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1306 - Solutions to an Equation

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1306 - Solutions to an Equation
Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB

You have to find the number of solutions of the following equation:

Ax + By + C = 0

Where A, B, C, x, y are integers and x1 ≤ x ≤ x2 and y1 ≤ y ≤ y2.


Input starts with an integer T (≤ 10000), denoting the number of test cases.

Each case starts with a line containing seven integers A, B, C, x1, x2, y1, y2 (x1 ≤ x2, y1 ≤ y2). The value of each integer will lie in the range [-108, 108].


For each case, print the case number and the total number of solutions.

Sample Input

Output for Sample Input


1 1 -5 -5 10 2 4

-10 -8 80 -100 100 -90 90

2 3 -4 1 7 0 8

-2 -3 6 -2 5 -10 5

1 8 -32 0 0 1 10

Case 1: 3

Case 2: 37

Case 3: 1

Case 4: 2

Case 5: 1


t 的范围然后看t重合的部分就行,有几个特殊情况讨论下,还有A,B系数的符号讨论下。
  1 #include<stdio.h>
  2 #include<algorithm>
  3 #include<iostream>
  4 #include<string.h>
  5 #include<queue>
  6 #include<stack>
  7 #include<set>
  8 #include<math.h>
  9 using namespace std;
 10 typedef long long LL;
 11 LL  gcd(LL n,LL m)
 12 {
 13         if(m==0)
 14         {
 15                 return n;
 16         }
 17         else if(n%m==0)
 18         {
 19                 return m;
 20         }
 21         else return gcd(m,n%m);
 22 }
 23 pair<LL,LL>P(LL n,LL m)
 24 {
 25         if(m==0)
 26         {
 27                 pair<LL,LL>ask=make_pair(1,0);
 28                 return ask;
 29         }
 30         else
 31         {
 32                 pair<LL,LL>an=P(m,n%m);
 33                 LL x=an.second;
 34                 LL y=an.first;
 35                 y-=(n/m)*x;
 36                 an.first=x;
 37                 an.second=y;
 38                 return an;
 39         }
 40 }
 41 int main(void)
 42 {
 43         LL i,j,k;
 44         scanf("%lld",&k);
 45         LL s;
 46         LL A,B,C,x1,x2,y1,y2;
 47         for(s=1; s<=k; s++)
 48         {
 49                 LL sum=0;
 50                 scanf("%lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld",&A,&B,&C,&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2);
 51                 C=-C;
 52                 if(A==0&&B==0&&C!=0)
 53                         sum=0;
 54                 else if(A==0&&B==0&&C==0)
 55                 {
 56                         sum=(LL)(x2-x1+1)*(LL)(y2-y1+1);
 57                 }
 58                 else if(A==0)
 59                 {
 60                         if(C%B)
 61                         {
 62                                 sum=0;
 63                         }
 64                         else
 65                         {
 66                                 LL t=(C/B);
 67                                 if(t>=y1&&t<=y2)
 68                                         sum=(x2-x1+1);
 69                                 else sum=0;
 70                         }
 71                 }
 72                 else if(B==0)
 73                 {
 74                        if(C%A)
 75                         {
 76                                 sum=0;
 77                         }
 78                         else
 79                         {
 80                                 LL t=(C/A);
 81                                 if(t>=x1&&t<=x2)
 82                                         sum=(y2-y1+1);
 83                                 else sum=0;
 84                         }
 85                 }
 86                 else
 87                 {       if(A<0){C=-C;A=-A;B=-B;}
 88                         LL gc=gcd(abs(A),abs(B));
 89                         if(C%gc)
 90                         {
 91                                 sum=0;
 92                         }
 93                          else  if((LL)A*(LL)B>0)
 94                         {
 95                                 A/=gc;
 96                                 B/=gc;
 97                                 C/=gc;
 98                                 pair<LL,LL>ask=P((A),(B));
 99                                 LL x=(LL)ask.first;
100                                 LL y=(LL)ask.second;
101                                 x*=C;
102                                 y*=C;
103                                 LL l=-1e9;
104                                 LL r=1e9;
105                                 LL id=1e9;
106                                 while(l<=r)
107                                 {
108                                         LL mid=(l+r)/2;
109                                         if(x+mid*B>=x1)
110                                         {
111                                                 id=mid;
112                                                 r=mid-1;
113                                         }
114                                         else l=mid+1;
115                                 }
116                                 l=-1e9;
117                                 r=1e9;
118                                 LL ic=1e9;
119                                 while(l<=r)
120                                 {
121                                         LL mid=(l+r)/2;
122                                         if(x+mid*B<=x2)
123                                         {
124                                                 ic=mid;
125                                                 l=mid+1;
126                                         }
127                                         else r=mid-1;
128                                 }
129                                 if(id>ic)
130                                 {
131                                         sum=0;
132                                 }
133                                 else if(id==ic)
134                                 {
135                                         LL xx=x+id*B;
136                                         if(xx>=x1&&xx<=x2)
137                                         {
138                                                 LL yy=y-id*A;
139                                                 if(yy>=y1&&yy<=y2)
140                                                 {
141                                                         sum=1;
142                                                 }
143                                         }
144                                         else sum=0;
145                                 }
146                                 else
147                                 {
148                                         l=-1e9;
149                                         r=1e9;
150                                         LL ip=1e9,iq=1e9;
151                                         while(l<=r)
152                                         {
153                                                 LL mid=(l+r)/2;
154                                                 if(y-mid*A>=y1)
155                                                 {
156                                                         ip=mid;
157                                                         l=mid+1;
158                                                 }
159                                                 else r=mid-1;
160                                         }
161                                         l=-1e9;
162                                         r=1e9;
163                                         while(l<=r)
164                                         {
165                                                 LL mid=(l+r)/2;
166                                                 if(y-mid*A<=y2)
167                                                 {
168                                                         iq=mid;
169                                                         r=mid-1;
170                                                 }
171                                                 else l=mid+1;
172                                         }
173                                         if(ip<iq)
174                                         {
175                                                 sum=0;
176                                         }
