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 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\web;
use Yii;
use yii\base\Object;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
 * UrlRule represents a rule used by [[UrlManager]] for parsing and generating URLs.
 * urlrule代表由[[urlmanager]]用于解析和生成的URL规则
 * To define your own URL parsing and creation logic you can extend from this class
 * and add it to [[UrlManager::rules]] like this:
 * 定义自己的网址解析和创建逻辑,您可以从这个类扩展添加到[规则] ] [ urlmanager::像这样:
 * ~~~
 * ‘rules‘ => [
 *     [‘class‘ => ‘MyUrlRule‘, ‘pattern‘ => ‘...‘, ‘route‘ => ‘site/index‘, ...],
 *     // ...
 * ]
 * ~~~
 * rule中class的默认值是yii\web\UrlRule
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @since 2.0
class UrlRule extends Object implements UrlRuleInterface
     * Set [[mode]] with this value to mark that this rule is for URL parsing only
     * 集[ [model] ]与这个值,以标记这条规则是唯一的网址解析
    const PARSING_ONLY = 1;
     * Set [[mode]] with this value to mark that this rule is for URL creation only
     * 集[ [model] ]与这个值,以标记这条规则是唯一的网址解析
    const CREATION_ONLY = 2;
     * @var string the name of this rule. If not set, it will use [[pattern]] as the name.
     * 这个规则的名称。如果没有设置,它将使用[ [模式] ]作为名称。
    public $name;
     * @var string the pattern used to parse and create the path info part of a URL.
     * 用来解析和创建一个链接的路径信息的模式。
     * @see host
    public $pattern;
     * @var string the pattern used to parse and create the host info part of a URL (e.g. `http://example.com`).
     * @see pattern
     * 用于解析和创建一个URL的主机信息的模式(例如`http://example.com`)。
    public $host;
     * @var string the route to the controller action
     * 控制器作用的路径
    public $route;
     * @var array the default GET parameters (name => value) that this rule provides.
     * 该规则提供的默认参数(名称=值)。
     * When this rule is used to parse the incoming request, the values declared in this property
     * will be injected into $_GET.
     * 当这个规则被用来解析传入的请求时,在这个属性中声明的值将注入$_GET。
    public $defaults = [];
     * @var string the URL suffix used for this rule.
     * 用于此规则的网址后缀。
     * For example, ".html" can be used so that the URL looks like pointing to a static HTML page.
     * 例如,“HTML”可以使URL看起来像指向一个静态HTML页面。
     * If not, the value of [[UrlManager::suffix]] will be used.
     * 例如,“HTML”可以使URL看起来像指向一个静态HTML页面。
    public $verb;
     * @var integer a value indicating if this rule should be used for both request parsing and URL creation,parsing only, or creation only.
     * 一个值,该值表示,如果该规则应用于请求分析和链接创建,只分析或创建。
     * If not set or 0, it means the rule is both request parsing and URL creation.
     * 如果没有设置或0,这意味着规则是请求解析和链接创建。
     * If it is [[PARSING_ONLY]], the rule is for request parsing only.
     * 如果是[[parsing_only]],规则是只要求解析。
     * If it is [[CREATION_ONLY]], the rule is for URL creation only.
     * 如果是[[creation_only]],规则是URL只有创造。
    public $mode;
     * @var boolean a value indicating if parameters should be url encoded.
     * 返回一个boolean值,该值指示如果参数应该是网址编码。
    public $encodeParams = true;
     * @var string the template for generating a new URL. This is derived from [[pattern]] and is used in generating URL.
     * 生成一个新的网址的模板。这是源于[[pattern]] ,并用于产生网址。
    private $_template;
     * @var string the regex for matching the route part. This is used in generating URL.
     * 该路线的部分匹配正则表达式。这是用来产生网址。
    private $_routeRule;
     * @var array list of regex for matching parameters. This is used in generating URL.
     * list of regex for matching parameters. This is used in generating URL.
    private $_paramRules = [];
     * @var array list of parameters used in the route.
