#!/bin/bash #--变量 err_echo(){ echo -e "\\033[31m[Error]: $1 \\033[0m" exit 1 } info_echo(){ echo -e "\\033[32m [Info]: $1 \\033[0m" } warn_echo(){ echo -e "\\033[33m [Warning]: $1 \\033[0m" } check_exit(){ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then err_echo "$1" exit 1 fi } #配置yum源 info_echo "config yum source....." rpm -Uvh http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/x86_64/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm 1>/dev/null info_echo "setup tool pakeages...." yum -y install wget 1>/dev/null yum -y install perl perl-Net-Telnet perl-Net-DNS perl-LDAP perl-libwww-perl perl-RadiusPerl perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-Socket6 perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI perl-FCGI perl-CGI-SpeedCGI perl-Time-HiRes perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-RRD-Simple rrdtool rrdtool-perl curl fping echoping httpd httpd-devel gcc make wget libxml2-devel libpng-devel glib pango pango-devel freetype freetype-devel fontconfig cairo cairo-devel libart_lgpl libart_lgpl-devel mod_fastcgi 1>/dev/null if [ -f /root/smokeping-2.6.9.tar.gz ]; then warn_echo "/root/smokeping-2.6.9.tar.gz is exist" else info_echo "download smokeping...." wget http://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/pub/smokeping-2.6.9.tar.gz 1>/dev/null fi check_exit if [ -f /usr/local/src/smokeping-2.6.9 ]; then rm -rf /usr/local/src/smokeping-2.6.9 fi info_echo "tar smokeping to /usr/local/src" tar -xvf smokeping-2.6.9.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src 1>/dev/null if [ -f /usr/local/smokeping ]; then mv /usr/local/smokeping smokeping_back fi cd /usr/local/src/smokeping-2.6.9 info_echo "set up smokeping....." ./configure -prefix=/usr/local/smokeping 1>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -e "\\033[33m first setup faild \\033[0m" info_echo " per handle symbiosis......" ./setup/build-perl-modules.sh /usr/local/smokeping/thirdparty 1>/dev/null info_echo "full install smokeping....." ./configure -prefix=/usr/local/smokeping 1>/dev/null /usr/bin/gmake install 1>/dev/null else /usr/bin/gmake install 1>/dev/null check_exit fi cd /usr/local/smokeping mkdir cache data var 1>/dev/null check_exit info_echo "chomod dir permission" #修改目录权限 chown -R apache:apache cache data var chown -R apache:apache /var/log/smokeping.log mv /usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/smokeping.fcgi.dist /usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/smokeping.fcgi mv /usr/local/smokeping/etc/config.dist /usr/local/smokeping/etc/config cp -f /usr/local/smokeping/etc/config /usr/local/smokeping/etc/config.back info_echo "edit smokeping config....." #修改smokeping配置文件 IP=`/sbin/ifconfig|sed -n ‘/inet addr/s/^[^:]*:\([0-9.]\{7,15\}\) .*/\1/1p‘|sed -n ‘1p‘` sed -i "/cgiurl/c cgiurl = http:\/\/$IP/smokeping.cgi" /root/config sed -i "/imgurl/c imgurl = http:\/\/$IP/cache" /root/config chmod 600 /usr/local/smokeping/etc/smokeping_secrets.dist info_echo "edit httpd config....." #修改apache配置文件 cp -rf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.back cat >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf <<‘EOF‘ Alias /cache "/usr/local/smokeping/cache/" Alias /cropper "/usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/cropper/" Alias /smokeping "/usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/smokeping.fcgi" <Directory "/usr/local/smokeping"> AllowOverride None Options All AddHandler cgi-script .fcgi .cgi Order allow,deny Allow from all DirectoryIndex smokeping.fcgi </Directory> EOF #提供启动脚本 info_echo "edit auto manger script" if [ -f /etc/init.d/smokeping ];then warn_echo "/etc/init.d/smokeping is exist" else touch /etc/init.d/smokeping cat > /etc/init.d/smokeping <<‘EOF‘ #!/bin/bash #chkconfig: 2345 80 05 # Description: Smokeping init.d script # Create by : Mox # Get function from functions library . /etc/init.d/functions # Start the service Smokeping smokeping=/usr/local/smokeping/bin/smokeping prog=smokeping pidfile=${PIDFILE-/usr/local/smokeping/var/smokeping.pid} lockfile=${LOCKFILE-/var/lock/subsys/smokeping} RETVAL=0 STOP_TIMEOUT=${STOP_TIMEOUT-10} LOG=/var/log/smokeping.log start() { echo -n $"Starting $prog: " LANG=$HTTPD_LANG daemon --pidfile=${pidfile} $smokeping $OPTIONS RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL = 0 ] && touch ${lockfile} return $RETVAL } # Restart the service Smokeping stop() { echo -n $"Stopping $prog: " killproc -p ${pidfile} -d ${STOP_TIMEOUT} $smokeping RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL = 0 ] && rm -f ${lockfile} ${pidfile} } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; status) status -p ${pidfile} $httpd RETVAL=$? ;; restart) stop start ;; *) echo $"Usage: $prog {start|stop|restart|status}" RETVAL=2 esac EOF chmod +x /etc/init.d/smokeping chkconfig smokeping on fi if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -e "\\033[32m smokeping setup successfull \\033[0m" fi
本文出自 “左手右手” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://mofeihu.blog.51cto.com/1825994/1782239