星历2016年05月25日 10:40:52, 银河系厄尔斯星球中华帝国江南行省。
<span style="font-size:18px;">#题22B def tmp22B(): A_ = [[-1/4, 3/4], [1/2, -1/2]]; A = np.linalg.inv(A_); print(A); #求特征值 eig = np.linalg.eig(A); print(eig); >>> [[ 2. 3.] [ 2. 1.]] (array([ 4., -1.]), array([[ 0.83205029, -0.70710678], [ 0.5547002 , 0.70710678]])) </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">#测试 def tmp(): #先化出x^[2]/4 x = alg.strformat(['y^[-1]', '-1']); x2 = alg.strcombine(alg.strpow_n(x, 2)); print(x2); x2 = alg.strscale(x2, '1/4'); print('step1: ', x2); expr = alg.strcombine(alg.stradd(x2, alg.strformat(['0.5y^[2]', '-1']))); print('step2: ', expr); solve = StringAlgSolve(); poly_y = solve.coefPoly(expr, 'y'); print('step3: ', poly_y); roots = np.roots(poly_y); print('step4: ', roots); points = []; for i in range(len(roots)): real = roots[i].real; abs_ = abs(roots[i]); #实数根 if abs(real-abs_) < 0.001: y = roots[i]; points.append([1/y-1, y]); print('step6: ', points); >>> ['(1)*y^[-2]', '(-2)*y^[-1]', '(1)'] step1: ['(0.25)*y^[-2]', '(-0.5)*y^[-1]', '(0.25)'] step2: ['(0.25)*y^[-2]', '(-0.5)*y^[-1]', '(-0.75)', '(0.5)*y^[2]'] step3: [0.5, '0', -0.75, -0.5, 0.25] step4: [ 1.39972286+0.j -0.86985159+0.54226114j -0.86985159-0.54226114j 0.33998033+0.j ] step6: [[(-0.28557285734613158+0j), (1.399722855272995+0j)], [(1.9413466331266509+0j), (0.33998033034855202+0j)]] </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;"> if (1) { var r = 20; config.setSector(1,1,1,1); config.graphPaper2D(0, 0, r); config.axis2D(0, 0,180); //坐标轴设定 var scaleX = 2*r, scaleY = 2*r; var spaceX = 0.4, spaceY = 0.4; var xS = -10, xE = 10; var yS = -10, yE = 10; config.axisSpacing(xS, xE, spaceX, scaleX, 'X'); config.axisSpacing(yS, yE, spaceY, scaleY, 'Y'); var transform = new Transform(); //存放函数图像上的点 var a = [], b = [], c = [], d = []; //需要显示的函数说明 //希腊字母表(存此用于Ctrl C/V //ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ //αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω var f1 = 'x^[2]/4+y^[2]/2 = 1', f2 = 'y = 1/(1+x)', f3 = '', f4 = ''; //函数描点 //参数方程 var x, y; var pointA = []; for (var thita = 0; thita < Math.PI*2; thita +=Math.PI/48) { x = 2*Math.cos(thita); a.push([2*Math.cos(thita), 1.414*Math.sin(thita)]); b.push([x, 1/(1+x)]); } //存放临时数组 var tmp = []; //显示变换 if (a.length > 0) { a = transform.scale(transform.translate(a, 0, 0), scaleX/spaceX, scaleY/spaceY); //函数1 tmp = [].concat(a); shape.pointDraw(tmp, 'red'); tmp = [].concat(a); shape.multiLineDraw(tmp, 'pink'); plot.setFillStyle('red'); plot.fillText(f1, 100, -120, 200); } //显示变换 if (b.length > 0) { b = transform.scale(transform.translate(b, 0, 0), scaleX/spaceX, scaleY/spaceY); //函数1 tmp = [].concat(b); shape.pointDraw(tmp, 'blue'); tmp = [].concat(b); shape.multiLineDraw(tmp, '#0088FF'); plot.setFillStyle('blue'); plot.fillText(f2, 100, -150, 200); } } </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;"> //测试 if (1) { var mathText = new MathText(); //希腊字母表(存此用于Ctrl C/V //ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗ ΘΙΚΛΜΝΞ ΟΠΡ ΣΤΥ ΦΧΨ Ω //αβγδεζη θικλμνξ οπρ στυ φχψ ω //希腊大小写字母 var Gc = 'ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ'; var Gs = 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω'; var s = [ /* '测试', 'y = 1/(x+1) _[(1)]', 'x^[2]/4+y^[2]/2 = 1 _[(2)]', '求交点', '由_[(1)]得 x = y^[-1]-1, 代入_[(2)]式', 'step1: 先化出x^[2]/4', 'step2: 把_[(2)]整理完全', 'step3: 把step2所得表达式转入参数y的幂次多项式', 'step4: 求幂次多项式的根', 'step5: 上一步解得y=1.4 或 0.34,代入求x', 'step6:得两个点: [-0.286, 1.4], [1.94, 0.34]', 'step7:画图验证', '这个题是可以这样解决了,大家可见下面的解答。',*/ '那么如果上面 _[(1)]式是 y = 1/(x+1)+1呢,', '这就不是简单多项式了。