using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Net; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Xml; namespace DownloadSVN { /// <summary> /// SVN 2016-05-13 /// Geovin Du edit /// </summary> public partial class MainForm : Form { ManualResetEvent _waitingForStop; ManualResetEvent _finishedReadingTree; List<FileDownloadData> _filesToDownload; Thread _readingThread; String _selectedSourceType; public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.comboBoxSourceType.SelectedIndex = 0; } private void buttonBrowseTargetFolder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog()) { if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) this.textBoxTargetFolder.Text = fbd.SelectedPath; } } private void buttonGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_readingThread == null) { _selectedSourceType = this.comboBoxSourceType.Text; Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)); t.Start(); _readingThread = t; SetButtonGoText("Stop"); } else { Stop(); } } void Run() { // Start downloading threads _finishedReadingTree = new ManualResetEvent(false); _waitingForStop = new ManualResetEvent(false); _filesToDownload = new List<FileDownloadData>(); List<Thread> downloadThreads = new List<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DownloadFilesThread)); t.Start(); downloadThreads.Add(t); } try { if ((this.textBoxTargetFolder.Text != "") && (this.textBoxSourceSvnUrl.Text != "")) { string url = this.textBoxSourceSvnUrl.Text; if (_selectedSourceType == "GIT") RunSvn(this.textBoxTargetFolder.Text, this.textBoxSourceSvnUrl.Text, RepositoryType.GIT); else // "SVN" RunSvn(this.textBoxTargetFolder.Text, this.textBoxSourceSvnUrl.Text, RepositoryType.SVN); } else WriteToScreen("Parameters not set."); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToScreen("Failed: " + ex); lock (_filesToDownload) { _filesToDownload.Clear(); } } finally { _finishedReadingTree.Set(); } // Wait for downloading threads WriteToScreen("Waiting for file downloading threads to finish"); for (int i = 0; i < downloadThreads.Count; i++) downloadThreads[i].Join(); WriteToScreen("Done."); MessageBox.Show("Done", "Done"); _readingThread = null; SetButtonGoText("Start"); } delegate void SetButtonGoTextDelegate(string text); /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> void SetButtonGoText(string text) { if (InvokeRequired == true) { this.Invoke(new SetButtonGoTextDelegate(SetButtonGoText), text); return; } buttonGo.Text = text; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> void DownloadFilesThread() { while (true) { FileDownloadData fileDownloadData = null; lock (_filesToDownload) { if (_filesToDownload.Count > 0) { fileDownloadData = _filesToDownload[0]; _filesToDownload.RemoveAt(0); } } if ((fileDownloadData == null) && (_finishedReadingTree.WaitOne(0, false) == true)) return; if (fileDownloadData != null) { bool retry = true; while (retry == true) { if (_waitingForStop.WaitOne(0, false) == true) return; try { DownloadFile(fileDownloadData.Url, fileDownloadData.FileName); retry = false; } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToScreen("Failed to download: " + ex.Message); } } } else { Thread.Sleep(100); } } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public enum RepositoryType { SVN, GIT } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="baseFolder"></param> /// <param name="baseUrl"></param> /// <param name="repositoryType"></param> void RunSvn(string baseFolder, string baseUrl, RepositoryType repositoryType) { if (repositoryType == RepositoryType.SVN) { if (baseUrl.EndsWith("/") == false) baseUrl += "/"; } if (baseFolder.EndsWith("\\") == false) baseFolder += "\\"; List<FolderLinkData> urls = new List<FolderLinkData>(); urls.Add(new FolderLinkData(baseUrl, "")); while (urls.Count > 0) { if (_waitingForStop.WaitOne(0, false) == true) { WriteToScreen("Stopping..."); lock (_filesToDownload) { _filesToDownload.Clear(); } break; } FolderLinkData targetUrlData = urls[0]; string targetUrl = targetUrlData.Url; urls.RemoveAt(0); // Create the folder string relative; if (targetUrlData.RelativePath == null) relative = targetUrl.Substring(baseUrl.Length); else relative = targetUrlData.RelativePath; relative = relative.Replace("/", "\\"); string targetFolder = Path.Combine(baseFolder, relative); if (Directory.Exists(targetFolder) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(targetFolder); // Download target page string page = null; bool retry = true; while (retry == true) { if (_waitingForStop.WaitOne(0, false) == true) return; try { page = DownloadUrl(targetUrl); retry = false; } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToScreen("Failed to download: " + ex.Message); } } if (repositoryType == RepositoryType.SVN) { List<string> links = ParseLinks(page); foreach (string link in links) { string linkFullUrl = targetUrl + link; if (linkFullUrl.EndsWith("/") == true) { urls.Add(new FolderLinkData(linkFullUrl, null)); } else // file - download { string fileName = targetFolder + link; lock (_filesToDownload) { _filesToDownload.Add(new FileDownloadData(linkFullUrl, fileName)); } } } } else if (repositoryType == RepositoryType.GIT) { List<PageLink> links = ParseGitLinks(page); int pos = targetUrl.IndexOf("/?"); string serverUrl = targetUrl.Substring(0, pos); foreach (PageLink link in links) { string linkFullUrl = serverUrl + link.Url; if (link.IsFolder == true) urls.Add(new FolderLinkData(linkFullUrl, targetUrlData.RelativePath + link.Name + "\\")); else { string fileName = targetFolder + link.Name; lock (_filesToDownload) { _filesToDownload.Add(new FileDownloadData(linkFullUrl, fileName)); } } } } } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <returns></returns> List<string> ParseLinks(string page) { try { return ParseLinksFromXml(page); } catch { return ParseLinksFromHtml(page); } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <returns></returns> List<string> ParseLinksFromXml(string page) { List<string> list = new List<string>(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(page); XmlNode svnNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/svn"); if (svnNode == null) throw new Exception("Not a valid SVN xml"); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/svn/index/dir")) { string dir = node.Attributes["href"].Value; list.Add(dir); } foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/svn/index/file")) { string file = node.Attributes["href"].Value; list.Add(file); } return list; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <returns></returns> List<string> ParseLinksFromHtml(string page) { List<string> links = new List<string>(); string listArea = null; // Find list area: <ul> ... </ul> int pos = page.IndexOf("<ul>"); if (pos >= 0) { int lastPos = page.IndexOf("</ul>", pos); if (lastPos >= 0) listArea = page.Substring(pos + 4, lastPos - (pos + 4)); } if (listArea != null) { string[] lines = listArea.Split(‘\n‘); string linePattern = "<a [^>]*>([^<]*)<"; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { Match match = Regex.Match(lines[i], linePattern); if (match.Success == true) { string linkRelUrl = match.Groups[1].Value; if (linkRelUrl != "..") links.Add(linkRelUrl); } } } return links; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <returns></returns> List<PageLink> ParseGitLinks(string page) { List<PageLink> links = new List<PageLink>(); string dataStartMarker = "<td class=\"mode\">"; string nameMarker = "hb=HEAD\">"; using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(page)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith(dataStartMarker) == false) continue; bool isFolder = false; if (line[dataStartMarker.Length] == ‘d‘) isFolder = true; line = sr.ReadLine(); // Get name int pos = line.IndexOf(nameMarker); int endPos = line.IndexOf("<", pos); pos += nameMarker.Length; string name = line.Substring(pos, endPos - pos); if ((name == "..") || (name == ".")) continue; // Get URL pos = line.IndexOf("href=\""); endPos = line.IndexOf("\">", pos); pos += "href=\"".Length; string url = line.Substring(pos, endPos - pos); if (isFolder == false) { url = url.Replace(";a=blob;", ";a=blob_plain;"); pos = url.IndexOf(";h="); url = url.Substring(0, pos); url = url + ";hb=HEAD"; } if (url.Contains(";a=tree;")) isFolder = true; links.Add(new PageLink(name, url, isFolder)); } } return links; } #region Download helper functions /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <param name="fileName"></param> void DownloadFile(string url, string fileName) { WriteToScreen("Downloading File: " + url); WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(url); webRequest.ContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; //考虑乱码问题 webRequest.Timeout = 50000; WebResponse webResponse = null; Stream responseStream = null; try { webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse(); responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream(); // string page = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8, true).ReadToEnd(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int readSize; while ((readSize = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { fs.Write(buffer, 0, readSize); } } } finally { if (responseStream != null) responseStream.Close(); if (webResponse != null) webResponse.Close(); } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <returns></returns> string DownloadUrl(string url) { WriteToScreen("Downloading: " + url); using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //GetEncoding("utf-8"); //考虑乱码问题 string data = client.DownloadString(url); return data; } } #endregion delegate void WriteToScreenDelegate(string str); /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> void WriteToScreen(string str) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke(new WriteToScreenDelegate(WriteToScreen), str); return; } this.richTextBox1.AppendText(str + "\n"); this.richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret(); } private void buttonClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void Stop() { _waitingForStop.Set(); } private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (_readingThread != null) { Stop(); e.Cancel = true; } } } public class PageLink { string _name; string _url; bool _isFolder; public string Name { get { return _name; } } public string Url { get { return _url; } } public bool IsFolder { get { return _isFolder; } } public PageLink(string name, string url, bool isFolder) { _name = name; _url = url; _isFolder = isFolder; } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public class FolderLinkData { string _url; string _relativePath; public string Url { get { return _url; } } public string RelativePath { get { return _relativePath; } } public FolderLinkData(string url, string relativePath) { _url = url; _relativePath = relativePath; } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public class FileDownloadData { string _url; string _fileName; public string Url { get { return _url; } } public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } } public FileDownloadData(string url, string fileName) { _url = url; _fileName = fileName; } } }