/** * Fire all of the resolving callbacks. * * @param string $abstract * @param mixed $object * @return void */ // Fire all of the resolving callbacks. protected function fireResolvingCallbacks($abstract, $object) {// fire Resolving Callbacks $this->fireCallbackArray($object, $this->globalResolvingCallbacks); // fireCallbackArray is a function, // two parameters $this->fireCallbackArray( $object, $this->getCallbacksForType( $abstract, $object, $this->resolvingCallbacks ) );// set the fire Call back Array $this->fireCallbackArray($object, $this->globalAfterResolvingCallbacks); // fire two $this->fireCallbackArray( $object, $this->getCallbacksForType( $abstract, $object, $this->afterResolvingCallbacks ) );// fire third }// this is a fire function to make it /** * Get all callbacks for a given type. * * @param string $abstract * @param object $object * @param array $callbacksPerType * * @return array */ // Get all callbacks for a given type. protected function getCallbacksForType($abstract, $object, array $callbacksPerType) {// this is abstract parameters // object // array call backs Per Type $results = [];// has a array store foreach ($callbacksPerType as $type => $callbacks) {// loop the result if ($type === $abstract || $object instanceof $type) { $results = array_merge($results, $callbacks);// combine the array } } return $results; } /** * Fire an array of callbacks with an object. * * @param mixed $object * @param array $callbacks * @return void */ protected function fireCallbackArray($object, array $callbacks) { foreach ($callbacks as $callback) { $callback($object, $this); } }// fire an array callbacks with an object. /** * Determine if a given type is shared. * * @param string $abstract * @return bool */ public function isShared($abstract)// check shared status { $abstract = $this->normalize($abstract);// first get a normal string that i need if (isset($this->instances[$abstract])) { return true; }// if it is done, ok return it if (! isset($this->bindings[$abstract][‘shared‘])) { return false; }// if it can‘t be bound it return $this->bindings[$abstract][‘shared‘] === true; // if set ,get the result about shared } /** * Determine if the given concrete is buildable. * * @param mixed $concrete * @param string $abstract * @return bool */ protected function isBuildable($concrete, $abstract) { return $concrete === $abstract || $concrete instanceof Closure; }// Determine if the given concrete is buildable.
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