这种还好办,', '可以作一个y-1 = y_[2]的变换,只是麻烦点。', '那如果是两个二次式联立呢?或者高于二次呢?', '这个[机器小伟]现在是解不了的了。', '是不是除了用数值计算方法以外别无选择?', '民间有高人,阿伟很期待。' ]; var x =40, y=40; var r1 = 40; var len = s.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (s[i] == '') { if (x < 100) { x += 300; y-=r1*3; } else { x = 20; y += r1; } } else { mathText.print(s[i], x, y, 'red', '|'); y+=r1; } } } </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">### # @usage 代数式字符串的运算 # @author mw # @date 2016年05月17日 星期二 16:48:56 # @param # @return # ### #计算代数式用, 传入的是单项式,返回coef*expr的形式 def strmono(s): #'x', '-x', '2x', '-2x', '-2x^[2]', '3x_[2]^[3]', '-3x_[2]^[3]' stmp = s; size = len(stmp); alphaIndex = 0; signIndex = 0; for i in range(size): if (stmp[i].isalpha()): alphaIndex = i; break; if (i >= size-1): alphaIndex = i+1; if (stmp[0] == '-'): signIndex = 1; if (signIndex >= alphaIndex): return monoformat('(-1)*'+stmp[alphaIndex:]); else: if alphaIndex >= size: return monoformat('(-'+stmp[signIndex:alphaIndex]+')'); return monoformat('(-'+stmp[signIndex:alphaIndex]+')*'+stmp[alphaIndex:]); elif (stmp[0] == '('): #已经格式化的情况,这种情况输入时是(coef)*expr return monoformat(stmp); else: signIndex = 0; if (signIndex >= alphaIndex): return monoformat('(1)*'+stmp[alphaIndex:]); else: if alphaIndex >= size: return monoformat('('+stmp[signIndex:alphaIndex]+')'); return monoformat('('+stmp[signIndex:alphaIndex]+')*'+stmp[alphaIndex:]); #计算两个单项式的乘积 def strmul(mono1, mono2): #这个处理是保证每个单项式统一格式(coef)*expr ''' if (mono1[0] != '(' or mono2[0] != '('): #如果没有规格化,那么就做一下 mono1 = strmono(mono1); mono2 = strmono(mono2); ''' stmp1 = mono1; stmp2 = mono2; #乘号的位置 signIndex1 = stmp1.find('*'); signIndex2 = stmp2.find('*'); if (signIndex1 == -1): coef1 = stmp1; expr1 = ''; else: coef1 = stmp1[:signIndex1]; expr1 = stmp1[signIndex1+1:]; if (signIndex2 == -1): coef2 = stmp2; expr2 = ''; else: coef2 = stmp2[:signIndex2]; expr2 = stmp2[signIndex2+1:]; coef = coef1+'*'+coef2; if (signIndex1 == -1 or signIndex2 == -1): expr = expr1+expr2; else: expr = expr1+'*'+expr2; if (expr == ''): return '('+str(round(eval(coef), 6))+')'; return '('+str(round(eval(coef), 6))+')*'+expr; #计算两个单项式的商 def strdiv(s1, s2): #这个处理是保证每个单项式统一格式(coef)*expr stmp1 = strmono(s1); stmp2 = strmono(s2); #乘号的位置 signIndex1 = stmp1.find('*'); signIndex2 = stmp2.find('*'); if (signIndex1 == -1): coef1 = stmp1; expr1 = ''; else: coef1 = stmp1[:signIndex1]; expr1 = stmp1[signIndex1+1:]; if (signIndex2 == -1): coef2 = stmp2; expr2 = ''; else: coef2 = stmp2[:signIndex2]; expr2 = stmp2[signIndex2+1:]; coef = coef1+'/'+coef2; if (signIndex1 == -1 and signIndex2 != -1): expr = '('+expr2+')^[-1]'; elif (signIndex1 == -1 or signIndex2 == -1): expr = expr1+expr2; else: expr = expr1+'/'+expr2; if (expr == ''): return '('+str(round(eval(coef), 