,而且也(连词)but also用英语,德语和荷兰语。(状语)in English, German and Dutch.




25、用餐时,At meal times 泡菜的味道the odour of sauerkraut 争锋相对vies与那种大蒜的味道。 with that of garlic.


用餐时,At meal times 德国泡菜的气味与大蒜味争相散发。the odour of sauerkraut vies with that of garlic.




26、法国人的The Frenchman‘s早餐咖啡 breakfast coffee竞争 competes 英国人的with the Englishman‘s 咸肉加鸡蛋bacon and eggs.

法国人的早餐咖啡与英国人的咸肉加鸡蛋竞相比美。The Frenchman‘s breakfast coffee competes with the Englishman‘s bacon and eggs.



27、是否Whether明显增长的有组织的露营活动 the remarkable growth of organized camping意味着 means比较独立封闭种类的最终消失 the eventual death of the more independent kind是is很难说。 hard to say.


是否明显增长的有组织的露营活动意味着比较独立封闭种类的最终消失Whether the remarkable growth of organized camping means the eventual death of the more independent kind 是is很难说。 hard to say.




28、地方当局Municipalities自然地 naturally想要收取want to secure 这些露营者的场地费the campers‘ site fees和其它的关税。 and other custom.


地方当局当然想要收取Municipalities naturally want to secure 这些露营者的场地费和其它的关税。the campers‘ site fees and other custom.




29、警察Police 提防着are wary of游荡者 itinerants 这些人who 不能被查出来cannot be traced属于一个有组织的露营地to a recognized camp boundary 或者or属于一个独立的帐篷。to four walls.


警察提防着游荡者Police are wary of itinerants 查不出这些人属于一个有组织的露营地或者属于一个独立的帐篷。who cannot be traced to a recognized camp boundary or to four walls.




30、但是 But最重要的 most可能的 probably它将it will完全依赖 all depend upon 露营者自己:campers themselves:有多少野火how many heath fires他们引起,they cause,有多少垃圾how much litter他们留下,they leave,简单地说,in short, 无论如何whether or not 他们 they完全地 wholly搞不好关系alienate地主landowners 和and那些人 those 他们生活 who live 在乡下。in the countryside.


但是最重要的可能完全取决露营者自己: But most probably it will all depend upon campers themselves: 他们引起了多少野火,how many heath fires they cause, 他们留下了多少垃圾,how much litter they leave,简单地说,in short, 无论如何他们完全地与地主及那些人搞不好关系whether or not they wholly alienate landowners and those那些人生活在乡下。who live in the countryside.




 31、只有好的童子军活动Only good  scouting 是可能的is likely保持着自由to preserve the freedoms 如此衷心热爱的so dear to the heart属于永恒的童子军。 of the eternal Boy Scout.


只有好的童子军活动是可能的保持着各种自由Only good  scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms这些自由属于永恒的童子军所衷心热爱的。so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout.





lesson 48 规划股票投资Planning a share portfolio


1、  没有There is no 短缺情报贩子 shortage of tipsters 在周围around 提供offering 快速致富“get-rich-quick”机会。  opportunities.


我们周围不缺少情报贩子  There is no  shortage of tipsters around 提供快速发财的机会。 offering “get-rich-quick”  opportunities.




2、  但是 But 如果 if你you 是are一个严肃的私人投资者,a serious private investor,留下那种拉斯维加斯心态 leave the Las Vegas mentality给那些人to those拿钱去挥霍。with money to fritter.


但是But如果你是一个严肃的私人投资者,if you are a serious private investor,留下那种拉斯维加斯心态给那些拿钱去挥霍的人。leave the Las Vegas mentality to those with money to fritter.



3、一个认真的投资者The serious investor 需要一个正确的投资组合needs a proper‘portfolio’一个计划周密的投资选择,a well-planned selection of investments, 有一个明确的结构with a definite structure和 and一个清楚的目标。 a clear aim.


