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New Words

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单词 释义 用例
belt 皮带 loosen a belt
chemical 化学的 chemical equation
vast 巨大的 vast difference
diligent 勤奋的 diligent students
necklace 项链 wear a necklace
ephemeral 短暂的 ephemeral interest
scissor 剪刀 need a scissor
tragedy 悲剧 bear a tragedy
constitute 构成 constitute a crime
idle 无目地的 idle time
rid 摆脱 rid yourself of this mood
demonstrate 证明 demonstrate convincingly
tongue 舌头 put out one‘s tongue
rapid 快的 rapid development
jointly 共同的 held jointly
reactive 反应的 reactive state
priority 优先 high priority
forgive 原谅 forgive sb‘s sin
archive 存档 magnetic tape archive
delegate 代表,委托 appoint a delegate
decorate 装饰 decorated the house
excited 激动的 excited cheering
margin 边缘 road margin
penalty 处罚 give a penalty
heretofore 迄今为止 be heretofore silence
sluttish 邋遢的 a sluttish bitch
lip 嘴唇 bite her lip
initiative 首创精神 show initiative
precise 精确的 the precise moment
embed 插入 embed hyperlink
venue 场所 book a venue
argument 辩论 accept an argument
fortune 命运;财产 bad fortune
hyper 亢奋的 Please don‘t get too hyper
sheer 纯粹的 sheer dedication
asset 资产 freeze assets 
motivate 激励 motivate the salesmen
live up 不辜负 live up to the expectations
train 火车,训练 catch the train
train ability
freeze 冻结 freeze wages 
symbol 符号,象征 symbol of authority
front 前面 front end development
allowance 津贴 retiring allowance
expand 扩大 expand influence
edge 边缘 at the edge of 
fundamental 基本的 fundamental law
reshape 改造 reshape myself
exhaust 废气,耗尽 industrial exhaust
exhaust one‘s strength
consequence 后果 destructive consequence
discrimination 歧视 sex/racial discrimination
utilize 利用 utilize solar power
manipulate 操纵 manipulate the market
renew 更新 renew tyre
cholesterol 胆固醇 cholesterol level
earnings 收入 gross earnings
available 可利用的 be available for
rotate 轮流,旋转 rotate crops
rotate one‘s eyes
fascinating 迷人的 fascinating view
absolutely 完全地 absolutely necessary
uppercase 大写字母 ignore uppercase
adjacent 邻近的 adjacent to the building
empower 授权  laws empower sb to do sth
determine 决定 determine happily 
ideal 理想的 ideal weather
accelerate 加速 accelerate economic growth
perspective 远景 perspective of lakes
caution 警告 give sb a caution
innocence 清白 the white rose of innocence
distinguish 区别 distinguish obviously〔sharply〕
leverage 杠杆 leverage factor
virtual 实质的 be the virtual head of
suitable 合适的 suitable clothes
puzzle 迷惑 puzzle the beginners
boundary 边界 redraw the boundary
defined 有定义的 user-defined word
particular 特殊的 particular friend 
eligibility 合格 a certificate of eligibility
gear 齿轮 change〔shift〕 gear
definition 定义 formulate〔frame, give〕 a definition
reasonableness 合理性 reasonableness check
notably 显著地 a notably successful project
conviction 坚信 speak with conviction
loose 松散的 loose tongue
ignorance 无知 Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud
upgrade 升级 upgrade your Player
elaborate 详尽阐述 elaborate on a theory
authorized 经授权的 authorized person
profit 利润 profit on capital
exit 出口 fire exit
spark 火花 electric spark
spectacular 壮观的 a spectacular sunset
suit 适合,套装,起诉 suit the needs of modernization
put on a suit
gain a suit
sense 感觉 a sense of humor
interstellar 星际的 interstellar flight
immunity 免疫 acquired immunity
eventually 最终 abandon eventually
concrete 具体的,混凝土 concrete figures
on the concrete
sweep 打扫 sweep floor
farewell 告别 wave a farewell
rainbow 彩虹 see rainbow
period 时期 harvest period
referral 推荐 school referral
crucial 关键的 crucial experiment
merely 仅仅 merely joke
approach 接近,方法 approach perfection
scientific approach
parameter 参数 optimum parameter
bath 洗澡 hot bath
mosquito 蚊子 drive off mosquitos
zeal 热情 show great zeal for
friction 摩擦 political friction
abbreviation 缩写 the abbreviation for
endure 忍受 endure the insolence
intention 意图 announce〔declare〕 one‘s intention
emotion 情感 restrain emotion
formation 形成 the formation of character 
diet 饮食 diet strictly
agenda 议程 make up an agenda
phonetic 语音的 international phonetic alphabet
commitment 承诺 religious commitment
scenery 风景 natural scenery
turn around 逆转 the market turn around
blow blow out the candle
bit 少量 a bit of
allowable 容许的 allowable defect
fuel 燃料 fuel a car
ability 能力 cultivate one‘s ability
consolidate 巩固,合并 consolidate his position
suspect 怀疑 suspect one‘s motives
fine 罚款 impose fine
gather 聚集 gather wealth
seek 寻求 seek advice
quality 品质 preserve quality
yawn 呵欠 yawn secretly
size 尺寸 wear a certain size
solar 太阳能的 solar cell
multiply multiply four by five
tolerate 容忍 tolerate morally
ratio 比率 ratio of...to...… 
comedy 喜剧 I prefer comedy to tragedy
rule 规则 bend a rule
excess 过量的 excess in drinking
quarter 四分之一 cut into the quarters
physical 身体的,物质的,物理的 physical checkup
physical world
physical science
pattern 式样 hair pattern
burden 负担 lay a burden on sb
pole upright pole
smile 微笑 force a smile
mentor 导师 meet my mentor
effect 影响n. The aspirins soon took effect.
affect  影响(感情)v. affect health
impact 事件影响 an impact on
officially 官方的,正式的 officially controlled 
lowercase 小写字母 Using all lowercase letters looks lazy
flirt 调情 a terrible flirt
roll out 铺开 roll out the red carpet
symbolic 符号的 symbolic language
fingerprint 指纹 fingerprint identification
commercial 商业的 commercial value 
block 阻塞,街区 traffic block
walk around the block three times
downward 下降的 downward trend
pervasive 普遍的 unemployment is pervasive
critical 批判性的,关键的 a critical study
a critical evidence
mix 混合 mix flour and water
fairy 神话的 fairy story
along with 与…在一起 go along with your view
mandate 要求 follow the doctor‘s mandate
look to 指望 look to the day when world peace will be reality
inevitable 不可避免的 inevitable course of history
compliance 顺从 in compliance with your wishes
despite 尽管 despite of
protein 蛋白质 Soybeans are very rich in protein
forest 森林 open up forest
exceed 超过 exceed all expectation
disruptive 破坏性的 a disruptive influence
perfect 完美的 perfect condition
discipline 纪律 corrupt discipline
invitation 邀请 cordial invitation

New Words



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