6))+')'; return '('+str(round(eval(coef), 6))+')*'+expr; #把多项式中每一项都乘系数 def strscale(array, scale): scale = '('+str(scale)+')'; for i in range(len(array)): s = array[i]; for j in range(len(s)): if (s[j].isdigit()): index = j; break; lbracket = s.find('('); rbracket = s.find(')', lbracket); coef = s[lbracket:index]+scale+'*'+s[index:rbracket+1]; coef = '('+str(eval(coef))+')'; array[i] = coef+s[rbracket+1:]; return array; #找一个字符串中所有待查找子串的位置,返回位置阵列 def findall(string, sub): size = len(string); index = []; cur = string.find(sub); index.append(cur) while (index[-1] != -1): cur = string.find(sub, index[-1]+1); index.append(cur); return index; #计算单项式的乘方, s^n def strpow(s, n): stmp = strmono(s); signIndex = stmp.find('*'); if (signIndex == -1): coef = stmp+'**'+str(n); expr = ''; return '('+str(round(eval(coef), 6))+')'; else: coef = stmp[:signIndex]+'**'+str(n); expr = '('+stmp[signIndex+1:]+')^['+str(n)+']'; return '('+str(round(eval(coef), 6))+')*'+expr; #计算代数式用,传入的两个阵列都具有['s1', 's2', ..., 'sn']这样的格式 def strdot(array1, array2): size1 = len(array1); size2 = len(array2); result = []; for i in range(size1): for j in range(size2): result.append(strmul(array1[i], array2[j])); return result; #把格式化后的单项式分解成[coef, expr]对组的形式 def explodemono(mono): stmp = mono; #乘号的位置 signIndex = stmp.find('*'); if (signIndex == -1): coef = stmp; expr = ''; else: coef = stmp[:signIndex]; expr = stmp[signIndex+1:]; return [coef, expr]; #合并同类项,传入的阵列具有['s1', 's2', ..., 'sn']这样的格式 def strcombine(array): size = len(array); explode = []; for i in range(size): #这里传入的阵列已经是规格化后的了,否则要加一层strmono处理。 explode.append(explodemono(monocombine(array[i]))); result = []; for i in range(size): size_1 = len(result); if size_1 <= 0: result.append(explode[i]); else: for j in range(size_1): if result[j][1] == explode[i][1]: result[j][0] = result[j][0] + '+' + explode[i][0]; break; if j >= size_1-1: result.append(explode[i]); result_1 = []; size_1 = len(result); for j in range(size_1): result[j][0] = str(round(eval(result[j][0]), 6)); if (result[j][0] == '0'): result_1.append('(0)'); else: tmps = result[j][1]; if (tmps == ''): result_1.append('('+result[j][0]+')'); else: result_1.append('('+result[j][0]+')*'+result[j][1]); return result_1; #指数为正整数的乘方 def strpow_n(array, n): #计算 result = []; if (n == 1): result = array; elif (n == 2): result = strdot(array, array); elif (n >= 3): tmp = strdot(array, array); n -= 2; while (n > 0): result = strdot(tmp, array); tmp = result; n -= 1; return result; #阵列取负 def minus(array): for i in range(len(array)): if array[i][1] == '-': #array[i][0]是'(, 这是规范 array[i] = array[i][0]+array[i][2:]; else: array[i] = array[i][0]+'-'+array[i][1:]; return array; ### # @usage 代数式运算 # @author mw # @date 2016年05月18日 星期三 07:37:01 # @param # @return # ### #两个多项式相加,合并同类项不在此进行 def stradd(array1, array2): #两个多项式相加,这里直接返回数组的相加 return array1+array2; #为了简便输入,不要求输入规范化代数式,(coef)*expr形式 #所以在此对多项式进行规范化 #至于单项式规范化,调用strmono函数即可 def strformat(array): for i in range(len(array)): array[i] = strmono(array[i]); return array; #把单项式完全格式化,使经过运算的没运算过的都具有统一的格式 def monoformat(mono): #规范化单项式,保证任意两个参数之间都添加一个'*'号 #这是为了和经过代数式乘法运算之后的格式统一 chars = len(mono); s = ''; for i