一个认真的投资者需要一个正确的投资组合The serious investor needs a proper‘portfolio’--一个计划周密的投资选择。a well-planned selection of investments, 有一个明确的结构和一个清楚的目标。with a definite structure and a clear aim.


一个认真的投资者需要一个正确的投资组合 --一个结构明确并且目标清楚的经过周密计划的投资选择。


4、但是 But究竟 exactly 怎样how does一个股票市场的新手a newcomer to the stock market做go about去实现上述目标? achieving that?


但是 But一个股票市场的新手究竟怎样做 exactly how does a newcomer to the stock market go about去实现上述目标? achieving that?




5、那么,Well,如果你去找if you go to五位有声望的five reputable股票经纪人stock brokers 并且and询问他们 ask them你应该怎样做what you should do 用你的钱with your money,你可能得到you’re likely to get 五种不同的回答five different answers, 即使even if 你给出了you give 所有有关信息all the relevant information关于你的年龄, about your age, 家庭,family, 财务状况finances和 and你想得到什么what you want从你的投资中。 from your investments.


那么,Well,如果你去找五位有声望的股票经纪人if you go to five reputable stock brokers 并且询问他们怎么支配你的钱and ask them what you should do with your money,你可能得到五种不同的回答you’re likely to get five different answers, 即使你给出了所有相关的信息even if you give all the relevant information关于你的年龄,家庭, about your age, family, 财务状况和你的投资期望值是什么。finances and what you want from your investments.


那么,Well,如果你去找五位有声望的股票经纪人并且询问他们怎么支配你的钱if you go to five reputable stock brokers and ask them what you should do with your money,你可能得到五种不同的回答you’re likely to get five different answers, 即使你给出了所有关于你的年龄,家庭,财务状况和你的投资期望值是什么等相关的信息。even if you give all the relevant information about your age, family, finances and what you want from your investments.


那么, 如果你去找五位有声望的股票经纪人并且询问他们怎么支配你的钱,你可能得到五种不同的回答,即使你给出了所有关于你的年龄,家庭,财务状况和你的投资期望值是什么等相关的信息。


 6、道德问题吗? Moral?不存在There is no一个“正确的”方法one ‘right’ way去制定一个投资组合。to structure a portfolio.


道德问题吗? Moral? 制定投资组合不存在“正确的”方法。There is no one ‘right’ way to structure a portfolio.




7、然而,However, 毫无疑问有there are undoubtedly 一些错误的方法some wrong ways,并且 and你能够断定you can be sure那就是 that 我们的五位顾问中没有一个人none of our five advisers会建议would have suggested投下你的全部(或者一部分)的钱sinking all (or perhaps any )of your money 到佩里威格斯公司into Periwigs.


然而,However, 毫无疑问有一些方法是错误的there are undoubtedly some wrong ways,并且 and你能够肯定you can be sure 那就是我们的五位顾问中没有一个人会建议投下你全部(或者一部分)的钱到佩里威格斯公司。that none of our five advisers would have suggested sinking all (or perhaps any )of your money into Periwigs.


然而, 毫无疑问有一些方法是错误的;并且可以肯定五位顾问中没有一个人会建议投下你全部(或者一部分)的钱到佩里威格斯公司。


 8、那么So 什么事情what你应该做? should you do?

那么So你应该怎么做?what should you do?



9、我们假定那一点We’ll assume that你已经理清了 you have sorted out基本情况 the basics 比如like抵押贷款, mortgages, 养老金,ns,保险insurance和 and随时可动用的access to充足的现金储备。sufficient cash reserves.


我们假定你已经搞清楚了基本情况We’ll assume that you have sorted out the basics 比如抵押贷款,养老金,保险和随时可动用的充足的现金储备。like mortgages, pensions, insurance and access to sufficient cash reserves.




10、然后你应该You should  then 建立 establish你自己个人的目标。your own individual aims.

然后你应该建立你自己个人的目标。You should  then establish your own individual aims.




11、这些一方面是These are partly一个个人的环境问题a matter of personal circumstances,一方面是一个心理问题。 partly a matter of psychology.


