When you supply a desired histogram hgram, histeq chooses the grayscale transformation T to minimize
where c0 is the cumulative histogram of A, c1 is the cumulative sum of hgram for all intensities k. This minimization is subject to the constraints that T must be monotonic(单调的) and c1(T(a)) cannot overshoot(超过) c0(a) by more than half the distance between
the histogram counts at a. histeq uses the transformation b = T(a) to map the gray levels in X (or the colormap) to their new values.
coins.png http://pan.baidu.com/s/1slilbPF
rice.png http://pan.baidu.com/s/1cDNVx8
clear all; close all; clc; I1=imread('coins.png'); I2=imread('rice.png'); a=I1; hgram=imhist(I2); n = 256; hgram = hgram*(numel(a)/sum(hgram)); % Set sum = numel(a) m = length(hgram); % [nn,cum] = computeCumulativeHistogram(a,n); nn = imhist(a,n)'; cum = cumsum(nn); % T = createTransformationToIntensityImage(a,hgram,m,n,nn,cum); % Create transformation to an intensity image by minimizing the error % between desired and actual cumulative histogram. cumd = cumsum(hgram*numel(a)/sum(hgram)); tol = ones(m,1)*min([nn(1:n-1),0;0,nn(2:n)])/2; err = (cumd(:)*ones(1,n)-ones(m,1)*cum(:)')+tol; d = find(err < -numel(a)*sqrt(eps)); if ~isempty(d) %如果d为空 那么isempty的值为1,~isempty的值为0,则不会执行这个if语句 err(d) = numel(a)*ones(size(d)); end [dum,T] = min(err); % T = (T-1)/(m-1);%这是把灰度级由1到256变为0到255 T=T*255; %T中存储的是灰度级映射关系,比如50的值为44,则代表原图中灰度级为49的像素新的灰度级为44可出最后经直方图规定化处理后的图像的MATLAB源码如下:
clear all; close all; clc; I1=imread('coins.png'); I2=imread('rice.png'); histv=imhist(I2); histv=histv'; fid=fopen('C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\MATLAB\histv3.txt','wt'); fprintf(fid,'%g ',histv); fclose(fid); histv=histv';%再转置回来,下面要用 J=histeq(I1,histv); ranghistv=histv./65536; histI1=imhist(I1); subplot(1,2,1); imshow(I1); subplot(1,2,2); imshow(J);
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <opencv2/legacy/compat.hpp> #include <fstream> using namespace std; #pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:\"windows\" /entry:\"mainCRTStartup\"") void mycvCalcHist(IplImage *img,double out_hist[256])//自己写的直方图计算函数 { int i=0, j=0; double temp1=0; int temp2=0; const int hist_sz = 256;//0到255,一共256个灰度值 double hist[hist_sz]; memset(hist, 0, sizeof(hist)); for( i = 0; i < img->height; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < img->width; j++ ) { temp1=cvGet2D(img,i,j).val[0]; temp2=int(temp1);//作类型转换 hist[temp2]++; //这里实现了hist中存储各灰度值出现的次数 } } memcpy(out_hist,hist, sizeof(hist)); //肯定有人要问,为啥不用数组名作为参数传递从而改变实参数组的值 //这种方法一般情况下都可以,我也测试了,然而这里就是不行,我估计与 //memset(hist, 0, sizeof(hist));这句语句有关 } void my_hist_specification(IplImage *a,IplImage *I2)//a是源图像的指针,I2是a作直方图规定化所需的标准直方图对应图像的指针 { int i=0; int j=0; int n=256; // 计算图像的灰度直方图 double hgram[256]; mycvCalcHist(I2,hgram); double nn[256]; mycvCalcHist(a,nn); //相当于M中的hgram = hgram*(numel(a)/sum(hgram)); double sum_hgram=0; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) sum_hgram=sum_hgram+hgram[i]; double M_a,N_a; M_a=a->height; N_a=a->width; double numel_a; numel_a=M_a*N_a; double numel_aDivsum_hgram; numel_aDivsum_hgram=numel_a/sum_hgram; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) hgram[i] = hgram[i]*numel_aDivsum_hgram ; //相当于m = length(hgram); int m; m=256; //相当于cum = cumsum(nn); double cum[256]; double val_1=0; int index; for (index = 0; index<256; index++) { val_1 = val_1+nn[index]; cum[index] = val_1; } //相当于cumd = cumsum(hgram*numel(a)/sum(hgram)); double