in range(chars-1): if (mono[i] == ']' or mono[i] == ')') and mono[i+1].isalpha(): s += mono[i]+'*'; elif mono[i].isalpha() and mono[i+1].isalpha(): s += mono[i]+'*'; #这里还有一个死角,就是下标或指数如果是用的代数式,并且是多项相乘 #可能会有一点问题,暂时不考虑了 else: s += mono[i]; s += mono[-1]; return s; #把单项式炸开,这里的单项式已经达到最大规范化,是(coef)*x_[1]^[2]*y_[2]^[2]这种结构形式了 #'*'号是要作为分隔符的,不可缺少 def explodemono_2(mono): part = mono.split('*'); #每个部分的[前部,指数部]的对组 map_ = []; for i in range(len(part)): expIndex = part[i].find('^'); if (expIndex != -1): map_.append([part[i][:expIndex], part[i][expIndex:]]); else: s = part[i]; #系数 if s[0] == '(': map_.append([part[i], '']); #代数式 else: map_.append([part[i], '^[1]']); map_ = sorted(map_, key = lambda a : a[0]); return map_; #单项式同类项合并 def monocombine(mono): map_ = explodemono_2(mono); size = len(map_); result = []; for i in range(size): size_1 = len(result); if (size_1 <= 0): result.append(map_[i]); else: for j in range(size_1): if result[j][0] == map_[i][0]: #双方的中括号位置 #由于规范化后的原因,这个括号是一定有的 p1 = result[j][1].find('['); p2 = result[j][1].find(']'); p3 = map_[i][1].find('['); p4 = map_[i][1].find(']'); s = result[j][1][p1+1:p2]+'+'+map_[i][1][p3+1:p4]; size_2 = len(s); for k in range(size_2): if s[k].isalpha(): break; #如果没有字符参数,可以计算出结果,就计算 if (k >= size_2-1): s = str(eval(s)); result[j][1] = '^['+s+']'; break; if (j >= size_1-1): result.append(map_[i]); size_1 = len(result); s = ''; for i in range(size_1): if (i > 0 and result[i][1] == '^[0]'): continue; s += result[i][0]+result[i][1]; if (i < size_1-1): s += '*'; return s; #排列公式 def arrangement(n, m): if n < m: return arrangement(m, n); else: factorial = 1; for i in range(n, n-m, -1): factorial*=i; return factorial; #组合公式 def combination(n, m): if (n < m): return combination(m, n); else: return arrangement(n, m)/arrangement(m,m); #解一元二次方程 class Equation(): def quadratic(self, array): a, b, c = array[0], array[1], array[2]; if (a < 0): a, b, c = -a, -b, -c; p = q = delta = 0; x1 = x2 = 0; s = ''; if (a == 0): return [-c/b]; else: delta = b**2 - 4*a*c; if (delta < 0): real = -b/(2*a); image = (-delta)**0.5; return [complex(real, -image), complex(real, image)]; else: if (abs(delta) < 1e-6): x1 = x2 = -b/(2*a); else: x1 = (-b-delta**0.5)/(a*2); x2 = (-b+delta**0.5)/(a*2); return [x1, x2]; ### # @usage 数据的集中分析类 # @author mw # @date 2016年05月20日 星期五 10:06:47 # @param # @return # ### class DataAnalyze(): #由于numpy的方法接口只对narray开放,所以,数组先要格式化一下 #对于自己的数组而言,这个方法是必须要先调用一下,才能使用numpy方法的 def format(self, array): return numpy.array(array); #求和 def sum(self, array): return array.sum(); #均值 def average(self, array): return self.sum(array)/len(array); #方差 def variance(self, array): array_ = array*array; sum_ = array_.sum(); aver_ = self.average(array); result = sum_/len(array) - aver_**2; return result; #标准差 def RMS(self, array): return (self.variance)**0.5; ### # @usage 多项式运算相关 # @author mw # @date 2016年05月23日 星期一 09:36:12 # @param # @return # ### class Polynomial(): #格式化打印 def printPoly(self, array, variable = 'x'): len_ = len(array); poly = []; for i in range(len_): if (i < len_ -1): s = '('+str(array[i])+')*'+variable+'^['+str(len_-1-i)+']'; else: s = '('+str(array[i])+')'; poly.append(s); s = ''; for i in range(len_): s += poly[i]; if (i < len_ - 1): s += '+'; print(s); #格式:(1)*x^[3]+(2)*x^[2]+(-3)*x^[1]+(4) return poly; #解不等式 def inequality(self, array, symbol = '<'): #方程的根 roots = np.roots(array); roots = sorted(roots); #print(roots); len_ = len(roots); p = np.poly1d(array); #符合要求的区间 section = []; if (symbol == '<'): if (p(roots[0]-1) < 0): section.append(['-inf', roots[0]]); if (p(roots[len_-1]+1))< 0: section.append([roots[len_-1], 'inf']); elif (symbol == '>'): if (p(roots[0]-1)) > 0: section.append(['-inf', roots[0]]); if (p(roots[len_-1]+1)) > 0: section.append([roots[len_-1], 'inf']); for i in range(len_-1): mid = (roots[i]+roots[i+1])/2; if (symbol == '<'): if p(mid) < 0: section.append([roots[i], roots[i+1]]); elif (symbol == '>'): if p(mid) > 0: section.append([roots[i], roots[i+1]]); return section; #计算代数式的值 #代数式具有[(coef)*expr^[exp], ...]这种形式 #要加载自制的alg模块 def algValue(self, stralg, valueTable): #多项式的项数 len_s = len(stralg); #参数对照表的项数 #参数对照表具有[['x', '1'], ['y', '3']]这样的形式 len_v = len(valueTable); for i in range(len_s): s = stralg[i]; for j in range(len_v): s = s.replace(valueTable[j][0], str(valueTable[j][1])); s = s.replace('^[', '**('); s = s.replace(']', ')'); stralg[i] = eval(s); return stralg; </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">import numpy.f2py import numpy.random import numpy.polynomial import numpy.ma import numpy.distutils import numpy.compat import numpy as np; import numpy.linalg import numpy.matrixlib import numpy.fft import numpy.distutils.fcompiler import numpy.core import numpy.distutils.command ### # @usage 对于含有代数符号的等式及相关类型进行计算 # @author mw # @date 2016年05月24日 星期二 08:21:57 # @param # @return # ### #所有输入的字符串都是要符合(coef)*expr这种规范的 #相应转换可以调用alg.strmono处理单项式 #或调用alg.strformat来处理多项式 class StringAlgSolve(): #格式化输入的多项式阵列 def format(self, array): return alg.strformat(array); #把一个字符串阵列表示的多项式,转换成指定变量的系数多项式 #比如 ['(1/4)x^[2]', '-(1/12)y^[2]', '-1'], 以y作为参数 => ['(-(1/12))', 0, '(1/4)x^[2]+(-1)'] #传入的格式必须是已经格式化过的(coef)*x^[2]*y_[2]^[3]...这种类似形式 def coefTransfer(self, array, element): coefMap = []; len_ = len(array); len_2 = len(element); for i in range(len_): s = array[i]; len_3 = len(s); index = s.find(element); #参数的0次方 if (index == -1): coefMap.append([array[i], 0]); elif (index+len_2 < len_3 and s[index+len_2] != '^'): #参数的一次方 coefMap.append([s[:index-1]+s[index+len_2:], 1]); elif (index+len_2 >= len_3): #这里回退一个位置是因为根据格式参数之间有一个'*'号相连,要退掉 coefMap.append([s[:index-1], 1]); else: #左右中括号作为定界符,这就是为什么要求先格式化 LBracket = index+len_2+1; RBracket = s.find(']', LBracket); #幂的次数 exp_ = int(s[LBracket+1:RBracket]); coefMap.append([s[:index-1]+s[index+len_2:], exp_]); #对coefMap中的项按参数的次数进行合并 coefMap_2 = []; coefMap_2.append(coefMap[0]); for i in range(1, len(coefMap)): len_3 = len(coefMap_2); for j in range(len_3): if (coefMap_2[j][1] == coefMap[i][1]): coefMap_2[j][0] = coefMap_2[j][0]+ '+'+coefMap[i][0]; break; if (j >= len_3-1): coefMap_2.append(coefMap[i]); coefMap = coefMap_2; #把系数映射由高到低排列 coefMap = sorted(coefMap, key = lambda a : a[1], reverse = True); #返回的是参数的系数映射表[[coef, exp]...]