这里一方面是个人的环境问题,一方面是心理问题。These are partly a matter of personal circumstances, partly a matter of psychology.




12、例如,For instance, 如果你年纪较大if you are older你只有较少的时间you have less time得到恢复to recover从任何重大损失中, from any major losses,并且 and你也许很希望you may well wish提高你的养老金收入。to boost your n income.


例如,如果你年纪较大For instance, if you are older你没有多少时间挽回重大损失you have less time to recover from any major losses,并且 and你也许很希望提高你的养老金收入。you may well wish to boost your n income.






13、所以 So保护你的资产 preserving your capital和 and取得额外的收入 generating extra income 是are你的your 主要的main应优先解决的问题。priorities.

    所以 So保护你的资产和取得额外的收入preserving your capital and generating extra income 是are你主要应优先解决的问题。 your main priorities.




14、在这种情况下,In this case,你也许可能 you’d probably建立一个投资组合 construct a portfolio 包括一些股票with some shares(但不是高风险的那些)(but not high risk ones), 此外还有along with 金边证券,gilts, 现金存款cash deposits,并且也许是 and perhaps可兑换的证券convertibles 或者or可分资本投资信托公司的分红保本型股票。the income shares of split capital investment trusts.

在这种情况下,In this case,你也许可能建立一个包括一些股票(但不是高风险的那些)的投资组合you’d probably construct a portfolio with some shares(but not high risk ones), 此外还有金边证券,现金存款,并且也许是可兑换的证券along with gilts, cash deposits, and perhaps convertibles 或者or可分资本投资信托公司的分红保本型股票。the income shares of split capital investment trusts.




15、如果你是If you are比较年轻,并且经济状况可靠,younger, and in a solid financial position,你也许决定you may decide 采取一种激进冒险的方式to take an aggressive approach 但是but 仅限于only你如果有幸if you‘re blessed有一个乐观的性格with a sanguine disposition并且 and不会忍受失眠的夜晚won’t suffer sleepless nights因为股票价格的波动。 over share prices.


如果你是比较年轻并且经济状况可靠,If you are younger, and in a solid financial position,你也许决定采取一种激进冒险的方式you may decide to take an aggressive approach 但是仅限于你如果有幸性格乐观but only if you‘re blessed with a sanguine disposition并且不会因为股票价格的波动而彻夜难眠。and won’t suffer sleepless nights over share prices.

如果你比较年轻并且经济状况可靠,你也许决定采取一种激进冒险的方式,  但是仅限于你如果有幸性格乐观并且不会因为股票价格的波动而彻夜难眠。


16、如果If你认识到自己 you recognize yourself属于这种情况,in this description, 你you 可以收集might include几种活跃的成长型股票 a couple of heady growth stocks在你的投资组合中,in your portfolio, 和你的比较稳健的投资项目放在一起。alongside your more pedestrian investments.


如果你认识到自己属于这种情况,If you recognize yourself in this description, 你可以收集几种活跃的成长型股票在你的投资组合中,you might include a couple of heady growth stocks in your portfolio, 和你的比较稳健的投资品种放在一起。alongside your more pedestrian investments.




17、一旦 Once你you 慎重考虑后决定have decides on你的投资目标 your investment aims, 然后你能够决定you can then decide把你的钱放在哪里。 where to put your money.


一旦 Once你慎重考虑后决定了你的投资目标you have decides on your investment aims, 然后你能够决定把你的钱放在哪里。 you can then decide where to put your money.




18、指导原则The golden rule在这里是here is分散你的风险 spread your risk 如果 if 你放你的所有的钱you put all of your money进入佩里威格斯国际公司 into Periwigs International, 你是正在使得你自己you’re setting yourself up作为命运的人质。as a hostage to fortune.


这里的指导原则是分散你的风险The golden rule here is spread your risk 如果你把你的所有的钱放进佩里威格斯国际公司, if you put all of your money into Periwigs International, 你是正在让你自己作为命运的人质。you’re setting yourself up as a hostage to fortune.






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