     * 路由的参数存储数组
    private $_routeParams = [];
     * Initializes this rule.
    public function init()
        if ($this->pattern === null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException(UrlRule::pattern must be set.);
        if ($this->route === null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException(UrlRule::route must be set.);
        if ($this->verb !== null) {
            // 将verb变成数组,并将器内容全部大写
            if (is_array($this->verb)) {
                foreach ($this->verb as $i => $verb) {
                    $this->verb[$i] = strtoupper($verb);
            } else {
                $this->verb = [strtoupper($this->verb)];
        if ($this->name === null) {
            $this->name = $this->pattern;
        $this->pattern = trim($this->pattern, /);
        $this->route = trim($this->route, /);
        if ($this->host !== null) {
            // host存在
            $this->host = rtrim($this->host, /);
            $this->pattern = rtrim($this->host . / . $this->pattern, /);
        } elseif ($this->pattern === ‘‘) {
            // pattern为空
            $this->_template = ‘‘;
            $this->pattern = #^$#u;
        } elseif (($pos = strpos($this->pattern, ://)) !== false) {
            // 存在‘://‘字符串
            if (($pos2 = strpos($this->pattern, /, $pos + 3)) !== false) {
                // 找到‘://‘之后的第一个‘/‘的位置,并截取之前的字符串作为host
                $this->host = substr($this->pattern, 0, $pos2);
            } else {
                $this->host = $this->pattern;
        } else {
            $this->pattern = / . $this->pattern . /;
         * $rule的结构如下
         * [
         *     ‘route‘=>‘PUT,POST <controller:\w+>/<id>‘
         *     ‘verb‘=>[‘PUT‘,‘POST‘],
         *     ‘pattern‘=>‘<controller:\w+>/<id>‘
         * ]
        if (strpos($this->route, <) !== false && preg_match_all(/<(\w+)>/, $this->route, $matches)) {
            // 匹配不带正则表达式的路由配置,并放入_routeParams中存起来
            // 如上的例子中,$matches[1]=[‘id‘]
            foreach ($matches[1] as $name) {
                $this->_routeParams[$name] = "<$name>";
        $tr = [
            . => \\.,
            * => \\*,
            $ => \\$,
            [ => \\[,
            ] => \\],
            ( => \\(,
            ) => \\),
        $tr2 = [];
         * 匹配带正则表达式的路由配置
         *   结果排序为$matches[0]保存完整模式的所有匹配, $matches[1] 保存第一个子组的所有匹配,以此类推。
         * PREG_SET_ORDER
         *   结果排序为$matches[0]包含第一次匹配得到的所有匹配(包含子组), $matches[1]是包含第二次匹配到的所有匹配(包含子组)的数组,以此类推。
         *   如果这个标记被传递,每个发现的匹配返回时会增加它相对目标字符串的偏移量。
         *   注意这会改变matches中的每一个匹配结果字符串元素,使其成为一个第0个元素为匹配结果字符串,第1个元素为 匹配结果字符串在subject中的偏移量。
         * 如果没有给定排序标记,假定设置为PREG_PATTERN_ORDER。
         * 如果$this->pattern是‘<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>‘
         * 则$matches为[
         *     [[‘<controller:\w+>‘, 0], [‘controller‘, 1], [‘\w+‘, 12]],
         *     [[‘<id:\d+>‘, 17], [‘id‘, 18], [‘\d+‘, 21]]
         * ]
        if (preg_match_all(/<(\w+):?([^>]+)?>/, $this->pattern, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
            foreach ($matches as $match) {
                // 以第一条记录为例
                // $name = ‘controller‘
                $name = $match[1][0];
                // $pattern = ‘\w+‘
                // 如果正则表达式的匹配值为空,则默认为‘[^\/]+‘
                $pattern = isset($match[2][0]) ? $match[2][0] : [^\/]+;
                if (array_key_exists($name, $this->defaults)) {
                    $length = strlen($match[0][0]);
                    $offset = $match[0][1];
                    if ($offset > 1 && $this->pattern[$offset - 1] === / && $this->pattern[$offset + $length] === /) {
                        $tr["/<$name>"] = "(/(?P<$name>$pattern))?";
                    } else {
                        $tr["<$name>"] = "(?P<$name>$pattern)?";
                } else {
                    // str[‘<controller>‘] = ‘(?P<controller>\w+)‘
                    $tr["<$name>"] = "(?P<$name>$pattern)";
                if (isset($this->_routeParams[$name])) {
                    $tr2["<$name>"] = "(?P<$name>$pattern)";
                } else {
                    $this->_paramRules[$name] = $pattern === [^\/]+ ? ‘‘ : "#^$pattern$#u";
        // 如果$this->pattern是‘<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>‘
        // 则$this->_template是‘<controller>/<id>‘
        $this->_template = preg_replace(/<(\w+):?([^>]+)?>/, <$1>, $this->pattern);
        // $this->pattern最终是‘#^(?P<controller>\w+)/(?P<id>\d+)$#u‘
        $this->pattern = #^ . trim(strtr($this->_template, $tr), /) . $#u;
        if (!empty($this->_routeParams)) {
            $this->_routeRule = #^ . strtr($this->route, $tr2) . $#u;





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