Given a complete binary tree, count the number of nodes.
Definition of a complete binary tree from Wikipedia:
In a complete binary tree every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible. It can have between 1 and 2h nodes inclusive at the last level h.
1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * int val; 5 * TreeNode left; 6 * TreeNode right; 7 * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } 8 * } 9 */ 10 public class Solution { 11 public int countNodes(TreeNode root) { 12 if(root==null) return 0; 13 14 int l = getLeft(root) + 1; 15 int r = getRight(root) + 1; 16 17 if(l==r) { 18 return (2<<(l-1)) - 1; 19 } else { 20 return countNodes(root.left) + countNodes(root.right) + 1; 21 } 22 } 23 24 private int getLeft(TreeNode root) { 25 int count = 0; 26 while(root.left!=null) { 27 root = root.left; 28 ++count; 29 } 30 return count; 31 } 32 33 private int getRight(TreeNode root) { 34 int count = 0; 35 while(root.right!=null) { 36 root = root.right; 37 ++count; 38 } 39 return count; 40 } 41 }
LeetCode OJ 222. Count Complete Tree Nodes