$aptitude moo There are no Easter Eggs in this program.??? $ aptitude -v moo There really are no Easter Eggs in this program. $ aptitude -vv moo Didn‘t I already tell you that there are no Easter Eggs in this program? $ aptitude -vvv moo Okay, okay, if I give you an Easter Egg, will you go away? $ aptitude -vvvvv moo 嘿嘿,卖个关子.用DEB系的Linux同学自己看下吧 还有aptitude help的超级牛力(Super Power),参考最后一行 2 apt-get moo 来看看apt-get能搞出来什马东西 ? Gentoo党:emerge moo 3 Vim 打开vim 输入:help 42 What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything? Douglas Adams, the only person who knew what this question really was about is now dead, unfortunately. So now you might wonder what the meaning of death is... What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything? 来自:The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy4 Emacs打开Emacs,依次按:Esc-x-tetris,然后回车,开始堆方块吧,p暂停,q退出.当然还可以替换tetris为snake来玩贪吃蛇查看有哪些可用游戏ls /usr/share/emacs/22.1/lisp/play/5 Openoffice1)打开Openoffice Writer,输入StarWriterTeam,按下F3.也可以打开OpenOffice Calc,在任意单元内输入=STARCALCTEAM(),貌似在LibreOffice中不行:(得到项目组得2张照片,这是其中之一2)打开OpenOffice Calc在公示栏输入=Game("StarWars") 6Gnome按下Alt+F2,输入"gegls from outer space",接下来就是小鱼和"羊"的战斗了,还有一个按下Alt+F2,输入"free the fish"7KDE中的数独在kexi中创建一个Table design,重名为"sudoku"8Archlinux的Pacman打开ArchLinux的pacman配置文件,在选项部分写上ILoveCandy,然后运行pacman9 nmap运行 nmap -oS - scanme.nmap.org 仔细查看返回结果,你会发现nmap.org是有钱人10 firefox在地址栏输入about:mozilla,本人使用firefox4.0.1,测试得到The Book of Mozilla(第十版),欢迎大家报告自己的情况在地址栏输入:about:robots 11 Chrome/Chromium 打开任务管理器,单击右键选择"Goats Teleported"
#有同学知道这个彩蛋有啥恶趣味吗? 12 The "***的天下所有的人都该死" Release. $ zgrep "The.*Release" /usr/share/doc/dpkg/changelog.Debian.gz
The "Good, clean fun" Release. The "Bully‘s Special Prize" Release. The "On like Donkey Kong" Release. The "In like Flynn" Release. The "Maidenhead Creeping Water Plant" Release. The "Just kidding about the God part" Release. The "Flatulent Elm of West Ruislip" Release. The "Or the Wabbit gets it" Release. The "Paying off Karma at a vastly accelerated rate" Release. The "Mysteriously Unnamed" Release. The "Livin‘ like a good boy oughta" Release. The "Three banana strategy" Release. The "Awh, yeah? Ripper!" Release. The "Grab your gun and bring in the cat" Release. The "Captain Tight-Pants" Release. The "***的天下所有的人都该死" Release. The "Donald, where‘s your troosers?" Release. The "Let the Wookie win" Release. The DebConf4 Release. 13 Opensue的Grub 彩蛋 这个是在欧洲国家的圣诞节和新年之间的彩蛋,Grub背景会自动变成一个小企鹅来来回回,注意图中是Opensuse11.2
14 Google的彩蛋 Google算是开源拥护者吧,这是google的彩蛋 15 呃阿......grep -r "****" /usr/src/linux[TAB]/* /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-29/arch/m68k/include/asm/sun3ints.h:/* master list of VME vectors -- don‘t **** with this */