WBS(wide band speech)通俗来讲就是蓝牙宽带通话,通话数据frequency 16K,采用msbc编解码(chip中实现)
和NBS(narrow band speech)相对,NBS通俗来讲是窄带通话,通话数据frequency 8K,采用CSVD编解码(chip中实现)
1.profile层(HFP AT COMMAND)
2.control bluetooth chip(如 CSR 通过 BCCMD)
1.First, in the initialization procedure, the HF shall send the AT+BRSF=<HF supported features>
command to the AG to both notify the AG of the supported features in the HF, as well as to
retrieve the supported features in the AG using the +BRSF result code.
2.Secondly, in the initialization procedure, if the HF supports the Codec Negotiation feature, it
shall check if the AT+BRSF command response from the AG has indicated that it supports the
Codec Negotiation feature. If both the HF and AG do support the Codec Negotiation feature
then the HF shall send the AT+BAC=<HF available codecs> command to the AG to notify the
AG of the available codecs in the HF.