搭建环境中参考的代码基本是原框架,但是在本书使用的旧的 DirectX 11 (June 2010) 版本的SDK,而根据国外网友的评论,基本上本书发布时,Microsoft就将这套框架完全抛弃了(比如XNA系的东西完全不用了,eg. XNAMATH -> DirectX Math) [1]。
环境:Windows 10,Visual Studio 2015
//#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) // createDeviceFlags |= D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG; //#endif
[1] Luna‘s books are all great, but in this case Microsoft pulled the rug out from him soon after the books release. The entire effects framework used in the book is now deprecated.
[2] For Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you can continue to use the same DirectX 11.0 APIs as always even with this update installed. The only thing you have to do is to install the updated SDK Debug Layers to restore D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG functionality. - From: DirectX 11.1 and Windows 7 Update