对组 return coefMap; #返回参数的系数阵列 def coefArray(self, array, element): coefMap = self.coefTransfer(array, element); len_4 = len(coefMap); maxCoef, minCoef = coefMap[0][1], coefMap[len_4-1][1]; coefArray = ['0']*(maxCoef-minCoef+1); for i in range(len_4): coefArray[maxCoef-coefMap[i][1]] = coefMap[i][0]; return coefArray; #获取多项式的系数值,比如5x^2+4x+1 = 0应该返回[5, 4, 1] def coefPoly(self, array, element): coefMap = self.coefTransfer(array, element); len_4 = len(coefMap); maxCoef, minCoef = coefMap[0][1], coefMap[len_4-1][1]; coefArray = ['0']*(maxCoef-minCoef+1); for i in range(len_4): index = coefMap[i][0].find('^'); if (index != -1): s = coefMap[i][0][:index]; else: s = coefMap[i][0]; #这里是必须要能求值的,这个方法是为了便于调用numpy.roots求多项式的根 coefArray[maxCoef-coefMap[i][1]] = eval(s); return coefArray; #求解多项式的根(在参数情况下) def solvePoly(self, coefArray): len_ = len(coefArray); # #求解二次方程 if (len_ == 3): a, b, c = str(coefArray[0]), str(coefArray[1]), str(coefArray[2]); #注意,由于此处得出的系数阵列是这样的形式:['(-(1/12))', 0, '(1/4)x^[2]+(-1)'] #已经无法用alg中函数去做任何计算,只能纯粹进行字符串的叠加处理 delta = self.strAdd(self.strPow(b, '2'), self.strMul('-4', self.strMul(a, c))); #分子,分母 numerator = self.strAdd(self.strMinus('0', b), self.strPow(delta, '0.5')); numerator2 = self.strMinus(self.strMinus('0', b), self.strPow(delta, '0.5')); denomerator = self.strMul('2', a); return [self.strDiv(numerator, denomerator), self.strDiv(numerator2, denomerator)]; #求解一次方程 if (len_ == 2): a, b = str(coefArray[0]), str(coefArray[1]); return [self.strDiv(b, self.strMinus('0', a))]; return ''; #代数式里的两个代数式相乘,这里就是两个字符串相加的处理而已 def strMul(self, str1, str2): if (self.judgeZero(str1)): return ''; else: if (self.judgeZero(str2)): return ''; else: return '('+str1+')*('+str2+')'; #两个代数式相除 def strDiv(self, str1, str2): if (self.judgeZero(str1)): return ''; else: if (self.judgeZero(str2)): return '(inf)'; else: return '('+str1+')/('+str2+')'; #代数式相减 def strMinus(self, str1, str2): if (self.judgeZero(str1)): if (self.judgeZero(str2)): return ''; else: return '(-('+str2+'))'; else: if (self.judgeZero(str2)): return '('+str1+')'; else: return '('+str1+')-('+str2+')'; #代数式相加 def strAdd(self, str1, str2): if (self.judgeZero(str1)): if (self.judgeZero(str2)): return ''; else: return '('+str2+')'; else: if (self.judgeZero(str2)): return '('+str1+')'; else: return '('+str1+')+('+str2+')'; #代数式里的代数式乘方,这里就是字符串的处理而已 def strPow(self, str1, str2): str2 = str(str2); if (self.judgeZero(str1)): return ''; else: if (self.judgeZero(str2)): return '('+str1+')'; else: return '('+str1+')^['+str2+']'; #判断字符串是否为0 def judgeZero(self, str1): for i in range(len(str1)): if (str1[i].isdigit() and str1[i] != '0'): #存在数字不为0, 所以这个代数式不为0 return False; #由于在规范化输出时已经保证了如果系数为0, 无论有多少参数都取0 #所以只要存在参数就说明代数式不为0 elif (str1[i].isalpha()): return False; return True; #给参数赋值,计算代数式的值 #比如输入 ('x^[2]+1', 'x', 3) => 10 #要确保给的条件足以让代数式计算出数值,否则肯定报错 def strEval(self, str1, element, elementValue): #代入数值,去指数 str1 = str1.replace(element, str(elementValue)); str1 = str1.replace('^[', '**'); str1 = str1.replace(']', ''); return eval(str1); #对于本身不带参数的字符串,清除格式即可计算出数值 def arrayEval(self, array): for i in range(len(array)): str1 = array[i]; str1 = str1.replace('^[', '**'); str1 = str1.replace(']', ''); str1 = eval(str1); array[i] = str1; return array;</span>