177                                         else
178                                         {
180                                                 if(ic<iq||id>ip)
181                                                 {
182                                                         sum=0;
183                                                 }
184                                                 else
185                                                 {
186                                                         if(id<=iq&&ic>=ip)
187                                                         {
188                                                                 sum=ip-iq+1;
189                                                         }
190                                                         else if(iq<=id&&ip>=ic)
191                                                         {
192                                                                 sum=ic-id+1;
193                                                         }
194                                                         else if(iq>=id&&iq<=ic)
195                                                         {
196                                                                 sum=ic-iq+1;
197                                                         }
198                                                         else if(id>=iq&&id<=ip)
199                                                         {
200                                                                 sum=ip-id+1;
202                                                         }
203                                                 }
204                                         }
205                         }
206                 }
207                 else
208                 {
209                                 A/=gc;
210                                 B/=gc;
211                                 C/=gc;
212                                 pair<LL,LL>ask=P(abs(A),abs(B));
213                                 LL x=(LL)ask.first;
214                                 LL y=(LL)ask.second;
215                                 y=-y;
216                                 x*=C;
217                                 y*=C;
218                                 LL l=-1e9;
219                                 LL r=1e9;
220                                 LL id=1e9;
221                                 while(l<=r)
222                                 {
223                                         LL mid=(l+r)/2;
224                                         if(x+mid*abs(B)>=x1)
225                                         {
226                                                 id=mid;
227                                                 r=mid-1;
228                                         }
229                                         else l=mid+1;
230                                 }
231                                 l=-1e9;
232                                 r=1e9;
233                                 LL ic=1e9;
234                                 while(l<=r)
235                                 {
236                                         LL mid=(l+r)/2;
237                                         if(x+mid*abs(B)<=x2)
238                                         {
239                                                 ic=mid;
240                                                 l=mid+1;
241                                         }
242                                         else r=mid-1;
243                                 }
244                                 if(id>ic)
245                                 {
246                                         sum=0;
247                                 }
248                                 else if(id==ic)
249                                 {
250                                         LL xx=x+id*abs(B);
251                                         if(xx>=x1&&xx<=x2)
252                                         {
253                                                 LL yy=y+id*A;
254                                                 if(yy>=y1&&yy<=y2)
255                                                 {
256                                                         sum=1;
257                                                 }
258                                         }
259                                         else sum=0;
260                                 }
261                                 else
262                                 {
263                                         l=-1e9;
264                                         r=1e9;
265                                         LL ip=1e9,iq=1e9;
266                                         while(l<=r)
267                                         {
268                                                 LL mid=(l+r)/2;
269                                                 if(y+mid*A>=y1)
270                                                 {
271                                                         iq=mid;
272                                                         r=mid-1;
273                                                 }
274                                                 else l=mid+1;
275                                         }
276                                         l=-1e9;
277                                         r=1e9;
278                                         while(l<=r)
279                                         {
280                                                 LL mid=(l+r)/2;
281                                                 if(y+mid*A<=y2)
282                                                 {
283                                                         ip=mid;
284                                                         l=mid+1;
285                                                 }
286                                                 else r=mid-1;
287                                         }
288                                         if(ip<iq)
289                                         {
290                                                 sum=0;
291                                         }
292                                         else
293                                         {
295                                                 if(ic<iq||id>ip)
296                                                 {
297                                                         sum=0;
298                                                 }
299                                                 else
300                                                 {
301                                                         if(id<=iq&&ic>=ip)
302                                                         {
303                                                                 sum=ip-iq+1;
304                                                         }
305                                                         else if(iq<=id&&ip>=ic)
306                                                         {
307                                                                 sum=ic-id+1;
308                                                         }
309                                                         else if(iq>=id&&iq<=ic)
310                                                         {
311                                                                 sum=ic-iq+1;
312                                                         }
313                                                         else if(id>=iq&&id<=ip)
314                                                         {
315                                                                 sum=ip-id+1;
317                                                         }
318                                                 }
319                                         }//printf("%lld %lld %lld %lld\n",ip,iq,id,ic);
320                         }
321                 } }printf("Case %lld: %lld\n",s,sum);
323         }
324         return 0;
325 }


1306 - Solutions to an Equation



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