function varargout = rsi(price,M,thresh,scaling,cost) % RSI %% % Copyright 2010, The MathWorks, Inc. % All rights reserved. if ~exist('scaling','var') scaling = 1; end if ~exist('M','var') M = 0; % no detrending else if numel(M) > 1 N = M(2); M = M(1); else N = M; M = 15*M; end end if ~exist('thresh','var') thresh = [30 70]; % default threshold else if numel(thresh) == 1 % scalar value thresh = [100-thresh, thresh]; else if thresh(1) > thresh(2) thresh= thresh(2:-1:1); end end end if ~exist('cost','var') cost = 0; % default cost end %% Detrend with a moving average if M == 0 ma = zeros(size(price)); else ma = movavg(price,M,M,'e'); end ri = rsindex(price - ma, N); %% Position signal s = zeros(size(price)); % Crossing the lower threshold indx = ri < thresh(1); indx = [false; indx(1:end-1) & ~indx(2:end)]; s(indx) = 1; % Crossing the upper threshold indx = ri > thresh(2); indx = [false; indx(1:end-1) & ~indx(2:end)]; s(indx) = -1; % Fill in zero values with prior position for i = 2:length(s) if s(i) == 0 s(i) = s(i-1); end end %% PNL Caclulation r = [0; s(1:end-1).*diff(price)-abs(diff(s))*cost/2]; sh = scaling*sharpe(r,0); %% Plot if requested if nargout == 0 ax(1) = subplot(3,1,1); plot([price,ma]), grid on legend('Price',['Moving Average ',num2str(M)]) title(['RSI Results, Sharpe Ratio = ',num2str(sh,3)]) ax(2) = subplot(3,1,2); plot([ri,thresh(1)*ones(size(ri)),thresh(2)*ones(size(ri))]) grid on legend(['RSI ',num2str(N)],'Lower Threshold','Upper Threshold') title('RSI') ax(3) = subplot(3,1,3); plot([s,cumsum(r)]), grid on legend('Position','Cumulative Return','Location','Best') title(['Final Return = ',num2str(sum(r),3),' (',num2str(sum(r)/price(1)*100,3),'%)']) linkaxes(ax,'x') else %% Return values for i = 1:nargout switch i case 1 varargout{1} = s; % signal case 2 varargout{2} = r; % return (pnl) case 3 varargout{3} = sh; % sharpe ratio case 4 varargout{4} = ri; % rsi signal case 5 varargout{5} = ma; % moving average case 6 varargout{6} = thresh; % threshold otherwise warning('RSI:OutputArg',... 'Too many output arguments requested, ignoring last ones'); end %switch end %for end %if %% Examples %% Supporting Functions % Faster implementation of rsindex found in Financial Toolbox function r=rsindex(x,N) L = length(x); dx = diff([0;x]); up=dx; down=abs(dx); % up and down moves I=dx<=0; up(I) = 0; down(~I)=0; % calculate exponential moving averages m1 = movavg(up,N,N,'e'); m2 = movavg(down,N,N,'e'); warning off r = 100*m1./(m1+m2); %r(isnan(r))=50; I2=~((up+down)>0); r(I2)=50; warning on