cumd[256]; double cumd_temp1[256]; double cumd_temp2; sum_hgram=0; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) sum_hgram=sum_hgram+hgram[i]; cumd_temp2=numel_a/sum_hgram; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) cumd_temp1[i]=hgram[i]*cumd_temp2; val_1=0; for (index = 0; index<256; index++) { val_1 = val_1+cumd_temp1[index]; cumd[index] = val_1; } //相当于tol = ones(m,1)*min([nn(1:n-1),0;0,nn(2:n)])/2; double tol_temp1[256]; for(index = 0; index<256; index++) tol_temp1[index]=nn[index]/2; tol_temp1[0]=0; tol_temp1[255]=0; static double tol[256][256]; for(index = 0; index<256; index++) memcpy(tol[index],tol_temp1, sizeof(tol_temp1)); //这里值是正确的,相当于对tol_temp1作了行复制; //相当于err = (cumd(:)*ones(1,n)-ones(m,1)*cum(:)')+tol; static double err_1[256][256]; for(i=0;i<256;i++) for(j=0;j<256;j++) err_1[i][j]=cumd[i]; //这里值是正确的,对cumd作了列复制;二次检查也无误 static double err_2[256][256]; for(index = 0; index<256; index++) memcpy(err_2[index],cum, sizeof(cum)); //这里值是正确的,对cum作了行复制 static double err[256][256]; for(i=0;i<256;i++) for(j=0;j<256;j++) err[i][j]=err_1[i][j]-err_2[i][j]+tol[i][j]; //相当于d = find(err < -numel(a)*sqrt(eps)); double matlab_eps= 1.4901e-008; double find_err_temp1=-numel_a*matlab_eps; int k=0; int breakvari=0; double watch_err; for(i=0;i<256;i++) //这里是按列遍历,不是按行遍历 { for(j=0;j<256;j++) if(err[j][i]<find_err_temp1) { watch_err=err[j][i]; k++; } } double *d = (double *)malloc(k*sizeof(double)); k=0; for(i=0;i<256;i++) //这里是按列遍历,不是按行遍历 { for(j=0;j<256;j++) if(err[j][i]<find_err_temp1) { watch_err=err[j][i]; d[k]=i*256+j; k++; } } /* 相当于 if ~isempty(d) %如果d为空 那么isempty的值为1,~isempty的值为0,则不会执行这个if语句 err(d) = numel(a)*ones(size(d)); end */ int d_size; d_size=k; char isempty_flag=1; for(i=0;i<d_size;i++) { if(d[i]!=0) { isempty_flag=0; break; } } double err_temp1=0; int d_m,d_n; if(!isempty_flag) { for(i=0;i<d_size;i++) { d_m=int(d[i])%256; d_n=int(d[i])/256; err[d_m][d_n]=numel_a; } } //相当于[dum,T] = min(err); int T[256]; double err_min=0; for(j=0;j<256;j++) { err_min=err[0][j]; T[j]=0; for(i=0;i<256;i++) { if(err[i][j]<err_min) { T[j]=i; err_min=err[i][j];//T中就是经过直方图匹配之后的像素值映射关系了! } } } //下面的程序是把原图像中的每一个像素值用T中的映射关系来映射 T[0] = 0;//这是我通过前面的程序计算出的灰度值映射关系,不管你怎么映射,0肯定是0 int s1_temp1; CvScalar s1; CvScalar s2; for( i = 0; i < M_a; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < N_a; j++ ) { s1 = cvGet2D(a,i,j); s1_temp1=int(s1.val[0]); s2.val[0]=T[s1_temp1]; cvSet2D(a,i,j,s2); } } } int main() { // 从文件中加载原图 IplImage *pSrcImage_coins = cvLoadImage("coins.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); IplImage *a = cvLoadImage("coins.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); IplImage *I2 = cvLoadImage("rice.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); my_hist_specification(a,I2); const char *pstrWindowsATitle = "原图"; const char *pstrWindowsBTitle = "直方图规定化的源图"; //创建窗口 cvNamedWindow(pstrWindowsATitle, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvNamedWindow(pstrWindowsBTitle, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //在指定窗口中显示图像 cvShowImage(pstrWindowsATitle, pSrcImage_coins); cvShowImage(pstrWindowsBTitle, a); //等待按键事件 cvWaitKey(); cvDestroyWindow(pstrWindowsATitle); cvDestroyWindow(pstrWindowsBTitle); cvReleaseImage(&a); cvReleaseImage(&I2); return 0; }
可见,结果是一致的,程序测试成功!另外,在我备份的源码Histogram_Specification_05.cpp,下载链接为:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i5g0Kzr 完整的体现了我整个改写的过程,我设置了很多中间变量和数组,可以观察程序是否正确!