题目链接: https://leetcode.com/problems/verify-preorder-serialization-of-a-binary-tree/
One way to serialize a binary tree is to use pre-order traversal. When we encounter a non-null node, we record the node‘s value. If it is a null node, we record using a sentinel value such as #
_9_ / 3 2 / \ / 4 1 # 6 / \ / \ / # # # # # #
For example, the above binary tree can be serialized to the string "9,3,4,#,#,1,#,#,2,#,6,#,#"
where #
represents a null node.
Given a string of comma separated values, verify whether it is a correct preorder traversal serialization of a binary tree. Find an algorithm without reconstructing the tree.
Each comma separated value in the string must be either an integer or a character ‘#‘
representing null
You may assume that the input format is always valid, for example it could never contain two consecutive commas such as "1,,3"
Example 1:
Return true
Example 2:
Return false
Example 3:
Return false
思路: 我的做法是一般的构造二叉树的思路, 就是看:
1. 如果当前结点不为空, 那么说明其必有二个左右子树, 如果数组到当前结点就结束了, 说明其必然不是一个完整的二叉树. 否则再递归的构造其左右子树.
2. 如果当前结点为‘#‘, 说明其是叶子结点, 那么就可以将其返回
最后按照这样的思路看能不能构造成一个二叉树, 如果可以的话, 再看数组结点是不是用完了, 如果没有用完说明结点有剩余, 则整个数组不是一个先序序列.
写完之后仍然觉得不够简洁, 然后看了一个更好的解决方案, 非常聪明的方法! 利用一棵树结点的入度和出度和为0. 就是除了根结点,每一个结点都有一个入度, 非空结点有两个出度.
这样在构造一棵树的时候任何时候都有 出度 >= 入度, 因为只有在补充完所有的空结点之后入度和才等于出度.
所以在任何时候只要 入度 > 出度 , 就说明我们多补充了空结点, 因为空结点只有入度没有出度.
class Solution { public: void DFS(vector<string>& str, int& index, int& flag) { if(str[index++]=="#") return; if(index+1 >= str.size()) {flag = 0; return;} DFS(str, index, flag); DFS(str, index, flag); } bool isValidSerialization(string preorder) { if(preorder.size()==0) return false; preorder += ","; vector<string> vec; int index = 0, i =0, flag=1; while(i < preorder.size()) { int pos = preorder.find(',', i); vec.push_back(preorder.substr(i, pos-i)); i = pos+1; } DFS(vec, index, flag); return flag==0?false:index==vec.size(); } };
class Solution { public: void DFS(string& str, int& index, int& flag) { if(index >= str.size()) return; while(index<str.size() && str[index] != ',') index++; if(str[(index++) -1]=='#') return; if(str.find(',', index+1) ==string::npos) {flag = 0; return;} DFS(str, index, flag); if(str.find(',', index+1) ==string::npos) {flag = 0; return;} DFS(str, index, flag); } bool isValidSerialization(string preorder) { if(preorder.size()==0) return false; preorder += ","; int flag = 1, index = 0; DFS(preorder, index, flag); return flag==0?false:index==preorder.size(); } };
class Solution { public: bool isValidSerialization(string preorder) { int indegree = -1; preorder += ","; for(int i =0; i < preorder.size(); i++) { if(preorder[i]!=',') continue; indegree++; if(indegree > 0) return false; if(preorder[i-1] != '#') indegree -= 2; } return indegree == 0; } };
[leetcode] 331. Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree 解题报告