Code Gallery Decoding BASE64 in ABAP Skip to end of metadata Created by Frank Klausner, last modified by Manish Kumar on Aug 21, 2013 Go to start of metadata Author: Frank Klausner Submitted: June 26, 2007 There are routines proposed below, first one is to convert base64 to a string, and second one to a xstring. Third one was mentioned by Sandra in comments section. A small form routine to decode base64 (TYPE STRING) into plaintext (TYPE STRING) : FORM decode_base64 USING base64 TYPE string, CHANGING plaintext TYPE string. CHECK base64 IS NOT INITIAL. CONSTANTS: lc_op_dec TYPE x VALUE 37. DATA: l_xstr TYPE xstring, lr_conv TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_in_ce. CALL ‘SSF_ABAP_SERVICE‘ ID ‘OPCODE‘ FIELD lc_op_dec ID ‘BINDATA‘ FIELD l_xstr ID ‘B64DATA‘ FIELD base64. "#EC CI_CCALL TRY. lr_conv = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( input = l_xstr ). lr_conv->read( IMPORTING data = plaintext ). CATCH cx_sy_conversion_codepage. CLEAR plaintext. MESSAGE i999(samx) WITH text-004 text-005. ENDTRY. ENDFORM. A small form routine to decode base64 (TYPE STRING) into xstring (TYPE XSTRING) : FORM decode_base64_to_xstring USING i_base64 TYPE string CHANGING e_xstring TYPE xstring. CALL FUNCTION ‘SSFC_BASE64_DECODE‘ EXPORTING b64data = i_base64 IMPORTING bindata = e_xstring EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 8. ENDFORM. Conversion from base64 to string may also be achieved by this small code : CALL METHOD cl_http_utility=>if_http_utility~decode_base64 EXPORTING encoded = l_string_base64 RECEIVING decoded = l_string. snippet abap web conversion 1 Comment User icon: c0cbtrx Sandra Rossi Conversion from base64 to string may also be achieved by this small code : CALL METHOD cl_http_utility=>if_http_utility~decode_base64 EXPORTING encoded = l_string_base64 RECEIVING decoded = l_string.