// exam1.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define LH -1 #define EH 0 #define RH 1 typedef struct BSTNode { int data; int bf; struct BSTNode *lchild,*rchild; }BSTNode,*BSTree; void R_Rotate(BSTree &p) { BSTree lc; lc=p->lchild; p->lchild=lc->rchild; lc->rchild=p; p=lc; return; } void L_Rotate(BSTree &p) { BSTree rc; rc=p->rchild; p->rchild=rc->lchild; rc->lchild=p; p=rc; return; } void LeftBalance(BSTree &T) { BSTree lc; lc=T->lchild; switch(lc->bf) { case LH: T->bf=EH; lc->bf=EH; R_Rotate(T); break; case RH: BSTree rd; rd=lc->rchild; switch(rd->bf) { case LH: T->bf=RH; lc->bf=EH; break; case EH: T->bf=lc->bf=EH; break; case RH: lc->bf=LH; T->bf=EH; break; } rd->bf=EH; L_Rotate(lc); R_Rotate(T); } } void RightBalance(BSTree &T) { BSTree rc; rc=T->rchild; switch(rc->bf) { case RH: T->bf=EH; rc->bf=EH; L_Rotate(T); break; case LH: BSTree ld; ld=rc->lchild; switch(ld->bf) { case LH: T->bf=EH; rc->bf=RH; break; case EH: T->bf=rc->bf=EH; break; case RH: T->bf=LH; rc->bf=EH; break; } ld->bf=EH; R_Rotate(rc); L_Rotate(T); } } int InsertAVL(BSTree &T,int e,bool &taller) { if(!T) { T=(BSTree)malloc(sizeof(BSTNode)); T->data=e; T->lchild=NULL; T->rchild=NULL; T->bf=0; taller=true; } else { if(T->data==e) { taller=false; return 0; } if(T->data>e) { if(!InsertAVL(T->lchild,e,taller)) { taller=false; return 0; } if(taller) { switch(T->bf) { case LH: LeftBalance(T); taller=false; break; case EH: taller=true; T->bf=LH; break; case RH: taller=false; T->bf=EH; break; } } } else { if(!InsertAVL(T->rchild,e,taller)) { taller=false; return 0; } if(taller) { switch(T->bf) { case LH: T->bf=EH; taller=false; break; case EH: T->bf=RH; taller=true; break; case RH: RightBalance(T); taller=false; break; } } } } return 1; } void InorderTraversal(BSTree node) { if(!node) { return; } else { InorderTraversal(node->lchild); cout<<node->data<<" "; InorderTraversal(node->rchild); } return; } int main(void) { int node; bool flag=false; BSTree T=NULL; cout<<"Please enter nodes of the BSTree..."<<endl; cout<<"Note:end with \"ctrl+z\""<<endl; while(cin>>node) { InsertAVL(T,node,flag); } cout<<"Build binary search tree OK!"<<endl; cout<<"The Inorder traversal sequence of the BSTree is:"<<endl; InorderTraversal(T); cout<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; }